Thursday, May 12, 2016

Miss Dottie's Ramblin' Thoughts

May 10, 2016

Dear Readers,

Well hello there. It's nice to be outside blogging and enjoying listening to the birds chirp. Yesterday, I picked up a tree face at Outdoor World. It glows in the dark and makes me smile every time I look at it. He adds a certain whimsy to the gardens, don't you think?

I got up early this morning to do some minor gardening and discovered that the big tree in the center of the lower garden had another huge limb break off. It's wedged in the crook of the tree but if it fell, it could do major damage. Gotta get that taken care of pronto. Seems like there's always some little emergency going on. The microwave blew it's last breath more zapped food for awhile.

Been thinking... I like traveling light and keeping life simple. I have a conscience and know the difference between truth and lie ~ right and wrong. Common sense rules.

Am I the only one who sees the craziness going on in our country? So often I feel like I live in a strange place similar to Sodom and Gomorrah. Yes, it's gotten that bad. We save the pets, save the trees, and get all up in arms about the climate change. In the meantime, we abort babies; think old people are burdens; and, in general, if it feels good, we change laws to match those feelings. There are those who are offended at the least little thing.

As I have grown in my Christian walk, I think about truth marching alongside my ability to think biblically.

But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that
which is good; abstain from every form of evil.
~I Thessalonians 5:21-22

KISS - either you believe the Bible or you don't. For many years I didn't read the Bible. Why? Well, I didn't want to know if I was sinning. Ouch! Once I began to own up to what I was doing, life became more difficult because I knew what God was asking of me. According to the New Testament, discernment is not optional for the believer-it is required.

Do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. ~I John 4:1

God's Word provides us with the needed discernment about every issue of life. We live in a fallen world where what once was holy is no longer deemed so. We pick and choose based on our feelings and our own sense of right and wrong ... justice or injustice.

I'm a pretty black and white thinking person. My heart may be mushy but I tend to think logically. All these people getting so bent out of shape over this and that. For example, this bathroom issue. If you are dressed like a woman and go into a women's bathroom and shut the door to the stall who is going to know? We've had unisex bathrooms for quite some time ~ most commonly a small bathroom with a lock on the door. We've had family bathrooms for both sexes. Now, all of a sudden, we need laws to go along with what has been okay? Craziness...

Growing up, I met a young girl by the name of Janet. Her mother and father came to town and Janet was enrolled in the elementary school I attended. Janet's father was from Scotland and preferred to wear a kilt. Seemed odd to me but he also had some bagpipes standing in the corner of their apartment ~ when he played them it sounded like a goose honking. One afternoon, I stopped by to see Janet because she hadn't been to school. Her mother opened the door and I ran to Janet's room. I think my eyes got big as silver dollars because her father was dressed in women's clothing and had on make-up. Janet told me her father liked to act silly and dress funny. I didn't think it was so funny and left. Soon after that Janet and her family moved (Janet said they never stayed long in one place).

Why am I telling you that story? Well, I guess because I had several choices to make. I could have run home and told my parents about the strange behavior going on. I could have stopped the policeman on the corner and told him that I was totally offended. Or, I could accept the fact that some people thought and acted differently than I did. I chose to remain Janet's friend and decided (in my opinion) that her dad was a kook. End of story... 

Maybe I am too easy going and don't get my knickers in a knot over every little thing. I learned very early in life that life was not fair and that failure was a part of learning. I accept people as they are and let them be (unless they are breaking a law or hurting other people). Abuse elders, women, children or pets and you will see fire coming from my nostrils!!

I am a Jesus freak. Not ashamed of that. However, I know there are lots of folks who aren't. I share my story and testimony, that's all. The rest is up to them.

I'm not going to apologize for ranting a bit today. Michael told me to cool my engines but sometimes, I need to say what I need to say.

Mrs Cardinal visited as I prayed...
Lord God in Heaven, holy is your name. I pray for a settling of discord in our country. I know all this craziness started with well-meaning people whose intention was to help and make life fairer and easier for others. Things have just gotten out of hand.  A good leader is able to unify and I pray that the next President of the United States could do that. I also pray for all of those in authority positions to make godly decisions and bring cities, businesses, and families into harmony. Bring forth truth no matter how hurtful. We need that, Father. We need a clearing of the air. No man or woman is perfect and we all fall short ~ forgive us our sins. Saying that, history of character is important because history tends to repeat itself. Bring forth peace ~ the peace I feel as I go into my gardens to pray. Be with those facing cancer ~ testing, surgery, treatment. Help me to be a beacon of light not a damsel of doom. In Jesus holy name I pray...Amen

Miss Dottie

PS  "When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you." ~Winston S Churchill

1 comment:

  1. Amen! Well written my dear, dear cousin. You are truly a very gifted writer!
