Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Miss Dottie's Mini Blog 4/5/17

The Old Man is Dead sung by Del Ray

This truly is a beautiful day. As the sun came up and flooded the cottage with light, I smiled. I have one more day to live and do what stirs my soul.

As I pitter patted my way to my War Room, I realized that to pray for those who Christ puts before me in an honor and a privilege. As I enter that special place, I become a General in the Lord's Army leading a charge against the wiles of the Devil and lifting those in need of my Savior's help.

The Open Range Band plays the song, The Old Man is Dead and every time I hear it, I tear up. All the pain of my life melts away and I know that I  am raised to a newness of life.

As Easter approaches, we can rest knowing that our old nature was buried at the cross. Our new man began at the resurrection. All you need to do is accept the hand that is before you.

I want to encourage you today to do something special for yourself. That may sound selfish, but, it's not. Celebrate who you are and the purpose you were created for. I promise you, if you do that, your light will shine in a way that will draw others to you.

"I used to ask God to help me. Then I asked if I might help Him. I ended up by asking God to do His work through me." ~Hudson Taylor

Have a blessed day!!

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