Sunday, April 10, 2011

For the love of Nicholas!

Zach man - lead hitter!
 Good Morning, Readers!  Yesterday was been an amazing day filled with my grandsons' baseball games.  Nothing could be more wonderful that spending time cheering on the Reds and the Longhorns!!

Michael and I got up with the chickens (I take that back ... I think we got up before the chickens!) to be able to make it to see Nicholas play T-ball at 8am.  Zachary's game wasn't until noon so we had time to kill between games.  What a treat to be able to steal away some time with our precocious 5 year old grandson.  It is to him that I dedicate this blog!!

Our youngest grandson, Nicholas, was born on a snowy December day ... the roads were covered with ice and we weren't able to see him until he was a couple days old.  It was well worth the wait ... he was a bundle of joy ... a Christmas gift from God to his family.  Nicholas was and has been a shy little guy ... well, that is until the past few months.  Nicholas has bloomed and has come into his own.  He's a happy fellow that talks a mile a minute greeting everyone with an impish smile.

Nicholas - Catcher!
Nicholas played a great game getting in some pretty awesome hits and catches.  He also played catcher and was so cute in his get-up.  For such a little guy, he has an amazing arm and can really knock that t-ball out into the field!!  I think Nicholas has found his nitch in sports. 

After the game Zachary had practice before his game and we asked if we could steal our youngest grandson away for a few hours while we did errands.  We needed to go to Petco to pick up dog food.  You'd have thought that we went to the best zoo around.  Nicholas checked out the fish (I didn't know there were so many different kinds of Beta fish!), the rats, the mice, the gerbils, hamsters, guinea pigs, birds, cats, snakes, lizards, turtles ... you name it, we checked it out.  They had little carts just his size and he decided that he would be in charge of the dog food and getting it to the check out counter.  After a quick trip to the "necessary room" we were on to our next store ... Target.

Target was another world of wonder for Nicholas.  He was playing hide and seek in the pots and pans aisle, helping Grandpa pick out a t-shirt to wear to Zachary's baseball game, and, of course, we had to make a trip to the toy section.  I laughed ... Nicholas is quite a haggler.  He asked for 3 toys and I said "1" ... then, he asked for 2 toys and I said "1" ... then, he cocked his head and said, "how about if I get 1 now and maybeeee one later?"  I said, "1 and we'll see about the later."  He was happy and I bought more time!

Hide and seek at Target!

Nicholas had decided his tummy was rumbling and that a Happy Meal would hit the spot ... a cheeseburger, fries, and orange juice...  In no time, he munched down his food and we headed for the ball park to watch big brother Zachary play ball...

Grandpa & Nicholas check out Miss Eva's cabin!
Oops ... Grandpa spied a park that had the first post office building in Little Elm and also Miss Eva's cabin.  We decided to make a pit stop and check them out.  Nicholas was close on Grandpa's heels and as they walked to the cabin, they discovered some bumble bees.  Although they were pretty, we decided it would be best not to disturb them.  We did get some neat photos though.

Zachary ... what a guy!
Luckily, we weren't late for Zachary's game and enjoyed an hour of excitement watching the Longhorns beat their opponents 20-1.  Zachary was 3 for 3 with 3 scores.  Way to go big brother!!

All too soon, it was time to say so long ...  Michael and I were hoping to extend the afternoon of fun but as it turned out, we had to take a rain check.  I left the ballpark happy having had 3 hours of bliss with a little guy filled with spirit and joy!  It was another time of seizing the moment and savoring every second.

Children are truly a gift from the Lord.  They teach us so much about not being selfish and extending ourselves into their lives.  When I spend time with my grandchildren, the time is about entering their world and absorbing all that they have to offer which is so very much.

Yesterday, the love of Nicholas was at the forefront of my day.  I thank God for him and all He created this little guy to be.

Nicholas and I wish you all a great day!

Some years ago now, this song was recorded by many famous recording artists ... I thought of it as I was writing and wanted to share it with you ... Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!  Now, go enjoy your day!

1 comment:

  1. How I adore Nicholas and his sweet smile, joyous spirit, cute little ears, and his curiosity. The energy he emits is innocent, loving, and open. Even though I haven't gotten to spend very much time with him, I get the sense that the world is going to be a better place because of him.

    Thanks for sharing the stories of your day with him. I have a smile on my face as I imagine him playing hide-and-seek at Target.

