Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November 2, 2011

Shout To The Lord!! Idol 2008

Thanksgiving 2010
This year is quickly coming to an end and the holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner!  I was sitting outside this morning trying to make a plan for the next two months.  My daughter had called last night and we firmed up my trip to Florida for Thanksgiving and my birthday.  Now that I have that set in stone and airline ticket in hand, I need to think about the rest of the days.

What do you mean the game is
forfeited, I'm set to bat!!
 Michael and I headed to Frisco last night to watch Zachary pitch in the first play off game ... when we got there, the game had been forfeited by the Eagles.  The Mets beat them royally last time they played and the coaches didn't want to put their kids through that again.  Pretty lame excuse to me.  I think win or lose, children need to see the value in both.  Who knows what would have transpired if they would have played the game.  Next game is Thursday night.  Am I wrong, Readers?  I keep reading about suicides of children and young adults who aren't able to cope with failure and problems they are facing.  We need to strengthen our children, encouraging them and building them up NOT saying, you can't do it so why try....  Anyway, I got grandma hugs and kisses from my favorite grandsons so it was well worth the trip.

Christmas 2010
 If you remember my blogs from last year, I began a count down to Christmas.  I am feeling sort of "off" this year having the house in North Texas on the market.  I usually begin decorating in November so that we can enjoy the lights and brightness for longer than just a couple weeks.  I might have to settle for going overboard at the little casa!!  I am a Christmas decorationaholic ... once I open that first tub of ornaments and treasures, I can't stop until the last one is in place!

My self-study of John, the disciple Jesus loved, is coming to an end.  I have spent 90 days learning about him and his relationship with Jesus.  John had strength and sensitivity culminating in a powerful stance to the world around him.  I cannot imagine what it would have been like to have a vision resulting in the book of Revelation.  I would have been emotionally and physically spent penning that account.  I was reminded over and over that God accepts me where I am yet has pruned me and molded me into something special.  What peace that gives me.

"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose."~~Romans 8:28

Sometimes I feel like I am in a wilderness in my time of "retirement."  Oh, I keep busy but it's still different than waking up and getting ready for work.  Maybe I am just lax in discipline?  Not sure...  It's been a time of reflection and serenity realizing that the hurts, losses, and failures that have been handed over to Jesus to heal and transform have seasoned me.  I can't say exactly when it happened, but I have this deep deep sense of contentment.  Is it possible that transformation is so gradual that it is a surprise when we reach that level of wholeness that is unexplainable??

"Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect."~~Romans 12:2 (NLT)

Shout to the Lord ...  my granddaughter is a cheerleader ... I wonder what routine she would give to this song?  We cheer for our baseball teams, football teams, basketball teams ... why is it wrong to shout to the Lord for all He has done for us??  This song says it all ... "My comfort, my shelter, tower of refuge and strength; let every breath, all that I am never cease to worship You..."

I am rambling from subject to subject today which is how I think and live.  My mind moves through my day filled with awe and wonder at what is before me.  I live an ordinary life around ordinary people.  I am part of the population of the United States of America .. one of the middle class Americans struggling in our downturned economy yet happy with who I am and what I am about.  I have a roof over my head and Lily gets me to where I need to go.  My family means everything to me and time spent with them makes my heart sing!!  Most of all, I am a whole person now being refined by my creator.

As for you, my Readers, always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

PS  I am making a trip to the Hopper Ranch tomorrow ... the baby goats "kids" are arriving and I love bottle feeding them!!  Stay tuned for photos and a blog from Mary's kitchen!!     

1 comment:

  1. I read this out-loud to Katrina...she says...If you don't succeed...try, try, try, and try!!! I love that her gymnastics is teaching her to persevere. I can't wait to have you help me decorate for Christmas!!! You are so talented, so consider our home--your 2nd home.

    We are all super excited to see you!

    Love ya-
