Dear Family of Readers,
Night has fallen on my little cottage. Candles flicker casting shadows on the walls and my mood turns to soaking in my claw foot tub and drinking in the aroma of honeysuckle. It's been a great day and my spirit is quiet.
Anne Frank wrote a diary during her time of hiding during World War II. Dietrich Bonhoeffer's books have also fascinated me because of his incredible insight as to the progression of Hitler's rise to power and the signals the general populous missed.
I've always felt it is important to study unedited history because although technology has continued to advance, human behaviors tend to remain the same. I may be all wet in my own insight and beliefs but time will tell, won't it. It always does!
The irony of all this began to hit me. I saw countless photos of security personnel and officers with all types of firearms, from AR rifles to handguns. Military equipment showed up to keep marchers safe. What??? Plus... There's also no doubt that a huge amount of professional organization and money went into this march. It was reported that a series of Hollywood celebrities funded the march including Oprah Winfrey, George Clooney, & Steven Spielberg. If you're familiar with BuzzFeed, they reported that a group of leftist organizations got involved including George Soros, and Rep Debbie Wassermann Schultz. Outside help and organization was apparent. Were our kids supported OR used by political activists?
Among the major backers was Planned Parenthood. If you're like me and wondering why an organization dedicated to ending the lives of children is marching in support of a movement to end violence towards children, you are not alone.
The more I researched, the more "it" made sense, instill fear, create a movement based on good intentions, and rally kids to your cause. A wolf in sheep's clothing!
It was also a "get the vote" campaign using fear to influence. Oh, you're saying, "She's (meaning me) one of those pro lifers." Well, let's get this straight. Do I hate women who have had abortions? No. Do I march for the unborn? Yes! Contradiction? No, not at all. I am a Christ-follower & I hate no one.
I've been blown away by statements made by some of our youth, adults, and Congressmen that what is happening in our country is around a lack of respect from either the President or the other side (depending on which side you're on). Playing politics with people's lives because someone got their knickers in a knot and wanting someone else to pay seems downright dumb. Whatever happened to taking the high road? The entire environment in our country feels like one big playground of people screaming because they didn't win and get their way.
When I was a kid, I was taught to respect my elders and the Lord God ~ no matter what. There may have been teachers or bosses that I didn't like but I NEVER showed them disrespect. My parents taught me that showing a lack of respect was not acceptable behavior. As a parent, I encouraged my children to be independent thinkers (and they are) ~ I also taught them that it was okay to disagree with someone but still be respectful. Now, I see children carrying hate signs. No wonder their minds are warped.
Who are our children's role models? Grandparents? Nahhh not so much anymore. Parents? Nahhhh not as a rule. Teachers? Some but have you been in a high school classroom lately? Pop stars, athletes/pro teams, and Hollywood elite? Heck ya. Think about it, the very ones who encourage marching have armed bodyguards and walls built around their compounds. Like our congressmen, they have double standards and use people like pawns. Feed 'em fake news, get 'em riled up...
When I was googling information on the March for Our Lives, I saw several photos with signs saying, "We won't go back to the 1950's." What was it like in the 1950's? You know back in the 1950's my brother and I had cap guns ~ my father kept his rifles in the hall closet. Mass shooting weren't heard of. Do you remember when Elvis was on the Ed Sullivan show on television and they couldn't show him from the waist down? Now, our television shows are xrated and we don't think a thing about it. Progress we yell!
Progress... Really? Policemen are afraid to do their jobs. Many Congressmen don't represent the people ~ they are in office to stuff their own pockets. We have Iphones, computers, violent video games, the best in technology. Along with that, one on one communication has become difficult and relationships fractured. Respect for the elderly? Euthanize them! You think I am kidding?
What would Jesus think about the March for Our Lives? Would He want our children protected? Absolutely!! Are there things being put in place right now to make sure they are protected? Yes. Why aren't we concentrating on that? Why? Because if you do your homework, you'll see the underlying plan. Don't agree with me? That's okay, again, time will tell.
The candles are almost burned down. Smoke rises from the holders signaling it's time to call it a day. If all I have done is caused a few people to think, that is what God wants me to do. I place my fingers on the keyboard and type.
In Joshua 1:9, God tells us: "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
Peace be still!
Miss Dottie
PS "If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under." ~Ronald Reagan Now, that's something to think about!