Tuesday, September 17, 2013

September Morn

"It is only the farmer who faithfully plants seeds in the Spring,
who reaps a harvest in Autumn."~~B. C. Forbes

September 17, 2013

Dear Readers,

Come on in and have a hot cup of coffee with me!  It's been awhile since we've shared some time together.

It is a beautiful September morn in North Central Texas.  It was dark when the Sensational Six decided it was time to water the bushes, fertilize the grass, and have breakfast.  Once I got my eyes opened, I so enjoyed watching them chase each other around and enthusiastically devour their kibble.

There's something special about September morns ... temperatures drop into the 90's and then 80's, leaves begin to change and fall, and my gardens give one last show of splendor before Winter sets in.  Today, I plan to assess the gardens and see what's thriving and what needs to be dug up.  I am coming to realize that there was probably a good reason some of my plants were on the bargain tables at Lowes!  The mums are starting to bloom and should give me color on into late November, early December if I am lucky.

I find myself energized and digging through my closet drooling over my sweaters and boots.  I had packed away my Fall and Winter clothes so it's time to dig out my tubs and go through them.  I doubt if I will need many new things.  I like my comfy worn plaid shirts and faded jeans ~~ somehow, they are like old friends.

My first child, Jill, was born in on a September morn as well as my second child, Jane.  My granddaughter, Madison, arrived in September as well as my grandson, Zachary ~~ oh my, what mother and grandmother can ever forget the birth of those awaited children and grandchildren.  My heart is full just thinking about my September blessings.

Last Friday night, we were invited to my oldest daughter's surprise birthday party at Mama's Pizza.  I hadn't celebrated her birthday with her since the 1990's so it was an extra special event to look forward to.  I knew she liked Halloween so my neighbor drove me to Mansfield Friday morning to HomeGoods (a 2 hour round trip).  Michael didn't know if he was going to get off work early so about noon things were looking pretty "down" about my attending.  My neighbor knew how much I wanted to go so she offered to take me to the party.  Bless her heart!!!  Eventually, everything worked itself out in the nick of time ... Michael got off work a little early and by the time I got Jill's gifts wrapped, he was home and we headed for Dallas (a 4 hour round trip).  Thanks to some skillful maneuvering by her sweet husband, Jill was surprised and for the first time in years, our family gathered around her to celebrate.  By the time I got back home late Friday night, I was one tired lady...

Before I knew about the party, I had promised my grandsons that we would come watch them play baseball on Saturday.  I knew I was pushing it to make so many long distance trips in such a short time but I kept putting one foot in front of the other and God was faithful to give me strength and energy.  Never underestimate the love that a mother has for her children and grandchildren!!  The boys had some personal bests (Zach's team lost by 1 pt and Nicholas's team won their game) and I relished every moment of cheering them on.  I took this photo of Zachary batting (he made a great hit!) and little brother, Nicholas, looking on.  These brothers share a great love for each other and for the sport of baseball. I hope one day they will be able to play on the same team.

As September morns head toward October, I am perusing my magazines for the Fall Festivals going on around us.  Looking forward to some great caramel apples and a few colorful adventures!!  For now, Happy Tuesday and Happy September Morn.

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA every single one of you!!

Miss Dottie

PS  "I loved autumn, the one season of the year that God seemed to have put there just for the beauty of it." ~Lee Maynard


1 comment:

  1. It's so nice that Zachary and Nicholas both play baseball--works out well for parents when they can support each child vs. dividing and conquering.

    I really wish I could have been there for Jill's birthday party! I cannot remember the last time my siblings and mom got together--what a special event.

    I love Fall too! Florida does not offer much in the way of seasons. We have the dog days of summer and then comes tolerable summer. :-) I will have to live vicariously through you.

