Monday, July 20, 2015

I am my suitcase...

July 20, 2015

Dear Readers,

It's early, the sun's not out yet and I am up and going. I made my bed and was drawn to my laptop. It's time to stop and reflect before I begin my adventurous journey northward to Minnesota. I was thinking about what I wanted to take with me and I realized that the most important things weren't things at all.

I am my suitcase and I like to travel light! 

Have you ever thought about the baggage you take with you day in and day out, wherever you go? Ever since I dumped ALL my old stuff out, I've had plenty of room for the most lovely of lovelies!!

First of all, I put my Lord and Savior in my bag. He carries me and makes my load light. He is my protector and provider and will go before me on my trip making everything perfect!

Secondly, I will put in my church. Yesterday, I was so excited to head down the country roads to church (actually, I'm like that every Sunday!). Homer had double knee surgery and it had been weeks since I'd seen him and Carolyn. Francie and I discussed the class we are going to take to get our CHL and other "gal stuff." Susan ~ hugs to take care on her own journey this week. Susie, thank you for the veggies. Yum! Oh, there are countless others including Miss Kitty, Pastor Rick, and Pastor Dudley who wise words make me think and enrich my soul. Amanda, Chris, and Elizabeth, I know you have a calling somewhere else but it sure was wonderful to see you. Their hugs, kisses, and smiles fill my heart with all things beautiful. I took 10 jars of Muscadine Grape Jelly with me and I should have taken 20. As we give, so the world gives to us! Oh, and how could I forget the ORCC Band ~ OMG, you guys outdid yourselves today. William, I have packed Redeemed as my song of travel.

Thirdly, I will put my family. My children and grandchildren are scattered ~ no matter, they are always in my thoughts and heart. Michael and my precious pups will be holding down the fort. My time in Minnesota will be so short and I hope to see as many family and friends as possible. I will bring back memories in my suitcase!

Fourthly, I will put in all things near and dear to my heart. You know, it's important to take out the not so good but I think it's important for me to realize how far I've come and the lessons that life has taught me.

Maybe I should toss in some clothes, too?? Last year when I went to Florida to visit my daughter and family, I needed dressy clothes to go see El Divo (front and center). It was a high heels and dressy dress kind of trip as well as casual. Oh the memories of elegance and walks on the beach! This trip is a home town, casual dress kind of trip. Don't need much except t-shirts and shorts. All school reunion and Waterama here I come!

What's in your suitcase? Is it full of worry, woes, and misery? Jesus says in Matthew 11:29-30:  "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Jesus carries my suitcase for me and eases all my burdens. I am free to spread my wings and fly releasing all worries to the one who loves me enough that He died for me! Now, that's love!!

Holy Father, I thank You for who You are and who I am in You! My heart and suitcase is so full of grace, mercy, and goodness. Oh there are times when I crash and burn but those times get fewer and fewer. I pray for those across the globe who read my blog ~ it is my hope and prayer that they will see You through me and know that You are the hope for the world! I pray for those on my prayer list ~ those who are undergoing medical tests and surgeries for cancer; those who are mending after falls, illnesses, and surgeries; those who have complete chaos in their lives of every kind; and, for those who are lost trying to find the way to heaven on their own. My heart is burdened for my country and I ask forgiveness for our wicked ways, our selfishness, our greed, our fallen moral compass. Rise up a strong leader of good character ~ a man or woman with a love for YOU and this country. Thank you for sending your only son ~ I call him Dr Jesus because without him we are lost and sick. You are and I am so glad...  Amen, it is so!

Miss Dottie

PS The whisper of summer breezes off the lake beckons me northward. To sit beside the graves of my family gone to heaven and talk to them gives me a sense of belonging to an amazing heritage.  My suitcase is ready to go....   

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