September 19, 2015
Well good morning, Readers! I took a walk in the wee hours of the morning around my backyard gardens. When my daughter, Jill, was visiting last Monday, she made the comment that my gardens were full. Really? (Smile) I am always finding room for one more plant! My friends are always bringing me parts of their gardens and I love that!! I have some Moonflower seeds planted in a seeding container and a couple cactus leaves that I am babying. Jill brought me some packets of Texas Bluebonnets and I need to get those out this Fall.
The last night I was on Facebook, I felt drained and exhausted. I was having a tough time believing how naive so many of my fellow believers are. Our country is in such a mess and I am shocked at what a circus some of the presidential candidates have made of their bids to run our country. They should get academy awards as actors!
One of the gifts given at my baptism was the special honor of standing in the gap for others. The Lord puts before me people needing immediate prayer. I see visions and faces which moves me to stop and pray. Sometimes, I am awaken from a sound sleep and in a sleepy haze am moved to pray. No, I am not insane and hearing weird voices, it's something I can't explain but other intercessors have assured me that it's real.
Thanks to my friend, Susan, I was planted in the Open Range Cowboy Church in Whitney, TX. Every Sunday I take careful notes and am growing continually. I like having a pastor who teaches from the Bible. I listen and leave on Sundays wanting to be a Christ-follower and doer. Believe me, it's a tough road to walk.
Not too long ago, I was given some information on a woman who hurt me and my family deeply. She was the type of woman that God talks about in Proverbs. She was once beautiful and alluring. Now? She is old, haggard, broken, and alone. She lives like a pauper, has COPD, and is frail.
You'd think that once I heard this I would be joyful. No, I really wasn't. I felt sad for her and wished that she would find her way to the Lord. Yes, she hurt me but I survived and have thrived in so many ways. Her choices in life have brought forth her destruction. It is true... "Vengeance is mine saith the Lord"!! It was my responsibility to follow His ways and His ways gave me peace. Today, here I am, praying for her and standing in the gap with absolutely no feeling of hatred. Now, that's how God works (if we let Him)!!
For sure, I'm not a saint and, believe me, I've struggled with slapping her upside the head, being jealous of her prettiness, and wanting her life (or what I thought her life was). I thought many times of giving her a piece of my mind; but, for whatever reason, I have remained quiet and kept giving the situation to the Lord.
Not sure if anything ever changed in her heart towards me but something did change in mine. My hurt began to lessen and I could actually speak her name in prayer without bitterness. When the Holy Spirit came to dwell inside of me, I became changed in every area of my life. For that alone, I am forever grateful to my Lord, my Redeemer, my Savior.
There have been quite a few people who have spoken to me (privately, thank goodness) about my allowing others to (seemingly) take advantage of me. Satan has fed my own insecurities about feeling unvalued and it's something I struggle daily to keep under control. If there's anything of value I can pass on, it's to surround yourself with other followers of Christ, pray daily, and keep filling your thoughts with positive words. I learned many years ago in Alanon that I needed to focus on my own sins before I judged others.
Dear Father in Heaven, today is a new day, the sun is out and my Fall flowers are starting to bud. My heart is so full of love for my brothers and sisters in Christ, my family, friends, and the country I live in. Forgive us, Lord, as we judge based on the way of the world ... accepting things we ought not to and downplaying our roles as Christians. Open minds to truth and light and help us to accept what is good, pure, and righteous. Bring my countrymen together dissolving barriers of ungodly influences. For those who are ill, dealing with financial woes, infidelity, and selfishness, I pray for miracles and relief. Protect your people Father God for we seek your mercy. Amen, it is so...
Miss Dottie
PS Let me share a little story.
My Ohio-planted daughter rang me up yesterday before I had opened my eyes. It's always fun to chat with her and catch up on what her family is up to. I was laughing because in mid sentence I heard her yelling at Teddy to "come back." Teddy (her sweet Corgi) was in the field next to their house munching on Goose Grease. Yuk! Oh the things our pets consider delicacies!
Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!
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