Monday, June 12, 2017

Wisdom, Grandkids, Life

June 12, 2017

Dear Readers,

It's been wayyyy too long since we last sat down and had a chat. My heart has been weeping in a way that has made me struggle to stay on a positive bent. That's just being honest. My purpose is to encourage and when I can't do that, I am quiet. I am sure y'all have gone through seasons like that. THAT BEING SAID, I opened my eyes this morning and said, "Self, you've been wallering around in this mud hole long enough and it's time to climb out." (Even mud holes can start to feel pretty comfortable!)

I fixed some coffee and decided to enjoy some donuts. I like the glazed ones with chocolate on top. Probably not exactly healthy but, hey, I am celebrating today. Yum! Life is delicious!!

"Impress them on your children.
Talk about them when you sit at home
and when you walk along the road,
when you lie down and when you get up."
~Deuteronomy 6:7 

What's the "them?" The Bible says we are to impress the knowledge of God upon the hearts of our children and grandchildren. Our stories of survival and how the Lord moved in our lives is paramount to their knowing that they, too, will flourish under the care of the Living God. We must prepare them to cope in this world where, so often, suicide seems the only way out. To know (when no one seems to understand) there is a God who cares is like giving them a life preserver.

I wish my grandchildren were able to spend time with me as I walk through my days. They would see me rise early, grab my cup of coffee, and meditate on God's wisdom. They would see me struggle to put my socks and shoes on knowing that I never give up. They would see me head out to my gardens to create, cultivate, and exercise. They would see that working smart often times yields more than working hard. To learn is to grow ... to be kind is to serve ... to give is to receive. They would join me on Sunday as I make my way down the country roads to a Cowboy Church where my spirit is filled with fellowship, laughter, tears, music, compassion, kindness, and words of wisdom. They would see me on my knees praying for them and cheering them on in life from afar. They would know that their grandmother is a fighter, a warrior, a woman willing to stand up for herself. They would see my spirit, my soul, and my love for people. They would know me as a seeker of truth, a soft-hearted woman, who has battled for a place of respect in this all too often cold world.

My dear ones, in this world, we will know many joys and heartaches, and experience challenges and trials. This is life. We are born then we prepare to leave this earth. Accepting that means what we do in between those times is pretty darn important. Make your time on earth count. Choose your battles wisely and be careful who you listen to. The friends you keep determine the trouble you meet. Be proud to be an American and resolve to defend our freedom. Examine history for history repeats itself over and over. Be encouraged by the peace keepers and those who speak truth. Do what you can, when you can, and leave the rest to God. It is in the arms of the Father that you will find your safe place, your harbor of refuge, your strength.

Enjoy each day ... celebrate yourself and your uniqueness ... do something for someone besides yourself and learn to serve. Let not bitterness and unforgiveness keep you prisoner. Memorize the Ten Commandments and do your best to walk in the light. Sit at the feet of learned men and women who follow the ways of the Son. Seek out those who would tell you truth not just what you want to hear. 

"Above all else, guard your heart,
for it determines the course of your life."
~Proverbs 4:23

As a grandmother to my biological grandchildren and others, I pray this morning for the generation who will be moving into positions of power and influence. I pray for a Godly generation who will be able to truly know the meaning of respect, diligence, and integrity. I pray that they would have a voice proclaiming the goodness and mercy of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I pray for supernatural discernment as they go about their days. There are turbulent times ahead ~ the signs are already on the horizon. I pray for a revival of hearts soul'd out for Jesus. For parents and grandparents and great-grandparents, I pray for wisdom as to what we nurture and encourage in our charges. Amen!

Always in Christ's love,
Miss Dottie

PS "Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are." ~John Wooden 

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