Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Oh Happy Day!

Down to the River to Pray
Alison Krauss

June 30, 2015

Dear Readers,

River in Historical District
Terrace, MN
Pastor Rick, a pastor at my church posted this video and song by Alison Krauss. I have always enjoyed her music. I've been working outside a lot since last Saturday and have found myself humming and singing it ever since I heard it. 

A little bit of history: Down to the River to Pray has been referred to as a hymn, a spiritual and an Appalachian song. Some believe that it was a Native American Tribal song that was adapted to include Christian lyrics. It is attributed to George Allan in the Slave Songbook of 1867 ~ Alison Krauss popularized it in the 2000 film, Brother, Where Art Thou. It's a deeply spiritual song about keeping the faith in a time of darkness.

Morning Glory Gardens
Glenwood, MN
Yes, I want to go down to the river to pray. Hopefully, in a few weeks, I will be going down to the lake to pray. That would just be wonderful!!

I've been up since the early morning hours. The 10 hours I spent in my gardens yesterday wore me out and I am sooo stiff. I wrote kind of an "in the face" kind of blog yesterday and today? Well, if you want to know, I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I began to see the beautiful place I am at in life and, I am so grateful. I got that joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart!!

For many years, I measured my life by attaining goals and running 100 miles an hour day in and day out. I was a partner in two businesses, a mom, took classes, was on a speaker's forum, and tackled life like it was a feast to be devoured. Now? I am still very active but it's a time to smell the roses, stop over thinking, and enjoy my time, what's left of it, on earth. I've let go of changing other people and focused on being a light to others. That just sounds and feels good to me.

What happened? Well, ever since I can remember, I've been a believer knowing that Jesus is my Savior, my Redeemer, my King. Something extra happened though when I was baptized (in the pool in my own back yard). I felt different, I thought different, and I acted different. It wasn't one of those "zap" things. No, it's been a process. The odd thing was that I had this deep desire to clean up my house (I literally went through every nook and cranny and removed anything that my Lord wouldn't approve of), my mind, and sweep all the cobwebs out that were holding me back from living the kind of life I was meant to live.

You might think this is crazy but I was so afraid of worshiping with joy and spirit. One night at Grace Community Church that changed. I raised holy hands and have never looked back. I felt the music. I felt the sermons in a different way and I had this hunger to grow in my walk. I had a wonderful mentor who fed me book after book and was willing to answer my questions. I wanted what she had ~ wisdom, a passion for Christ ~ and, she loved me unconditionally and patiently as I struggled.

There were parts of my life that I didn't understand and I was led to the most knowledgeable Christian counselor on childhood/adult trauma. I wanted wholeness so bad and was willing to do whatever it took to get well. The thing that I liked most about her was her willingness to be very honest with me. We worked together to take the band aids off and I experienced healing from the inside out. Sometimes, it hurt so bad I thought I was going to die but I kept wading through the muck and mire. Would I do it again if I needed to? You betcha!!

So many women who have walked my path, have turned to drugs, alcohol, and some forms of promiscuity. Some have lost their minds and have ended up in institutions or committed suicide. Why didn't I? I know that my Savior walked with me, protecting my mind and placing me in places where I was able to get well. Dr. Jesus has a special meaning for me.

A year ago this month, I found my way to the Open Range Cowboy Church and, I cannot even begin to spill out the words to describe the blessings it has brought me. I have found a new forgiveness and healing inside of me that I didn't know was possible. I'm still growing and learning ~ in new healthy ways. Pastor Dudley makes me think. I am convicted, I am strengthened, and, most of all, I have this joy that I can hardly contain. Sometimes, I pinch myself just thinking of how I've gotten to this point.

Am I in a perfect situation today? No. If that's true, then what is different now? To be totally honest, my "self" doesn't depend on another person to fulfill me. The hole in my heart is filled by a man who walked the earth a couple thousand years ago. I trust Him to lead, protect, provide for, and love me. Because of His grace, I am alive and kicking. I have a manual called the Bible which keeps me on the up and up. I fellowship with other believers and, oh my gosh, I am having a ball.

I've fallen so many times, I've been beaten, bruised, and threatened. God told me I was worth more than that and God doesn't lie!!

Dear Lord, it's me again. Here I am tugging at your robe pleading for those on my prayer list to be healed and brought out of the darkness. I read something not too long ago about how many times to pray for something ~ the answer given was 3. That may be well and good for some but I am like the dog pulling on your pants leg. I'm not going to give up! I am standing up for my country and asking that You see the good people who love You. I know that you love all of us 'cause You loved me at my very worst and provided every opportunity for me to turn from my past and walk into the light. Together, we do life and that means a lot. I pray for my fellow Americans ~ that we can come together in truth and understanding. Help us to raise a new generation of children with a passion for You. Take the blinders off those that would choose the world over You. Oh what a day that would be!! I call and pray for REVIVAL! Amen, it is so!!

Miss Dottie

PS "I'm still discovering, right up to this moment, that it is only by living completely in this world that one learns to have faith. I mean living unreservedly in life's duties, problems, successes and failures, experiences and perplexities. In so doing, we throw ourselves completely into the arms of God." ~Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Mr. Bonhoeffer, I agree wholeheartedly!!

PSS I'm excited for another reason today. It may be silly but guess what? I have another pair of Cardinals in the gardens. Mr has been chasing Mrs unmercifully. I recognize their voices and they are peeping LOUD this morning. I wonder if they will use the same nest?? 

Monday, June 29, 2015

Just sayin'...

A little nostalgia here that goes wayyyy back.
Remember Gene Autry? I sure do ...
He was the reason I wanted cowboy boots when I was in first grade!!
I ran across this song quite by accident and knew
I just had to share it!!

June 29, 2015

Dear Readers,

Facebook and the news continues to be a buzz regarding the Supreme Courts decision to allow gay marriage in all 50 states. All of us have our differing opinions; and, since I believe in free speech, I read the posts. I don't like some of them ~ especially those that do not respect differing opinions. I've never been one to like having something shoved down my throat.

When I saw photos of the White House colored like a rainbow, I didn't celebrate. Why? Because the White House is the people's house and should represent all of us. It seemed to be a blatant slap in the face to those of us who did not support this ruling. Our president was put into office to represent ALL the people not just a select group. I could accept his support of the ruling but to tell the rest of us that, like it or not, we should accept this as well, didn't sit well. Just sayin'...

This morning, after reading a few posts, I decided (before mouthing off) to google the Gay Pride Parades across the country. I was shocked. Before, I started writing my blog, I knelt beside my bed and asked God to forgive us for thumbing our noses at Him. I looked at photos of the parades from NYC, Minneapolis/St. Paul, and then a site of different parts of the country.

I felt sick to my stomach ~ not because I hated gays, lesbians, or transgenders but because of the moral degradation presented as good ~ something to be celebrated and accepted by our entire country. If it was a Straight Pride Parade and these photos were taken, I would be sickened as well so it's not being biased against the gay community or their (now) right to marry. I've heard it said that a photo is worth a thousand words and I will speak through these photos. You decide for yourself if this is the lifestyle you endorse.

Apropriate for children?

Now, who can tell me that these photos are God honoring? What part of the parades held across the country was wholesome fun for an entire family? History in the making? My gosh, how far we've fallen from the 1950's when Elvis could only be televised on the Ed Sullivan Show from the waist up (he was fully clothed mind you!). We want to save the animals, save the trees, protect the environment, be open minded about all issues ~ well, how about the Sodom and Gomorrah that is running rampant in our country? Do we not care about that?

Father God in Heaven, I've struggled with these rulings by the Supreme Court. I prayed and asked that You would show me if I am being heartless and narrow minded. If my son or daughter was gay would I love them? Absolutely I would. What mother could ever abandon her own child? However, I know if they were participating in a Gay Pride Parade, I would ask them how that honored their faith and moral character. Father, help us all as we pray for revival in our country. Moral filth is stinking up our newscasts, newspapers, magazines, movies, songs, and on and on. For all Christians, I would pray that they would examine their own hearts about what they are accepting. I want to add a couple more photos ~ Jesus, which would you choose?  Amen, it is so!!

Miss Dottie



This morning, I saw the above photo of a dad and his son who go to the Open Range Cowboy Church. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Roxanne, for allowing me to share this with the world. It's one of the reasons I love my church so much. Watching the moms and the dads be living examples of raising children of good moral character and faith while still having fun makes my heart sing.

I will not be blogging anymore on this subject.  I am just sayin'...

Friday, June 26, 2015

Another Time, Another Place

June 26, 2015

It's been an interesting day. I opened my eyes this morning and Michael reported that the Supreme Court passed the law for same sex marriages for all 50 states. Before that they upheld Affordable Care. The whole country has been in a hoopla about the confederate flag and statues of fine men who fought for their beliefs. Where does all witch hunting stop?

We have race cards and religion cards and all sorts of craziness going on. In my opinion, we are now entering into a Post-Constitutional America that shares much in common with the pre-constitutional British Colonies.

My country as I knew it growing up and as an adult is no more. We, the People, have given our government control of just about everything and that makes me wonder what is down the road.

Although I am very open minded, I am not a Liberal as liberal is now defined; therefore, I cannot consider myself a Democrat. There are many areas where the Republicans have fallen down; therefore, I cannot consider myself a Republican. That makes my preference to follow Christ's ways a narrow road and a difficult one.   I am very quiet today reflecting on what has been, what is, and what all this mandated law means for me and all Americans.

On another note, I've been doing more research on my mother's family this week. I've gone back to John Hall who came to America in 1630. Why do this? Well, to start with, I've always believed that people need to know where they came from ~ where their roots were planted. How'd my ancestors get to America and how did they end up in Minnesota? So many times our talents and beliefs are those of our forefathers (passed from generation to generation) and I've always been curious about what makes me "me."

My mother's family is pretty easy to trace because they came to America at such an early date and were quite influential in the founding of settlements in different parts of the country. The toughest part has been trying to figure out which son/daughter branched out to me. It's fun because I am realizing that my maternal family were adventurers, God-loving, leaders, and givers to their families, communities, and country.

My great-grandfather RJ Hall, fought with the 92nd NY Infantry in the Civil War (before him, Nathaniel Hall fought in the Revolutionary War). There seems to be a lot of written information about the 92 NY Infantry including that my great-grandfather was wounded in the head at the battle of Fair Oaks.

RJ Hall far right

I thought it was interesting that a news clipping I read  included a Bible presentation to the 92nd Regiment at Camp Union ~ 900 copies of the New Testament and Psalms were handed out as gifts to the soldiers from the St. Lawrence County Bible Society. The presenter, the Rev Gorrie, stated that it was not the wish of the Society to interfere with any man's denominational views or opinions. (This is where I found that the clip got really interesting)  Said Mr Gorrie, "He that is a consistent Protestant, let him be a Protestant still; he that is a good Catholic, let him be a Catholic still; he that is an Episcopalian, or Baptist, or Presbyterian, or Methodist, let him be either still; but let every man who receives this book be a true Christian..."

After the presentation, Col Sanford thanked the Society, and assured his men that the little book was the best gift of Heaven to man, encouraged them to read it and build their lives on its precepts. He then turned to the Chaplain, the Rev MR Pierce and charged him as an officer of the regiment to be faithful in the truth contained in that book among the men whose spiritual interests were committed to his charge. The Chaplain responded by pledging himself to do so and encouraged all to keep the Commandments of God and abide by the instructions of the New Testament.

A Rev OC Cole added some remarks in reference to the value of the Scriptures and the consolation to be gotten from them in the hour of danger. He then blessed the men of the Regiment. I remembered my father telling a similar story about the Psalms and New Testament they received as part of their Army issue in WWII. Do the armed forces still hand out Bibles? I doubt it.

Many of the first settlers came to this country because of religious persecution in England. They wanted to be able to worship without government interference. From the very beginning there was separation of church and state; HOWEVER, from what I've learned, not a separation of God and state. There is a big difference.

(Information read in an article of the NY State Military Museum
and Veterans Research Center)

If you are interested in reading more about the spiritualness of our founding settlers look up "Freeman."  John Hall became a Freeman in 1634 in Charleston ~ these folks took their Christian faith seriously!!

I know this is might be boring for most of you. When I started my blog, it was with the purpose of letting my own family inside my thoughts and world and the world from whence I came. For them, it's a history lesson ... for others of you, I hope you will get curious about your own ancestry and leave that information for your own children. Your family needs to know where you stand on the tough issues of life.

Lord God in Heaven, your name is holy above all names.  I want your ways to be my ways. I pray for my country ~ especially the narrow mindedness that seems to be running rampant. Hot tears roll down my cheeks as I pray. My consolation is knowing that You are ultimately in control. My mind is racing with different verses in the Bible and I pray you will sustain your people in the years ahead. Maybe because I entered the world of the Union soldier, I began to understand more about the Confederate soldier and the pride he also felt as he raised his flag in battle. We must not erase history ~ it's important to remember and respect that period of time. To obliterate flags and statues of men and women who believed in their own cause doesn't mean it didn't happen. The youth of my church are at camp this week and I ask that you raise up a generation of warriors who will fight for You and your ways. I pray for healing for those in your fold who are healing from surgeries and illnesses. I pray for those who are in troubled relationships and for those who are suffering from low self esteem. Comfort and guide us as we follow your son, Jesus. Amen and Amen, it is so...

Miss Dottie

PS  "This is what the past is for! Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our lives is the perfect preparation for the future that only He can see." ~Corrie ten Boom, The Hiding Place

Thursday, June 11, 2015

A Broken Spirit

"It is a broken spirit you want ~ remorse and penitence.
A broken and a contrite heart O God, you will not ignore."
~ Psalm 51:17

June 10, 2015

Dear Readers,

It's early morning in North Central Texas. I've noticed that the white flowers in my gardens pop out as dawn breaks. I reminded myself that it was time to weed and prune before the heat of the day. Then, I remembered it is WOW day at church. Weeding and pruning will need to wait until evening.

My pups were up extra early today. I think they start really going into sleep mode about 8pm so it's not surprising that by 6 bells they are ready for a run in the gardens and breakfast. I was tired this morning and "tried" to put them off as long as possible. I stumbled into the kitchen, pulled out their bowls, and poured kibble ~ Zoe has decided she doesn't want to eat with her brothers and sisters and wants me to hold her bowl while she eats. Spoiled little rascal!

Wouldn't you know, we were out of coffee this morning. My eyes were half open, my shoulder screaming, and, I was feeling sort of crabby. Funny how we get used to a ritual ~ mine is that wonderful cup of hot vanilla flavored coffee (with sugar, of course!) first thing in the morning. Seems to get my mind out of the sleep state and focused on my Daily Walk reading.

You know, God is a righteous judge; and we, who call ourselves his people, must view wickedness from his perspective. I learned a long time ago that my own sin was something to be confessed and turned from. I also learned that if I spent some time each day focusing on prayer and God's Word, it helped me tremendously. I'll never be able to be perfect because I am human not God and sin is a daily struggle.

"Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts; And let him return to the Lord, and He will have compassion on him, and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon. 'For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,' declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways..."
 ~Isaiah 55:7-9 (NIV)

I've mentioned before that as a child and into my adult years, I lived in a world of secrets and shame. It was better to escape as a child through my fantasy world and, as an adult, through putting on a facade. Ever try to paste a smile on your face after your heart has been trampled on? Ever been in a position that if you "told" your hurt would become blatantly real? I led two lives, my real life and the life I shared with the outside world.

In the 1970's my family moved from Texas to Minnesota. I joined a neighborhood Bible Study and was the mouse in the corner. I couldn't believe how these women shared not only their love of the Lord but their lives. I listened ... my life wasn't like theirs and it was that ah ha moment that I began my journey to wellness. It's been many years of taking baby steps with my knees knocking to get me where I am today.

More than 20 years passed before I was ready to open the flood gates speaking before two services of a packed church. I was so afraid and my voice cracked. The church was quiet. I finished and walked to my seat. Afterwards, I cannot count the number of people who hugged me, thanked me, and said they identified with my story. When I got home, I fell on my knees, thanking the Lord for giving me the words to say and the courage to even get out of my seat to walk to the podium.

Because I had been so focused on how bad I was and that all the bad was my fault. It felt so good to confess and lay it before God (and, another person). I was broken and wanted so desperately to be a whole person before God. To be able to puke it all out into a trash can and haul it to the curb gave me a fresh beginning. The therapists I saw said that I was a great candidate for wellness ~ because everything was my fault, I could fix it. People who blame others for their circumstances have a tough time 'cause they didn't do anything...

"Oh loving and kind God, have mercy. Have pity upon me and take away the awful stain of my transgressions. Oh, wash me, cleanse me from this guilt. Let me be pure again.
For I admit my shameful deed ~ it haunts me day and night."
~Psalm 51:1-2

I did my part ... He did his part ... We do life together these days!

Miss Dottie

Dear God in Heaven, hallowed be thy name! I want to pray for my Readers today that are hurting inside. Cleanse them, forgive them, and remove the shackles of shame from their ankles and wrists. Speak to their hearts and give them joy and courage. I also want to pray for the many of those on my prayer list that are dealing with illness, surgeries, death of loved ones, and wayward children/adults. Many are traveling this summer, protect them, keep them safe, and fill their hearts with many memory-making activities. Be close to those with broken spirits who see the path of destruction left behind them, renew them with a desire to turn from their road of sin and built them up to share their stories with others. In Jesus precious name I pray.

PS Last Sunday the preacher started his sermon with "I want you to stop praying." (Dead silence) It certainly got my attention because I am a prayer warrior. Those words were followed with something like this, "If you see a need, don't just say you'll pray for a person or situation, DO SOMETHING." It made me even more aware of my brothers and sisters around me who have a need. Love is a verb. Think about that today as you are out and about!!

Always remember how very much you are loved and prayed for ... ya you!!

Friday, June 5, 2015

Ping Pong Words with God

June 5, 2015

Dear Readers,

It's another glorious day in North Central Texas. I just love sitting on the patio and reading in the early morning hours. Every now and then, I could hear Mrs. Cardinal peeping and I looked up to watch her flit about and guard her nest. Maybe I am easily entertained but I seem to find joy in the simple things of life.

Since I was without a car for several months, I learned to entertain myself within the confines of my house and cottage. I did manage to get lots done as well as recuperate from a back surgery. I am rarely bored.

I think that the Lord was teaching me patience, don't you? Being an A-type lady, patience isn't one of my best virtues. I am a git-er-done NOW person!

What is surprising me is that with all the rain we had in May, I am seeing cracks in my back yard grassy area. There used to be a stream coming down towards the house every time it rained hard; however, since I've put in the gardens and mulched well, that has solved that issue. Thank goodness!

Today, I was reading in the Psalms. When I lived at Hope's Door in 2002, I would pray and God would direct me towards certain Psalms and, amazingly enough, He would answer me as I talked to Him. I used The Promise Bible at that time and like to go back and read how God lifted, sustained, and directed my steps to a new beginning. I found victory there SO today as I was reading in my Daily Walk Bible, it took me back in time. (In a good way)

Have you ever stood in the Customer Service line and listened to the conversations between the cashier and customer? I was in Walmart a couple nights ago and, I must say, I almost burst out in laughter, the conversation got so bizarre. The customer had obviously used and broken an appliance and was saying that it was broken when she got it. I peeked around to see a toaster oven caked in grease and food particles. The cashier's face started to get red, the customer got belligerent and the manager was called. After a (sort of private) conversation between manager and cashier, the customer got her money back. The line behind me was growing, people were impatient, and, I think, the customer (although in the wrong) won. Sad, huh?

Where am I going with this? Do you ever play ping-pong with words in addressing God in prayer? Does the word "but" enter the conversation. Well, I did _________ BUT ___________. We bargain, we fuss, we demand our own way, and by golly we want God to do something about it. I can see Him now up there in Heaven, sitting on his throne, and rolling his eyes.

I was reading Psalms 19-36 today and had a hard time stopping at chapter 36. Did you know that what terrifies you controls you? Thing about that for awhile. Are you like me and when God reveals himself do you bargain ~ do you play ping pong in prayer? I have to remember that He is my teacher and will instruct me how to accomplish what He has asked me to do; He is the judge that will acquit me if I am innocent; He is my salvation granting me eternal life; He is my rock that I have always depending on to steady me; He brings me joy and I worship Him in all His glory; and, He is my uplifter when I am down and out.

As I read, I was highlighting verses that meant something to me. Why? Because I find truth in the Bible. To be completely honest, there was a time in my life when I avoided reading the Bible because I felt guilty and didn't want to be convicted. I had my own justifications. All of a sudden one day, I let go and was His. God has a big eraser once we confess ~ "It is a broken spirit you want ~ remorse and penitence. A broken heart and contrite heart Oh God you will not ignore."~ Psalm 51

The Good News: Once I was broken, God began to put me back together to sing his praises. I was cleansed by the blood of Christ Jesus to be white as snow. Isn't that wonderful??

"Learn to do good; seek justice, reprove the ruthless, defend the orphan, plead for the widow. Come now, and let us reason together," says the Lord, "Though your sins are as scarlet, they will be white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they will be like wool. If you consent and obey, you will eat the best of the land..." ~Isaiah 1:17-19

I'm so glad you joined me today. I prayed for all of you this morning. I prayed for those of you who are being bombarded by Satan (like Job was) and suffering mentally, spiritually, and physically. I prayed for those of you who are battling illnesses that are slowly working their way through your bodies; I prayed for those of you who have been in a state of depression or sadness ~ maybe your relationship isn't what you wish it was. I asked God to bless your lives in a way that you could understand that He is there for you. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. We are about to embark on another campaign for the best man/woman for President of the United States. Father God in Heaven, I ask that you move mightily so that our country can become strong once again. Rise up a person of good character, strong moral values, a great leader who could bring our country together once again, and, most of all, a person after your own heart. In the holy name of Jesus I pray... Amen and Amen!

Miss Dottie

PS  JI Packer, Christian Theologian, said: "Not until we have become humble and teachable, standing in awe of God's holiness and sovereignty, acknowledging our own littleness, distrusting our own thoughts, and willing to have our minds turned upside down, can divine wisdom become ours."

Yep, it's true. Hey, y'all, let's talk soon!!  

Monday, June 1, 2015

Blessed Assurance ~ this is my story

Blessed Assurance sung by Alan Jackson

June 1, 2015

Dear Readers,

What an absolutely glorious morning it is in North Central Texas. My furry kids were up and ready to have breakfast early this morning. I thought about going back to bed but, instead, decided to grab a cup of hot coffee and enjoy some time on the back patio. The squirrels were chattering, the birds tweeting, and my little gals and guys were busy chasing each other. A pair of cardinals has built a nest in a hanging basket near the patio ~ I got on a stool so I could get a first hand glimpse of their intricate work. Last year "something" stole their eggs so I pray they have better luck this year.

I just love my church ~ I can't believe that it's almost my one year anniversary there. There are times when I think I'm going to explode with joy. It reminds me of my home church in Minnesota where a community of people came together to worship, break bread, and help one another lead a Christian life. All good. A couple weeks ago, the Open Range Band sang/played Blessed Assurance and I loved it ... always have. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

My blog (Family for Better or Worse) has opened the doors to "my story." I've really had a full life filled with interesting people and careers that I have thoroughly enjoyed. It's also been God's story within and through me as I have grown in my walk. I have wanted to leave a legacy behind me that will last through the ages which is my faith touching others for Christ. It's been quite a ride ~ one that isn't over! I think about it like runners passing the torch at the Olympics. Cool, huh? If you're a new Reader, welcome to my world!! Have had lots of new Readers from Russia and now France listening in.

This morning, I read the book of Job. I've always enjoyed reading it because it not only humbles me but also gives me inspiration.

Job lived about 4,000 years ago and as the story opens, Job is a rich, successful cattleman. He has a beautiful wife and 10 children. Life is good and Job is thankful to the Lord who had blessed him.

"In the land of Uz there lived a man whose name was Job. This man was blameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil." ~Job 1:1 (NIV)

Here's the deal, Satan saw what was going on and he and God had a conversation. God asked Satan if he had noticed his servant, Job. Yep, he had and he wanted to test Job's faith telling God that the reason Job praised God was because God gave him everything he needed and wanted in life. (Do you think that we're kind of like this ~ praising God in our feast, blaming him for our famine?)

"One day the angels came to present themselves before the Lord
 and Satan also came with them."
Job 1:6 (NIV)

Anyway, Satan gets permission to test Job; and, my goodness, does he ever get down and dirty. Job loses everything ~ his children (10 of them!), his animals, his riches. He is covered with boils and sits in ashes. Talk about a miserable state of affairs.

Wait! If he wasn't miserable enough, here come his three trusted friends to cheer him up and dissect his problems as to why this was happening to a man of God.

(Brain interruption) We all go through trials and tribulations: job loss, illness, kids acting out, divorce, death of a loved one, financial difficulties ~ the list goes on and on. Well meaning friends come calling. Believe me, there is little comfort in attempts to theologize and dissect the "issue." What we all need is encouragement for the moment (season) more than speculation about the past and present. An "I'm here, I want to help, what do you need" goes a long way.

Back to the story of Job:  As the story progresses, Job has listened and replied to his friends (Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar), Elihu appears on the scene and gives his two cents worth of wisdom. More shoulda, coulda, wouldahs...

FINALLY, Job requests an audience with God. Here's where the story gets good: as God begins to assert himself, Job begins to understand the true magnitude of Jehovah and bows before him. (Humility)

The story has a wonderful ending of everything being restored in Job's life ~ not only restored but increased. I love happy endings, don't you?

Job's faith in God didn't necessarily make life easier for him and, in some ways, that faith was the reason for his calamity. Job's confidence in God didn't automatically answer all his questions about God but, it did give him strength and courage to accept what each day brought ~ prosperity and poverty, blessing and bereavement, the unexpected and the unexplainable.

This is what my faith in God has done for me: Through the ups and downs in life, I've learned to work like everything depended on me and prayed like everything depended on Jesus. When I do that and let go, I have the most amazing peace knowing that although I can't be perfect, I strive for excellence.

Most of all, I've learned to trust his living Word. Job said, "The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord." Whoa, that's a tough one, isn't it. We like the good stuff but the other? Not so much. That's a hard nut for us to swallow and understand in many circumstances.

You know, before I could truly trust God, like Job, I needed to meet him face to face. For me it was in the solitude of my prayer room. For you, maybe that's at church, maybe it's driving your car, maybe you're just out for a walk. He's there to meet you 24/7. If you've done that, remember the God who saved and sustained Job can do the same for you. I've got BLESSED ASSURANCE!! Amen!

Miss Dottie

PS  And he said to the human race, "The fear of the Lord ~ that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding."
~Job 28:8 (NIV)

I've had a good time reading the familiar story of Job this morning and I hope you've had some fun hearing about that famous fella one more time!

Always remember ... you (Ya You!) are loved and prayed for. Until next time, God bless!