Thursday, November 1, 2018

My heart to yours

November 1, 2018

Dear Readers,

Welcome November! 2018 has zoomed by and 2019 is just around the corner. My thoughts are all over the place this morning as I pray, meditate (or try to), and read. Pull up a seat next to the heater and let's ramble....

October is Domestic Violence Awareness month and I usually do a blog to educate on this subject that is so close to my heart. I wondered how I could address this subject and I'm afraid my fingers stayed silent as I placed them on my keyboard. This morning as I prayed for ALL the people mixed up in these seemingly "no win" situations, God reminded me that my part was to do that next right thing and leave it to Him to orchestrate results NO MATTER WHAT TRANSPIRES. Wow! Simple but oh so complicated.

I'm always praying for peace on earth, goodwill towards men. I must say though the caravan of invaders nearing the Texas border the umbrella of gloom covers us, I wonder if the thousands of uninvited guests will respect the laws of the land they wish to enter by storm? Mark my words, they will get to the border, place women and children in front and the media will pick and choose the atrocities they want to feed the public. (Ever watch those ads asking for money for Holocaust survivors, dogs, cats, children who are sick?) My question is... Why would men put women and children in danger knowing they are breaking the laws of the country they want to enter? Those are not loving caring men...they are preying on the sympathies of Americans. Simple as that. Are they coming to America holding the American flag or are they bringing the chaos they left behind? 

First of all, America is a nation of immigrants (except for the Indians who were here first). My maternal ancestors came to this country in 1630 and my paternal ancestors came in the 1800's, Both came to this country excited about what they could contribute. Although they held their former lands in their hearts, they assimilated into the American way of life offering life, liberty, and the pursuant of happiness. They came with the purpose to get and give back. They were Americans. There was no free anything, just opportunities.

As a philosopher, I often sit and ponder what is happening in the country that I love so much. The word that keeps coming up is ENTITLEMENT. Former President John Kennedy's words of "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country" ring loud and clear. Today, Socialism is being pushed as good and this caravan reminds me that they aren't bringing anything except violence to our borders. They carry the flags of their homelands but WANT all the benefits America has to offer. While there are others who are becoming citizens legally and take an oath (see end of blog), there are those who feel entitled.

Sometimes, when life gets so complicated, I think of examples to clear my mind. As a mother raising 3 children, life was tough. One Winter's night, we slept in the living room beside the fireplace to save on heat. Many times enough food was a luxury. What if someone knocked on my door and wanted to come into my house, use my electricity, and eat my food? Would I forgo providing for my own children leaving them to have no heat and growling bellies? Would I allow those standing at my door to bring disease to my family? Is our country any different? We must provide for our own citizens first.

As I have done for many many years, I pray for the President and his staff to make wise decisions on my behalf. Can you imagine the amount of information they have on their plates that I know nothing about? I love to study history and find that there is nothing going on today that hasn't gone on in the past ~ poverty, domestic violence, unfairness ~ the list is endless. Unless history is studied, how are we to learn?

As a parent, I always encouraged my children to be independent thinkers. When they asked my opinion, my first response was, "What do you think? Have you researched ____________ and, let's discuss." I led my life (the good, the bad, the ugly) always welcoming their input. Today, they are strong, determined, and knowledgeable. Their most valuable teacher? Making WRONG decisions, adjusting their sails, and moving on.

I really am rambling aren't? I came across this post the other day and it sums up my thoughts regarding domestic violence and the violence being perpetuated in our country:

Don't break a bird's wings and then tell it to fly.
Don't break a heart and then tell it to love.
Don't break a soul and then tell it to be happy.
Don't see the worst in a person and expect them to see the best in you. Don't judge people and expect them to stand by your side.
Don't play with fire and expect to stay perfectly safe.
Life is about giving and taking. You cannot expect to give bad and receive good. You cannot expect to give hate and receive love. So if you want to see positive change in your life, you need to be that change itself. (Author unknown)

I really listen to people (including myself) as we speak. The 12 Step Program I work, reminds me that I am responsible for what I do, say, think, project. I must question my motives, examine my part, and adjust my own sails. When I get to Heaven, God won't ask me what so and so did. He WILL ask me what I did with the life He gave me.

From my heart to yours ... peace be still.

PS Food for thought: If you believe the caravan should come into the United States, why don't you sign up to sponsor a family, pay all their bills, offer them a room in your home, feed them, find them a job, teach them English, and introduce them into the American way of life?? There IS a way to enjoy the heritage we have while being the best we can be for our new homeland. Back in the 1970's my church did just that. Mae Varoon and his family were met at DFW with love and welcomed with all they needed to start over again. I was part of that and have beautiful memories. Freedom isn't free folks ... never has been, never will be. Why expect our government to do what we won't do ourselves???

PSS: For your information, this is the oath a new American citizen takes~

Naturalization Oath of Allegiance to the United States of America

"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God."


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