Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Good Afternoon, Readers!  First of all, it's my eldest granddaughter's twenty-first birthday today so Happy Birthday, Brittany!  Twenty-one years old ... my goodness, a milestone in the lives of all of us.  We all probably remember that particular birthday, don't we?

On my twenty-first birthday, I was married, living in Yuma, AZ and had given birth to my first child.  My husband was in the army and had late guard duty ... Jill and I spent the evening together snuggling and cooing.  No guzzling of drinks ... no party ... no festivities ... somehow, I didn't seem to mind...  I do remember the whirring of the desert cooler, the clanging of the washer, and the sound of the brisk desert air blowing through the courtyard where we lived.  I was young and my thoughts were filled with visions of my tomorrows...

This morning, I was reading in Galations.  There is a popular concept of freedom that is running rampant today ... "I want to be free to do whatever I want" ... it's a freedom without constraints, no authority, no responsibility.  We don't want to be told "no."  We stomp our feet and insist on having it "our" way.  Sometimes our way works out; however, many times ironically, our freedom leads to bondage.  Freedom??

It is in the spirit not the flesh that the Christian life is successfully lived.  I have stopped "kissing up" to people to win their favor.  If I were still trying to please men, I could not be Christ's servant.  (Galations 1:10)  Why were laws written both in yesteryear and today?  They were for our protection and to show us the error of our sinful ways.  Have I become the enemy of many because I tell you the truth?  (Galations 4:16)  It's wonderful when people are nice with good motives and sincere hearts.  I think all of us know when that's the case...  I also welcome constructive criticism because that's when I grow the most.

I've learned so much about living the Christian life in the New Testament.  Somehow, my reading has brought me a peace that runs deep within my soul.  The old crap just doesn't have the sting it once did nor does the hurtful relationships that seared my mind have their hold.  Gone, just gone ... now, that's REAL freedom!!

It just takes one bad apple to spoil the whole barrel.  I am trusting God to deal with those persons who have confused and troubled me.  (Galations 5:10)  "Love others as you love yourself"  (Galations 5:14)  If you do not love yourself how can you love others?  You can't, really...  

How do I know if someone has the love of the Lord in their heart?  Are they angry, hateful, unforgiving, jealous ... a complainer, lazy, spiteful, envious??  Or, do they have the fruits of the spirit ... love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control??  I pick and choose who I listen to and who I want to model my life after.

It is the Christmas Season 2011.  I am blessed to have the opportunity to spend a few weeks in Florida with my daughter and her wonderful family.  It is peaceful here ... a place where those that reside under this roof are free to grow and be all they were meant to be.  It is a place where compassion and love abounds...  I like that.

Last night, the family (me included) gathered in the formal living room to adorn the 9+ foot Christmas tree with ornaments collected and made over the years.  Katrina stood on Tim's shoulders to place the homemade star atop the tree.  I thought for sure that we were going to have an eight year old gracing the tree as an ornament!  We had arranged the room so that we could sit on the sofa to look at the tree in an intimate setting.  Ah yes, so many memories to relive...

It's a wonderful time of the year, a time we should always be kind to everyone...  (Galations 6:10)  It's a time to clean house scouring out all the cobwebs in our hearts leaving room for the true reason for the season ... Jesus Christ!  It's so easy to be nice and loving to those who return the gestures ... it's another thing to love the porcupines in our lives...

My fifteen year old granddaughter is such a joy!  My petite little blond is now a ravishing redhead ... gosh, I remember those days of experimenting with hair color ... red, green, black ... I look back and smile...  Some things never change in the lives of teenage girls!  Madison is driving now and I'm waiting for her to take me out for a tour of nearby shopping centers!

It is getting dark earlier and earlier these days.  As an outdoors person, I feel a little lost.  Looks like I need to make a trip to the craft store to get a needlepoint design to work on ... now that I have new eyes, I can get back to one of the favorite things I "used" to do!!

May the love and joy of the Christmas Season fill your hearts ... it's a time to truly cherish all the sights, sounds, and smells that bring our Christmas's of the past into the Christmas present.

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!  Let's chat tomorrow, shall we??

Christmas 2011
Fill your tree with memories and smiles!



Monday, November 28, 2011

A Weekend to Remember

Yes, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

November 28, 2011

Good Morning, Readers!  What a wonderful weekend I had ... the house is so quiet this morning.  The girls are at school and Tim and Jane, back at their jobs helping others.  I've been catching up on some blogs and savoring my weekend spent with my daughter.

For those of you with children, you will understand the love that a mother has for her offspring.  No matter how old they get, they always hold that special place in your heart that never goes away no matter what.  Daughter, Jill (my look alike) is a zany, full of the dickens type of person; daughter, Jane, a continually growing and learning lady of grace and purpose; and, son, Tommy ... a man of God who loves deeply.  God formed them perfectly for me and I have been assigned the task of loving, training, and praying for them.  Now that they are grown, I am able to sit back and watch them continue their journeys in life.  I pray for them as adults each and every day!

There are times when, it's important to know my children as individuals not just as "the kids."  I've had that opportunity and grabbed on with both hands as the times have presented themselves.  Those gifts are the ones I treasure most.  Now, I have grandchildren to add to my heart list.  Just as my children are so different, so are my grandchildren: Brittany, Madison, Katrina, Zachary, and Nicholas (ages 20-5).  Just like my children, I love spending time with them as individuals truly understanding and encouraging them to be the best they can be!

This past weekend, Jane and I shared a time of laughter and tears.  We shared our ideas, thoughts and listened to the book by Stephen King, 11-22-63 (a new experience for me ... I still think I like reading rather than listening).  We are goal setting women who enjoy the journey as much as the destination.  When we wrapped up our decorating marathon yesterday at 4:00PM, we sighed that sigh that comes from doing a job from the heart for a family about to walk in the front door.

As Jane scurried to the airport, I fixed Swedish meatballs, potatoes, green beans, rolls, and brownies with Cookies & Cream ice cream for dessert.  She called when everyone was in the car and I walked through the house, lighting candles and making sure that when the door opened, Tim, Katrina, and Madison would feel welcomed and greeted with the hours of love poured into making their home a place to drink in the sounds, smells, and sights of the Christmas Season.  It worked!  They were tired but in awe!  Love abounds in the sacrifices made and talents offered for our families!

Descendents of the Pederson/Torguson lineage ... 8/6/2011!!

The great author, Alex Haley, said, 'In every conceivable manner, the family is link to our past, bridge to our future.  I truly believe in the importance of knowing where and who I came from and in passing that information to the next generation.  It is in examining the past that has given me a clear understanding of what I need to do to insure a smoother journey today and beyond.

Friend, Elaine (left)--Me on the right!

In a few days, I will reach the golden age of sixty-five.  I used to think that sixty-five was REALLY old ... now that I am there, I think of it as another portal to the future.  I do the things I enjoy and don't take life so seriously ... forgiving and moving on are much easier than when I was younger.  I don't like to waste time on the what if's and prefer the savoring of each new day.  To my young Readers, my advice would be to follow your dreams, don't sweat the small stuff ... love like there's no tomorrow and worry less about what other's think.  Oh, you might make some dreadful mistakes but then again, those are the times that you will grow the most!!  Smile ... take all there is to take in ... do something for someone else ... it is in giving that we become real and humbled.

I have always loved words and philosophy.  I am a logic thinking creative woman who loves experiencing all life has to offer.  My savior keeps me on the straight and narrow ... my heart keeps me loving those around me ... my mind goes a mile a minute thinking of new things to experience and conquer ... my body tells me when to stop and rest and when to go and enjoy.  Life is good!!

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!  The count down to Christmas has begun.  I will be in Florida until the 13th of December and in that time, I will have time to wrap my arms around my family here.

Speaking of wrap my arms around my family here, why not wrap your arms around the family in your presence??  Who knows, you just might get hugged back!!

Let's meet again tomorrow for a coffee!  You game??

Live, Laugh, Love ... Good advice ...
Merry Christmas Y'all!!

Thanksgiving Day

November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving, Readers!  It's a beautiful day in the Tampa, Florida area.  Tim and the girls are in Minneapolis, Minnesota and Jane and I are spending four glorious days together as mother and daughter.  Something we haven't done ... gosh, I think since she was in high school.  We have set our sights on making their home a Winter Wonderland for the Christmas season.  I must say, Thanksgiving Day is a good time to start.

Thanksgiving Dinner for two ... roasted chicken and gravy, stuffing, salad, homemade cranberry sauce and apple pie for dessert.  We ate out in the lanai giving thanks for our day and plotting and planning on what to do first.  We work well as a team ... Jane thinks I have the gift of making a home special but she also has that knack.  We decided to take everything out of tubs and put it in the dining room.  Next time, I think we will put everything in the garage ... it was difficult to find walking room!

We decided to start in the entry and move through the house.  Jane loves Mark Roberts Santa's and Fairies as much as I do so we decided to highlight them as well as do a wreath for the mirror.  It's easy to use things we love making them focal points.  As we would finish one area, we would give each other high fives and admire our artistry.

I asked Jane what she envisioned for the house and her first thought was that she wanted the big tree in the living room at the front of the house.  Now, mind you, this tree is over nine feet tall and the room is on the smaller side.  We also had to fit in a large sideboard, chair, sofa, two lamps, end table, sofa table and coffee table.  We ended up taking the back lower branches off the tree to fit it in the corner and through trial and error found a place for everything.  I told Jane about the battery operated small string of LED lights that I found at Walmart and she decided she'd like to try some on her wreaths, table centerpieces, etc.

Jane's next door neighbors invited us over for Thanksgiving dessert which gave us a reprieve from our decorating.  We had a delightful time sharing our apple pie with them.  Anita's parents were visiting and contributed to the lively conversation around the dining room table!  On our walk back home, we looked at each other and laughed ... we were going to brave the crowds and head for Walmart to pick up the little lights.  Wrong decision!!

We arrived at Walmart about 9:30PM ... the cars were lined up and people were driving like maniacs trying to get the few available parking places.  Handicapped parking?  No such thing!  Every spot was available to the first taker.  Jane decided that she would drop me off, park and meet me in the Christmas section.  I walked amongst mobs of people waiting for the ten and twelve o'clock bargains.  Mounds of merchandise were shrink wrapped and people gathered round to pick up their prizes!  I wound my way back to the Christmas area to find the lights, small trees and mini decorations.  All of a sudden, I heard clammoring and shouting in the toy section.  I peeked around the corner in time to see a clerk break up a fight that had begun over a bike.  Evidently a man had split the shrink wrap and had taken a bike off the top of the pile ... another man had his eye on the bike and accussed the other of jumping the gun...  It was almost scarry.  So many people haggling over $1.28 bath towels worth propably fifty cents!

I waited and waited for Jane, hoping that she was okay.  She had lost her cell phone and I didn't have mine with me so communication was cut off.  She finally arrived telling me that she ended up parking across the main road at a church ... a hefty ten minute walk from Walmart.  I stood in line while she finished the rest of our shopping.  Exhausted, we grabbed our packages and began the walk back to the car.  We vowed to never again go out on a Pre-Black Friday sale night!!

Did we stop when we got home?  Heck no!  Teddy needed walking and we got in a two+ mile walk before crashing.  We vowed that we would get up early on Friday to begin our marathon decorating job!!

My Thanksgiving was not a traditional one yet it was one that I shall cherish just as much as gatherings with friends and family in the past.  It was a time of wrapping my arms around my daughter and celebrating our likenesses and differences.  It was a time of working side by side ... the two of us on a common mission...  I could not ask for more nor could I feel more blessed!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours ... may the time with family and friends fill your hearts with love!!  I am thinking about all of my Readers and praying that you are filled to the brim with good food and an abundance of blessings!!

The blessings of a daughter ... too many to count!! 

Off to Florida

November 22, 2011

Good Morning, Readers!  It's a wet, cold morning here in North Texas.  Brr!  I wanted to pull the covers up over my head when my alarm went off at 4 this morning.  I hate being rushed and late so (much to my hubby's chagrin) I have us up and moving when we need to be somewhere important.  Any other goof balls like me who want to be at the airport and through security two hours before flight time??  Anyway, Michael, Toby and I were off by 5:30 and now I am in "wait mode" at the gate!  The plane is overbooked and I didn't have a seat assignment so I wanted to be sure that I was on the plane!  I am ... all is well....

This is Thanksgiving week.  Sadly enough, I doubt that many of us will celebrate this holiday as in days of yesteryear...  With all the stores opening early for Black Friday specials, time with family and friends will most likely be interrupted by the chase of that extra deep discount.  Personally, I've found that the Black Friday specials will be around up til Christmas.  I know we need to stimulate our economy by spending spending spending but gosh, are we missing what Thanksgiving is all about?

As a kid, my parents hosted Thanksgiving dinner for my mother's family.  Mom and Dad would get up in the wee hours of the morning to stuff and get the "bird" in the oven.  I would open my eyes to the smell of turkey slowly baking, the aroma filling the house.  I can close my eyes now and relive those mornings.  Our home would be a busy one that day with a table set in the dining room as well as tables lined up in the basement.  My Aunts would all bring their specialties and we would share a wonderful day of laughter, eating, and spending time together.  After Thanksgiving Dinner, the men would nap and the ladies would gather in the kitchen to wash the mountain of dishes, pots and pans.  They would take turns washing and drying and chat about their lives.  Every now and then, waves of laughter would ripple from the kitchen.  My cousins and I would head outside to do a little sledding and playing in the snow ...  Thank you Mom and Dad for some pretty awesome Thanksgivings.  I have those memories locked away in my head and heart!!

When I think about Thanksgiving, my heart turns to giving thanks for all I was, am and hope to be.  I am so very grateful for all the people in my life who make my days special.  At a time when the economy is so volatile, I am thankful for a roof over my head and the food that fills my belly.  Each day is a gift and I am blessed to be able to untie the ribbons of life cherishing each moment.

Colossians 3:15  And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful.

Whoops, the airline personnel are calling for boarding ... time to put away my computer ... next stop, Tampa, Florida!!

May your memories of Thanksgiving fill you with the spirit of joy and well being knowing that what was once can be passed on to the next generation.

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Survival of the Fittest!

November 3, 2011

Hello Readers, it's Miss Dottie reporting from the kitchen table at Hopper Ranch.  It's a windy chilly day but the sun is out and all is right with the world!  Miss Mary had the coffee on when I arrived as well as bread baking, the crock pot stewing and fresh eggs gracing the counter.  I was greeted with hugs and spent hours there thoroughly enjoying the warmth and activity.

Useless the Blood Hound
Miss Mary and I worked together at XL Insurance.  She stepped up to the plate, greeting me and making me feel like one of the team.  She was a great mentor, patiently teaching me.  What I like most about Mary is her way of "saying it like it is" and her sense of humor.  We would spend our lunches together talking about the world and our lives.  Miss Mary is an amazing lady and friend.  A few years ago, Mary had a cyst drained in her head ... everything has been fine until lately and her vision has been getting worse and she needs a cane to help her with her balance.  The cyst is growing and the future is unknown at this point for her.  She and hubby, Dewey, are devoted to each other ... a sight to behold and experience in and of itself.  Useless, the Bloodhound, follows them around and, as Mary says ..."He is just Useless and lazy but we love him."

Little Dottie needs help!
Sitting at the kitchen table allowed Mary and I to talk about life and the ranch critters.  She enlightened me on the lives of the goats, horses, chickens, geese, peacock, bull, cats, dogs and on and on.  The animal kingdom is based on survival of the fittest.  Seemed rather cold to me but Mary explained about how the mama goat gives birth ... if the kid gets up and is able to suck, she accepts it ... if it is deformed or unable to move, she walks away.  Hmmmm...  I could have sat there all day just listening to the hows and whys of ranch life.  As a city girl, this survival of the fittest seemed rather cold ... I needed time to think about what Mary said. 

Dewey and Mary have a Great Pyrenees dog who watches the herd of goats.  He does his job perfectly, walking the fence at night to keep predators away and also keeps the yard clean (I won't go into detail here) ... no, he doesn't eat poop!  The animals in the ranch yard look out for and help each other.  It's quite a sight to behold.  I asked Mary if the dog always stayed in the yard or if they allowed him out and into the house.  She explained that he was not a pet ... he had a job to do ... if he would become a pet, then he wouldn't do his job.  Anyway, the dog is very happy and content doing what comes naturally to him.

There are two rescue horses on the ranch.  Mary told me how pitiful they were when they arrived ... nothing but skin and bones.  Their owner couldn't feed them and had no grass in the pasture.  Pretty pathetic ... makes me wonder why people don't reach out for help before their animals are almost dead from starvation.  I wandered out to the goat barn and one of the horses followed me.  Shabby put his head on my shoulder and I petted his nose as we walked.  His coat is now shiny and what a gentle soul he is.  The older horse is having a tougher time putting on weight.  I have no doubt, if it is humanly possible, this old horse will be fattened up in no time!

While I was at the ranch, one of the mama goats had twins ... a little girl and a little billy.  They named the little girl Dottie.  I held her ... she peed all over me ... it was ok, babies do that!  Besides Dottie, I held one of the little kids born on Halloween (Elvira) ... Dewey got me a towel and I cuddled with her ... I could hear her heartbeat and she was sooo soft.  She closed her eyes and slept until her tummy let her know that I wasn't her mommy.  Mary and Dewey laughed at me!  I told them to take good care of Dottie because I would be back to check on her.

Mary and I munched on fresh baked bread and sweet butter and washed it down with some piping hot coffee.  What a treat!  Dewey came in from work and gave us a report on the new kids on the ranch.  All seemed to be doing well except one little twin who had some issues at birth.  Kind hearted Dewey was thinking about ways to help her stand until the legs were strong enough to hold her up.  So much for the survival of the fittest!  he he

It was treat time ... Mary and I walked outside with the treat bucket in hand.  All of a sudden the ranch yard lit up with all sorts of animals rushing to visit and get their treats.  Those animals know Miss Mary ... when she appears, they know they are going to get some loving and some food!  I laughed til I was silly ... those goats were so funny!

Before I left, I wandered around the ranch snapping some photos and drinking in the glory of a perfect Fall day at Hopper Ranch.  My eyes feasted upon the animals moving together in unison ... the peacefulness of the screened in porch ... the garden now empty from the harvest ... the rooster crowing and chickens scurring around my feet ... I felt the presence of the almighty God and I stood for a moment praying for Dewey, Mary and the animals in their charge.

The pasture at the ranch...

As I moved from place to place, I thought about survival of the fittest and I wondered if we, as human being, coddle our young too much making everything okay for them.  We take away their hurts and want more for them than we had.  I wonder if, in doing so, we also take away the will to survive on their own.  I had all these thoughts running through my brain then, all of a sudden, I had this overwhelming peace knowing that the Lord was in charge ... He has been and always will be a God of order.  His ways are not my ways.  I realized how important it is for me to continue to read His Word allowing my thoughts to be transformed.  "Not my way, but yours, dear Father in Heaven."

The Willow swayed and sang
catching the waves of the Fall wind!

After saying my goodbyes, I got into Lily and we headed back into town.  I stopped at the end of the road and, for some reason, tears started falling.  I can't explain the tears, they just fell.  I got out of my car and looked behind me ... oh the beauty of Hopper Ranch!  What a gift I had been given!!

Until next time, enjoy the simple things of life ... always know you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!

The end of the road...


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November 2, 2011

Shout To The Lord!! Idol 2008

Thanksgiving 2010
This year is quickly coming to an end and the holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner!  I was sitting outside this morning trying to make a plan for the next two months.  My daughter had called last night and we firmed up my trip to Florida for Thanksgiving and my birthday.  Now that I have that set in stone and airline ticket in hand, I need to think about the rest of the days.

What do you mean the game is
forfeited, I'm set to bat!!
 Michael and I headed to Frisco last night to watch Zachary pitch in the first play off game ... when we got there, the game had been forfeited by the Eagles.  The Mets beat them royally last time they played and the coaches didn't want to put their kids through that again.  Pretty lame excuse to me.  I think win or lose, children need to see the value in both.  Who knows what would have transpired if they would have played the game.  Next game is Thursday night.  Am I wrong, Readers?  I keep reading about suicides of children and young adults who aren't able to cope with failure and problems they are facing.  We need to strengthen our children, encouraging them and building them up NOT saying, you can't do it so why try....  Anyway, I got grandma hugs and kisses from my favorite grandsons so it was well worth the trip.

Christmas 2010
 If you remember my blogs from last year, I began a count down to Christmas.  I am feeling sort of "off" this year having the house in North Texas on the market.  I usually begin decorating in November so that we can enjoy the lights and brightness for longer than just a couple weeks.  I might have to settle for going overboard at the little casa!!  I am a Christmas decorationaholic ... once I open that first tub of ornaments and treasures, I can't stop until the last one is in place!

My self-study of John, the disciple Jesus loved, is coming to an end.  I have spent 90 days learning about him and his relationship with Jesus.  John had strength and sensitivity culminating in a powerful stance to the world around him.  I cannot imagine what it would have been like to have a vision resulting in the book of Revelation.  I would have been emotionally and physically spent penning that account.  I was reminded over and over that God accepts me where I am yet has pruned me and molded me into something special.  What peace that gives me.

"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose."~~Romans 8:28

Sometimes I feel like I am in a wilderness in my time of "retirement."  Oh, I keep busy but it's still different than waking up and getting ready for work.  Maybe I am just lax in discipline?  Not sure...  It's been a time of reflection and serenity realizing that the hurts, losses, and failures that have been handed over to Jesus to heal and transform have seasoned me.  I can't say exactly when it happened, but I have this deep deep sense of contentment.  Is it possible that transformation is so gradual that it is a surprise when we reach that level of wholeness that is unexplainable??

"Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect."~~Romans 12:2 (NLT)

Shout to the Lord ...  my granddaughter is a cheerleader ... I wonder what routine she would give to this song?  We cheer for our baseball teams, football teams, basketball teams ... why is it wrong to shout to the Lord for all He has done for us??  This song says it all ... "My comfort, my shelter, tower of refuge and strength; let every breath, all that I am never cease to worship You..."

I am rambling from subject to subject today which is how I think and live.  My mind moves through my day filled with awe and wonder at what is before me.  I live an ordinary life around ordinary people.  I am part of the population of the United States of America .. one of the middle class Americans struggling in our downturned economy yet happy with who I am and what I am about.  I have a roof over my head and Lily gets me to where I need to go.  My family means everything to me and time spent with them makes my heart sing!!  Most of all, I am a whole person now being refined by my creator.

As for you, my Readers, always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

PS  I am making a trip to the Hopper Ranch tomorrow ... the baby goats "kids" are arriving and I love bottle feeding them!!  Stay tuned for photos and a blog from Mary's kitchen!!     

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

October 31, 2011

Happy Fall ... Welcome to Seidler House!
Well, good morning Readers from the back porch of Seidler House.  I am feeling chipper this morning, filled with the memories of the fun time I had last night with the children and adults who came to our door ... 100+!  Pull up a chair and let's visit awhile before I drive Michael to his doctor's appointment then head for the ball field to watch Zachary pitch in tonight's play off game.  Go Zach!!

For quite some time, I haven't participated in the festivities of Halloween preferring to stay within the confines of the Fall Harvest.  My son and family always get into the spirit big time and I have helped them prepare for the little goblins gracing their home.  This year, we decided to do our own thing putting up a doggie gate at the door ... Michael handing out candy and me taking photos (with permission of course) of the kids.  It turned out to be a great way of meeting our neighbors and oohing and aahing over the children.  Even Sadie and Toby got in on the action thinking those kids were coming to see them!!  Tails wagging, they greeted all of them at the door.

I am fully aware of the beginnings of Halloween and all the scary stuff that goes with it.  There are still those that practice witchcraft, sacrifice animals and human beings, and operate underground coming out to howl on their special night.  Not folks to be messed with.  As a Christian, I am fully aware of the spiritual warfare that goes on in our world.  We are drawn to mediums, movies like Twilight, fortune tellers, tarot cards and the like thinking that it's just a game.  Not so ... the Bible tells us to stay away.  Believe me, folks, Satan is alive and kicking in America!!  If you don't believe me, turn on the TV.

This year, I decided to set up my home as a Fall Harvest destination and shared candy with the kids coming to the door.  "Happy Fall" is an appropriate greeting, don't you think?  It's amazing how excited the kids (and parents) were to pose for photos and pause a moment in their quest to get their bags filled with treats.  I was thinking that for children to come to a closed door was sort of ominous.  The night was warm and I wanted to experience the aliveness of my neighborhood.  Funny how you experience more with doors wide open!!

One group that came to the door was from the drama club at the high school.  They came in play costumes collecting canned goods for the hungry.  What a joyous, funny group they were.  I thought, "What a wonderful idea!"  They said they were doing quite well ... enough to have a car following them to collect their food items.

In the hustle and bustle of greeting waves of people, another group that touched my heart was a group of special needs children.  The girl on the left said Happy Halloween and Trick or Treat in sign language.  Another girl, could barely walk and was helped to the door by two chaperons.  The smiles on their faces ... well, the photo speaks for itself...

The tiny ones were so precious.  They came barely walking and in strollers.  I could understand the word "treat" that most of them could muster.  One little fellow wanted to give me his candy.  Mommies were proud of their babies and many made this night out a family affair.  I learned a lot about the makeup of my neighborhood ... there are some pretty awesome folks who live here.

The Lord God tells us to go to where the people are, loving them, praying for them, and blessing them with our love.  What was my purpose in serving God on this night of Halloween?  I opened my door wide to my neighbors welcoming them.  For the ones that were in frightful costumes, I offered up prayers that they would know the living God.  If they looked into my home, they would see the writing on the wall ... "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15  I wanted them to experience Seidler House as a safe house.

A beautiful Fall evening to welcome friends wishing them a very bountiful harvest!!
As I get older, I try to think of ways that I am able to make a difference in the world I live in.  I made a list of my strengths and spiritual gifts and found that I could bloom wherever I was planted offering love and grace to those around me.  My home has been and always will be a place of refuge for those coming to and through the door.

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!