Monday, June 17, 2013

It's A Grand Old Flag...

June 14, 2013

"Let every person be subject to the governing authorities.  For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God." ~~Romans 13:1

Dear Readers,

It's Flag Day.  I must admit that I forgot but my neighbor put their flag out and reminded me.  I made a mad dash to Walmart and got two small flags and got them out.  Somehow I think that our American Flag doesn't quite stand for what it used to in the eyes of Americans.  Michael was telling me that one show on TV recommended using the flag as a tablecloth.  No kidding ~~ was on HGTV.  I drove down the street and very few people had a flag flying.  We've all become so complacent in our interest in the workings of our government and the flag.  What we don't know can hurt us!!  Just sayin'!

"If anyone, then, asks me the meaning of our flag, I say to him - it means just what Concord and Lexington meant; what Bunker Hill meant; which was, in short, the rising up of a valiant young people against an old tyranny to establish the most momentous doctrine that the world had ever known - the right of men to their own selves and to their liberties." ~Henry Ward Beecher

Yesterday, my sweet friend Laura from Recycled Poms came for a visit and brought the cutest set of Poms ever ~~ Harmony and Ruffles.  Harmony is the vocal Pom who is always mumbling and growling about something.  Ruffles is the prissy one doing the spins and tail wagging.  Ruffles and Harmony will be spending some time with us.  They're probably five pounds soaking wet and have faces that can melt a stone cold heart!  Right now I have five dogs out in the cottage with me ... Sadie is asleep under the chair, Zeke is asleep in his puff bed, Kennedy is sandwiching me on the left and Harmony on the right, Ruffles is curled up beside Sadie.  All is well in Seidler dogdom!

"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole." ~~Roger Caras

Several months ago now, I was feeling pretty do be dooby do do down.  I was lonely and jealous of friends who were traveling here and there, and doing all these fun things.  I looked back at my life and wished I was back in the throws of taking and teaching classes, meeting new people, and having great adventures.

As I prayed, all God brought to my heart was "bloom where you are planted" and "adopt a rescue dog."  I guess my gardens are a way for me to release my creativity and I've started greeting people like they will be my next best friend.  Surprising how many people smile back and respond to a happy outgoing person.

And, as for the adoption bit, you've read my blogs and know that Kennedy (my 24/7 therapy dog) and Zeke (my exuberant puppy who fills my heart with joy) arrived in May and June.  Through them, I developed a friendship with Laura at Recycled Poms and have kindled an interest in abused, neglected, and abandoned small dogs.  I may not be able to ride long distances or run with the jet set any longer; however, I can feed, love, and rehabilitate those little ones left by the wayside.

"Dogs, for a reason that can only be described as divine, have the ability to forgive,  let go of the past, and live each day joyously.  It's something the rest of us strive for." ~~Jennifer Skiff

And so, I have a purpose, a reason to get up in the mornings.  I am learning from my rescues how truly forgiving they really are.  I am awakened by their joyous yips, yaps, and sounds of "Get up Mom, it's a new day AND chow time!"  I feed them, give them space to spread their little wings, spend time with them, and love them.  In turn, they surround me with their presence, their individual uniqueness, and their love.  Simple ... no pretense.

Today, let's wave a flag and remember what that flag really means to us as Americans.  Let's celebrate the opportunities to forgive and move on making the most of our days.  Our days may be long but the years go by so quickly ... believe me, I know!

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... each and every day!!

Miss Dottie

PS  One of my favorite authors is Nicholas Sparks.  I've read every one of his books and find the story lines fascinating.  I especially like this quote:

"People come, people go -- they'll drift in and out of your life, almost like characters in a favorite book.  When you finally close the cover, the characters have told their story and you start up again with another book, complete with new characters and adventures.  Then you find yourself focusing on the new ones, not the ones from the past." ~~Nicholas Sparks, The Rescue 

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing how forgiving dogs are.....I have found that our rescue dog, Teddy, has taken awhile to bloom. His personality was quite reserved when he came to our house, as we had an alpha dog, Cricket. When Cricket passed away suddenly Teddy was by her side until our daughter, Madison, found her. I think the experience of seeing Cricket die and laying by her side affected him deeply. He mourned her death and for months didn't make a peep. Every month he perks up a little more and more. He actually barks when the doorbell rings and make funny noises when he wants love and attention....which is quite often. I know he would enjoy a playmate so hopefully sometime over the next year we will be able to make that happen.

    Thanks for a great blog!
