Monday, October 5, 2015

Extending Grace

October 5, 2015

Good Morning, Readers! It's Miss Dottie coming to you from my comfy bed. I was sitting here gazing out the patio doors and felt such a peace. The colors of Autumn surround me indoors and outside elevating my spirits and reminding me that this is the season of harvest and giving thanks.

I am now reading in the New Testament (after struggling through the Old Testament for 9 months). We are no longer under the law but saved by the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ. I devour every word and am hungry to learn!

Today, I was reading Matthew 20-23 and Jesus told a story (Matthew 21:28-32) that really hit me:

A man with two sons told the older boy, "Son, go out and work on the farm today." 'I won't,' he answered but later he changed his mind and went. Then the father told the youngest, 'You go!' and he said, "Yes sir, I will." But he didn't. Which of the two was obeying his father?"

They replied, "The first, of course."

Then Jesus explained his meaning : "Surely evil men and prostitutes will get into the Kingdom before you do. For John the Baptist told you to repent and turn to God and you wouldn't, while very evil men and prostitutes did. And even when you saw this happening, you refused to repent, and so you couldn't believe."

I guess this parable hit me because there has been so much on the news about Kim Davis who refused to issue a marriage license to a same sex couple based on her beliefs. Guilty as charged. She has been crucified over and over because of her past and because people have said she is playing this up for attention.To add fuel to the fire of judgement, the Pope came to the United States and chose to meet with her. How could he, a Pope, meet with such a flawed woman?

So many have lost respect for the Pope for being so stupid for meeting with her saying he was duped and blessed a woman for her beliefs who should have been fired from her job. The media has a way of hyping up stories to sensationalize them and cause so much agitation depending on the cause they are trying to substantiate.

All that being said, what do I think? Well, first of all, I have no idea what Kim's heart is full of ~ nor do I know if she truly loves Jesus as much as she says. I have no right to judge her because of media hype. Period, end of story for me. If I met her and talked with her, I would have more to say.

Secondly, the Pope is a very smart man. I am not Catholic; however, I have relatives who are who believe deeply in Jesus. Who did Jesus meet with on earth? He met with sick people (mentally, physically, spiritually). He met the woman at the well who had been married several times. He did not judge her, He told her to and sin no more." Maybe the Pope wanted to look into her eyes and make his own decision. Who are we to criticize how he spent his time here.

You see, Jesus did not come to save the saint ~ He came to save the sinner. Some of the most wonderful people I know have been saved from horrible lives and are so grateful for deliverance. When I hit a bottom in my own life and was set free from the demons that ran rampant in my subconscious, you have no idea how grateful I was.

My blogs have reflected my faith and my willingness to put Christ first in my life. There are some who hate me and have refused to forgive. That makes me sad but not sad enough to allow that to pull me back into the dark hole.

I have learned that people are who they are ~ some are good, some are evil. That's the way it's always been. Life's not fair. Once I accepted those truths, I could move on not expecting my life to make sense.

Our country has been divided ~ violently and with lots of hatred and strong opinions. News of another mass murder in Oregon opened the way for more controversy on gun control. When do we stop blaming the gun and looking at the real reason this happened ~ the dark heart of the shooter who I choose not to name to give him any more press than he already has gotten. Nuclear bombs ~ the murder of Christians just because they are Christian ~ the changing of what Jesus says in the Bible to fit our own agendas ~ is it not the men and women who are guilty choosing their own weapons of which the tongue is the worst?

I am praying for my country to become unified under God. I am praying that political parties and their followers would stop lying and reporting news as "they see fit" not being truthful. There's always a slant ~ both Democrats and Republicans are guilty of this. I am so tired of the "I am offended" card being played over and over. I may be offended when someone tells me that because I have been married before I must not believe in the sanctity of marriage. I can shrug it off knowing that is not how my Lord sees me. With God's help, my skin has become thicker.

Miss Dottie is choosing to follow Christ and take the high road. I choose forgiveness over bitterness and obedience to God's way. I am pro-life yet I have friends who have had abortions and I love them anyway. I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman yet I have friends who are gay and I love them anyway. Addiction has run rampant in my family causing so much pain and I have friends who have been addicts and I love them anyway. I hold out my hand as I walk this pathway of life for anyone who wants to walk with me. If you don't, that's ok too. I'm gonna keep on walking!!

In my times of deep prayer the following verses came to me over and over:  Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight..."  AND, Proverbs 14:12 says, "There is a way that appears to be right but in the end it leads to death."

Holy God in Heaven, you sent your only Son to die for sinners including me who have come to you as a safe haven and redeemer. I glorify your name and kneel in your presence. I pray for those who are struggling today with all sorts of issues and ask that you send your mighty army to protect and provide. I want to especially lift up Stacy ~ grant her that extra measure of strength and courage to face her tomorrows.  I know that if our relationship with You is solid, our relationships with others will be as well. Heal our nation as we fall down before You and rise up a man or woman that would create unity ~ not as a comic, an actor, a blow hard but as a man/woman after your own heart ~ a leader who is able to unify. We are either in your army or we are not. Miss Dottie reporting for duty in the name of Christ Jesus. Amen

PS Join me today in being an encourager ... an uplifter ... a light to a dark world!

We all need encouragement to
keep on running!!

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