Monday, July 11, 2016

I do not identify with the sheeple

Joey+Rory, In the Garden

July 11, 2016

Dear Readers,

My favorite song is In the Garden and I love to hear Joey+Rory sing it. Since Joey is now with the Lord, it means even more. I hope you will listen to it as you read today's blog.

I said a little prayer today and walked awhile in the garden. I looked about me and wondered how a place could hold this much beauty while the world outside was in such turmoil. I had no answers. The reality of the past days seemed so surreal. I sat down and immediately Kennedy jumped up in my lap and put his nose under my hand. Love is simple to him ~ it just is.

Readers, you may get tired of hearing me say this but I attend an awesome church. I cannot even begin to tell you how much I have grown in the past couple years. Last Sunday, I was wondering what the tone would be. I shouldn't have wondered because William and the Band, Miss Kitty, Pastor Pinner, and Pastor Dudley TOOK US TO CHURCH and, oh my goodness, all that PLUS two baptisms had us rockin' in the spirit!!

Pastor Dudley cited Psalm 139:23-24:

Search me, God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts,
See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.

Let's play the game of "what if:"
What if every person on earth woke up and repeated that psalm?
What if we examined our own hearts and thoughts before reacting in blame and anger?
What if we realized our own actions in relationships?
What if we followed Jesus' example in the New Testament?
What if we protested without violence?

Let's play the game of "then:"
Then we would have love and wisdom in our minds and hearts.
Then we would become better individuals.
Then we would improve our relationships with others.
Then we would act out of understanding and love.
Then our protests would be made without anger and hurting others.

Pretty simple? Yep. Too bad all of us aren't taught that at home because that usually where all this hate begins. What our children see and hear becomes the springboard to their view of others and the world around them.

That particular psalm has been with me a very long time. When I attended Alanon, our very wise leader talked about this subject often. We would come to a meeting complaining about the alcoholic and moaning and groaning about our lot in life and she would turn it around and ask us if we were working on our own defects of character ~ our own program of wellness. That would stop the grumbling and we could move on to a more productive meeting of examining our own behaviors and ways to live better lives. That season of time at the Green House on Parker Road was my own springboard of living and thinking

The events of the past year (political, global, racial) have made me really examine my own values and what I do each day. I can spread truth and light OR I can allow others to lead me. I'm much to much of an independent thinker to be a sheeple. I would prefer to tell you why I believe as I do rather than just rag on how bad someone or something else is. There is a better way. I can hate what is going on in the world, speak my mind, and pray that hearts would be changed, eyes opened, and evil eradicated. (That's the Jesus way) One day at a time, one step forward...

All this being said, we always have the right to choose. We may be brought up in homes where hate is the name of the game, life may not be fair, and getting out is a treacherous path. IF we choose God's way, our paths are directed and lighted. No, pulling up and out is NEVER easy; but, it is possible. I know because I fight my own childhood battles each and every day. Bitter or better, what do you choose? I chose better.

"...But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." ~ Joshua 24:15

Lord, your way is the right way. Our sinful natures often choose anger, bitterness, estrangement, blame, and resentment. Where does that lead us except into further darkness. Help us to open our eyes to the way, the truth, and the light. Move mightily in our country to overcome evil with good. Where there has been hurt and anger, heal in ways that only You can. As I look up into the beautiful sky void of storm or cloud, I am reminded that You are in control. Help us not to be stubborn, caught in our own distorted thinking. Instead, let us all remain teachable. Let us become untied under Your wings and share that peace with all we encounter. Protect our peace officers as they do their duties. Let us remember that we are all human and are subject to human error. Rise up oh men/women of God, defend our rights of religious liberty before they disappear. Let us not see evil with rose colored glasses and relinquish our moral ethics. Thank you for being the author of redemption and grace. I sign off as your servant...

Miss Dottie

PS  The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1

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