Sunday, July 24, 2016

It hardly seems possible...

July 24, 2016

Dear Readers,

Summer has come to North Central Texas. I am out early in the morning accompanied by the Sensational Six, sunscreen, and plenty of water. My gardens have been so fruitful and gifts of plants from friends have given me plenty to repot and care for.

Every year for the past 5 years I have been trying my best to get grass to grow in the back yard. This Spring was no different only this time I put down a layer of special dirt developed especially for seeding new lawns. I prayed over each blade of grass as it peeked out of the ground and watered faithfully. It's been several months and do I have a lush bed of grass? Nope... No wonder my beds get widened each year!! At least I can grow plants. I will fertilize and keep trying ... I'm not a quitter!!

I woke up this morning feeling kind of groggy and foggy. My body and mind were telling me that it would be nice to crawl back into bed and sleep the morning away. My heart was telling me to get up, dress up, and show up at church. I chose the latter. I'm never disappointed when I do what I need to do despite how I am feeling at the moment.

As I walked through the doors of the ORCC, I was greeted by hugs, kisses, and well wishes. As usual, people were asking me how I was feeling. I didn't hesitate ... "I feel great. My back is perfect." It hardly seems possible that several months ago I could barely walk with a cane. It hardly seems possible that I could barely stand for one song and even sitting was painful. Believe me, it hardly seems possible but I remember ... vividly.

What happened? Well, I had 6 shots in my back the first go around, two shots the second go around, and 1 shot in the third go around. That being said, I also had scores of folks praying for me AND when Melissa and Maddie were visiting, they laid hands on my back and I felt the warmth of their hands moving up and down my spine. Lord, you sent an army to heal me ... Dr. C, Dr D, fellow believers, Melissa, and Maddie. Your angels prepared the way for me to serve you and I am grateful. Oh there's the nay-sayers who tell me that the pain will come back. Maybe so, maybe not. In the meantime, I sing your praises and don't take one moment of pain-free days to keep me from doing what the Lord would have me do.

This morning was extra special. My pal Bud, the harmonica man, told me that he is to start radiation next Wednesday. As he was telling me, I took his hand and as he talked, I was praying. Chills went up and down my arms and tears fell down my cheeks. I wanted for him what I experienced. I wanted him to be free of any sign of cancer. His faith moves me and I watch him as he plays for the Lord each Sunday as part of the Open Range Band. He can no longer play a banjo but oh Lordy can he ever blow that harmonica.

The love I have for my brothers and sisters in Christ is real. It hardly seems possible that only a couple years ago I was feeling so lonely and empty. When I was praying about a move here, I had no doubt that it was something God was leading me to do. Believe me, there were plenty of times that I doubted my choice. Just when I was about to pull the plug, God interceded and took me down a country road to a Cowboy church where I found friendship, love, acceptance, and grace. I desperately needed that and that very first day there, I knew why God planted me here. It hardly seems possible but here I am.

My precious Readers, today Pastor Dudley prayed for forgiveness of self. It's so hard when those old tapes that whirl around in my subconscious say, "You are unworthy." I know there are some of you who can relate. I lived a shame based life for so long and I missed out on so much. I know that I took my shame and layed it at the cross yet it's like that bundle has had wheels to follow me. Childhood trauma does that. I remind myself that I am a daughter of the King. I do deserve to be cherished and cared for. I do deserve goodness and mercy.

Tonight, the whirrrr of the air conditioning and fan are comforting. The Sensational Six are gathered about my feet and Zoe is snoring up a storm. The darkness is beginning to fall like a curtain over my gardens and the lights lining the path are beginning to shine. Another day is coming to a close and I feel such peace.

So long ago...
Special time of prayer with my granddaughter
Dear Father in Heaven, I thank you for your healing and the gift of precious brothers and sisters in Christ who make up my life. I am moved to tears as I read down the prayer list of the church, the requests of prayers from Facebook friends, and those that You put on my heart. I ask for your mighty hand to be present as lives are lived, healed, and lost. I think of the verse in Job (1:21) that says, "...The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord." I pray for an upcoming court case. Please Father, I ask that you bring forth truth, light, and goodness for the children involved and strength for a distraught father. The Republican National Convention has wrapped up and the Democratic Convention is about to begin. There too, place your hand on those involved. Throw light on dark corners exposing evil and protect those who would be harmed because they are exposing secrets. Have mercy on your people. You are the great I AM. You are all powerful and move mountains. I rest in the shadow of your wings. In your son's name I pray as your servant,

Miss Dottie

PS "Grace is mentioned 170 times in the King James Version of the Bible, beginning with 'Noah found grace in the yes of the Lord' (Genesis 6:8). Jesus never used the word grace. God left that for Paul and the apostles, but it you want to describe grace in one word, it is Jesus. Grace (Jesus) is the answer for our guilt and failure. Grace (Jesus) is the strength we need to cope with life. Grace (Jesus) is the promise that gives us the hope that keeps us going." ~~Barbara Johnson, Daily Splashes of Joy

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

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