Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Oh Happy Day!

Down to the River to Pray
Alison Krauss

June 30, 2015

Dear Readers,

River in Historical District
Terrace, MN
Pastor Rick, a pastor at my church posted this video and song by Alison Krauss. I have always enjoyed her music. I've been working outside a lot since last Saturday and have found myself humming and singing it ever since I heard it. 

A little bit of history: Down to the River to Pray has been referred to as a hymn, a spiritual and an Appalachian song. Some believe that it was a Native American Tribal song that was adapted to include Christian lyrics. It is attributed to George Allan in the Slave Songbook of 1867 ~ Alison Krauss popularized it in the 2000 film, Brother, Where Art Thou. It's a deeply spiritual song about keeping the faith in a time of darkness.

Morning Glory Gardens
Glenwood, MN
Yes, I want to go down to the river to pray. Hopefully, in a few weeks, I will be going down to the lake to pray. That would just be wonderful!!

I've been up since the early morning hours. The 10 hours I spent in my gardens yesterday wore me out and I am sooo stiff. I wrote kind of an "in the face" kind of blog yesterday and today? Well, if you want to know, I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I began to see the beautiful place I am at in life and, I am so grateful. I got that joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart!!

For many years, I measured my life by attaining goals and running 100 miles an hour day in and day out. I was a partner in two businesses, a mom, took classes, was on a speaker's forum, and tackled life like it was a feast to be devoured. Now? I am still very active but it's a time to smell the roses, stop over thinking, and enjoy my time, what's left of it, on earth. I've let go of changing other people and focused on being a light to others. That just sounds and feels good to me.

What happened? Well, ever since I can remember, I've been a believer knowing that Jesus is my Savior, my Redeemer, my King. Something extra happened though when I was baptized (in the pool in my own back yard). I felt different, I thought different, and I acted different. It wasn't one of those "zap" things. No, it's been a process. The odd thing was that I had this deep desire to clean up my house (I literally went through every nook and cranny and removed anything that my Lord wouldn't approve of), my mind, and sweep all the cobwebs out that were holding me back from living the kind of life I was meant to live.

You might think this is crazy but I was so afraid of worshiping with joy and spirit. One night at Grace Community Church that changed. I raised holy hands and have never looked back. I felt the music. I felt the sermons in a different way and I had this hunger to grow in my walk. I had a wonderful mentor who fed me book after book and was willing to answer my questions. I wanted what she had ~ wisdom, a passion for Christ ~ and, she loved me unconditionally and patiently as I struggled.

There were parts of my life that I didn't understand and I was led to the most knowledgeable Christian counselor on childhood/adult trauma. I wanted wholeness so bad and was willing to do whatever it took to get well. The thing that I liked most about her was her willingness to be very honest with me. We worked together to take the band aids off and I experienced healing from the inside out. Sometimes, it hurt so bad I thought I was going to die but I kept wading through the muck and mire. Would I do it again if I needed to? You betcha!!

So many women who have walked my path, have turned to drugs, alcohol, and some forms of promiscuity. Some have lost their minds and have ended up in institutions or committed suicide. Why didn't I? I know that my Savior walked with me, protecting my mind and placing me in places where I was able to get well. Dr. Jesus has a special meaning for me.

A year ago this month, I found my way to the Open Range Cowboy Church and, I cannot even begin to spill out the words to describe the blessings it has brought me. I have found a new forgiveness and healing inside of me that I didn't know was possible. I'm still growing and learning ~ in new healthy ways. Pastor Dudley makes me think. I am convicted, I am strengthened, and, most of all, I have this joy that I can hardly contain. Sometimes, I pinch myself just thinking of how I've gotten to this point.

Am I in a perfect situation today? No. If that's true, then what is different now? To be totally honest, my "self" doesn't depend on another person to fulfill me. The hole in my heart is filled by a man who walked the earth a couple thousand years ago. I trust Him to lead, protect, provide for, and love me. Because of His grace, I am alive and kicking. I have a manual called the Bible which keeps me on the up and up. I fellowship with other believers and, oh my gosh, I am having a ball.

I've fallen so many times, I've been beaten, bruised, and threatened. God told me I was worth more than that and God doesn't lie!!

Dear Lord, it's me again. Here I am tugging at your robe pleading for those on my prayer list to be healed and brought out of the darkness. I read something not too long ago about how many times to pray for something ~ the answer given was 3. That may be well and good for some but I am like the dog pulling on your pants leg. I'm not going to give up! I am standing up for my country and asking that You see the good people who love You. I know that you love all of us 'cause You loved me at my very worst and provided every opportunity for me to turn from my past and walk into the light. Together, we do life and that means a lot. I pray for my fellow Americans ~ that we can come together in truth and understanding. Help us to raise a new generation of children with a passion for You. Take the blinders off those that would choose the world over You. Oh what a day that would be!! I call and pray for REVIVAL! Amen, it is so!!

Miss Dottie

PS "I'm still discovering, right up to this moment, that it is only by living completely in this world that one learns to have faith. I mean living unreservedly in life's duties, problems, successes and failures, experiences and perplexities. In so doing, we throw ourselves completely into the arms of God." ~Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Mr. Bonhoeffer, I agree wholeheartedly!!

PSS I'm excited for another reason today. It may be silly but guess what? I have another pair of Cardinals in the gardens. Mr has been chasing Mrs unmercifully. I recognize their voices and they are peeping LOUD this morning. I wonder if they will use the same nest?? 

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