Thursday, September 5, 2013

Zach is 10

Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of children is their fathers.~Proverbs 17:6

September 5, 2013

Dear Readers,

At a time when Americans are sitting on the edge of their seats wondering if the United States of America is going to take military action in Syria, it is nice to refocus on something and someone who is happy, confident, and good inside and out.

But the steadfast love of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him, and his righteousness to children's children. ~Psalm 103:17

Today is my grandson Zachary's 10th birthday.  How many grandmothers can say they were with his parents when the doctor told them they were pregnant?  What a gift that was for me!  Zachary's mother was in the hospital ready to have surgery when they did that last pregnancy test before scraping the womb.  He is our miracle baby and God had a plan for his life.

 I remember the day of his birth so vividly.  It was a beautiful warm day and I was at work waiting for "the call."  What a beautiful moment later that day to hold my first grandson.  He was so beautiful ~ I gazed into his face and wondered what kind of a boy he would be and what kind of man he would become.  What grandparent doesn't remember that time when you can finally hold that newborn and realize that word grandma has taken on real meaning.

Zachary had serious asthma as a baby and toddler scaring his mommy, daddy, and grandma to death. Through his trials, he has grown stronger overcoming breathing difficulties to play soccer and now baseball.  He excels in school, life, and on the baseball field.  He has a faith that runs deep, praying openly (giving poignant 5 minute sermons!), and raising holy hands to his Lord.  I watch him and he reminds me of his father ... sensitive, driven, and positive ~ a real chip off the old block.

I love spending time with Zachary.  He has a zest for learning and loves adventures.  On his last visit, we went to the Cameron Park Zoo in Waco which opened up new avenues for teaching and learning about the various animals, birds, reptiles...  As we passed Baylor University, he spoke up.  "I am going to live in the cottage and drive to Baylor for college."  Now, where in the world did that come from??  He seems to have this uncanny knowledge of where he is and where he wants to be.

My relationship with Zachary changes with each season and year.  It was such a joy to walk through my garden with him and handing him the hose to water as we chatted about the various plants.  It was such an exhilarating joy to work on the Fall Tree in the cottage together and to be a part of his graffiti adventure (something he'd been looking forward to for a long while).  Being with him allows me to be a kid again too ... a kid with gray hair no less.  (smile)

This weekend, I will be driving up for opening day of baseball.  Zach is the starting pitcher for his team.  Go Zachary!!  It's such a privilege to sit in the stands and cheer him on.  I love the determined look on his face when he is undertaking something important.   He studies the great athletes and mimics their strengths while developing his own style.

Ah yes, it's been quite a ride these past ten years.  What an honor to come alongside of him to encourage and edify.  I am one thankful and proud grandmother.

For those of you who are grandparents, you know the deepness of the joy I am talking about as I travel this journey of life with the son of my son.  I wear my badge proudly!

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!

Miss Dottie

Perfect love sometimes does not come until the first grandchild.  ~Welsh Proverb

Or, I might add with the second, third, fourth, and fifth!

1 comment:

  1. Awww - what a nice tribute to Zachary on his birthday. I cannot wait to see with God has in store for him! The stars are the limit. :-)

    Love you Zac attack!
