Monday, November 28, 2011

Off to Florida

November 22, 2011

Good Morning, Readers!  It's a wet, cold morning here in North Texas.  Brr!  I wanted to pull the covers up over my head when my alarm went off at 4 this morning.  I hate being rushed and late so (much to my hubby's chagrin) I have us up and moving when we need to be somewhere important.  Any other goof balls like me who want to be at the airport and through security two hours before flight time??  Anyway, Michael, Toby and I were off by 5:30 and now I am in "wait mode" at the gate!  The plane is overbooked and I didn't have a seat assignment so I wanted to be sure that I was on the plane!  I am ... all is well....

This is Thanksgiving week.  Sadly enough, I doubt that many of us will celebrate this holiday as in days of yesteryear...  With all the stores opening early for Black Friday specials, time with family and friends will most likely be interrupted by the chase of that extra deep discount.  Personally, I've found that the Black Friday specials will be around up til Christmas.  I know we need to stimulate our economy by spending spending spending but gosh, are we missing what Thanksgiving is all about?

As a kid, my parents hosted Thanksgiving dinner for my mother's family.  Mom and Dad would get up in the wee hours of the morning to stuff and get the "bird" in the oven.  I would open my eyes to the smell of turkey slowly baking, the aroma filling the house.  I can close my eyes now and relive those mornings.  Our home would be a busy one that day with a table set in the dining room as well as tables lined up in the basement.  My Aunts would all bring their specialties and we would share a wonderful day of laughter, eating, and spending time together.  After Thanksgiving Dinner, the men would nap and the ladies would gather in the kitchen to wash the mountain of dishes, pots and pans.  They would take turns washing and drying and chat about their lives.  Every now and then, waves of laughter would ripple from the kitchen.  My cousins and I would head outside to do a little sledding and playing in the snow ...  Thank you Mom and Dad for some pretty awesome Thanksgivings.  I have those memories locked away in my head and heart!!

When I think about Thanksgiving, my heart turns to giving thanks for all I was, am and hope to be.  I am so very grateful for all the people in my life who make my days special.  At a time when the economy is so volatile, I am thankful for a roof over my head and the food that fills my belly.  Each day is a gift and I am blessed to be able to untie the ribbons of life cherishing each moment.

Colossians 3:15  And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful.

Whoops, the airline personnel are calling for boarding ... time to put away my computer ... next stop, Tampa, Florida!!

May your memories of Thanksgiving fill you with the spirit of joy and well being knowing that what was once can be passed on to the next generation.

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

1 comment:

  1. ahhhhh...the smell of Thanksgiving dinner is incredible! Your stories of family make me wish our family lived closer together. Here we are in Florida with no family in sight. We adore when family and friends visit and ache when they leave. God, hear my prayer...if it would be in your will, please get our family closer to family. Amen~

    Love ya,
