Saturday, February 21, 2015

Nature's Beauty

February 19, 2015

Dear God,

Well hello there!  What a gorgimous day. I think temperatures only got up into the mid sixties but the sun was out and you know me and the sun... Yay!! I took a walk through my gardens and there are little bits of green popping through. I'm always excited to see what weathered the winter and where there's a spot to plant something new.

As You know, I've had this horrible cough for quite some time. I really sound like I'm dying. Michael and I sat down yesterday to try to figure out what I've been doing differently to have caused my bronchial tubes to go "bonkers." Believe me, we really covered everything I've done out of the ordinary for the past month.

I had a long conversation with the CPAP folks about my mask and machine to see if that was the culprit. The technician thought it sounded like allergies were a big part of my problem. I went to the store and got some distilled water for my machine and he increased the humidity from 2 to 4. I also moved my machine out to the cottage. So far, I am sleeping better and feeling more rested. Thank you, Jesus!! Now, that issue is resolved!

Something else that I had done was to shovel the mulch (from our tree trimming) and spread it on my garden beds. I quit when I got my cough then yesterday decided to see what would happen if I did some more shoveling and spreading. Michael got us some masks and we covered two more areas of the garden. Well, last night I was coughing up a storm and feeling miserable. Guess, I just may have found the culprit. Good thing that that huge pile is dwindling down. I have enough to cover the center garden and a small area near the cottage.  I don't know if I will need more mulch for the far back of the gardens but that might just have to wait until next year.

Life began in a garden, I like that. I can just imagine how lush it was ... trees, shrubs, flowers, streams... I can close my eyes and drink in the fragrance.

"The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden
to work it and take care of it."
~Genesis 2:15

Jesus went to a garden to pray before he was crucified. He could have gone anywhere, yet, he chose the Garden of Gethsemane.

"Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to then, 'Sit here while I go over there
and pray.'"
~Matthew 26:36

I love living memorials. When my friend's husband Frank died, I planted a Fig Tree in his honor. When Zeke was killed, I planted a rose bush. As soon as the local nurseries get in their Spring plants, I will pick something out for Finn.

Come to think of it, we are living memorials aren't we? We, as your people, are a display of your glory.

I love to walk through the cemetery where my grandparents and great-grandparents and other family members are buried. I wonder what kind of people they were and what legacy they left behind. I love getting to know people ... you know, the real person not just the facade. I understand why You were so bent on us telling our stories from generation to generation. You are the thread that has bound us all together. Without You, we are just people walking through life void of real purpose except for self-gratification.

For all my Readers, I pray that they would know who I am and what I stand for. I pray that they, too, would rise up and be men and women of God telling their stories of how You changed their lives. I pray that we would be given voices that would ring out proclaiming your goodness and glory. Amen, it is so!

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS:  Sometimes, I just like to soak in the sunshine of the most high. As a teenager, I would walk to the old ski jump and go deep into the woods. There was a clearing and I would lie down and just "feel" the sun, the prickly grass, the cool breezes... I would pick a wildflower and hold it to my nose and it would transport me to another dimension of time and space. Life was so simple then ... all I had to do was "be" and "learn." I will forever be grateful for those days; and, for the nights when the stars sparkled and whispered, "I will be here for you, forever."

"We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature ~ trees, flowers, grass ~ grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence... We need silence to be able touch souls."
 ~Mother Teresa

Monday, February 16, 2015

Snipits of News on a Monday Morning

February 16, 2015

Dear God,

It's a mighty windy, cold day in North Central Texas.  Seems kind of odd that it was nearly 80 then today the weather man said we might get some snow showers on Wednesday. I won't hold my breath until I see those fluffy flakes dropping to the ground.

I walked out to the cottage wrapped in a thick blanket this morning. I enjoy a roaring fire and the warmth I feel when I am out there. I know it's only 220 square feet but it's my 220 square feet ~ a place where my spirit soars. I am grateful!  Come on, I'll fix us a cup of hot tea and we can chat.

Yesterday was "your" day and I wanted to go to church. I was still having coughing fits and knew I would be in competition with the band and the pastors giving their messages. Besides that, when I cough people look at me like, "What are you doing out?" I'm not contagious but I sound like I should be in a TB ward!  I am being prayed up, down, and inside out and am claiming every prayer and good thought.

Last night, I put my CPAP machine mask on and immediately started coughing. I'm supposed to wear it at least 4 hours a night but I just couldn't go through 4 hours of misery. I called the CPAP folks this morning and am waiting to hear back from them. I hope there is something they can do to help alleviate this challenge. I must say, I don't snore when I wear it AND I do feel more rested AND I have more energy. Three good things so I don't want to give up even if I do look like an alien from outer space with it on!

My mother had rheumatoid arthritis and a host of other medical challenges and died young at 74. At the time, I couldn't understand why she couldn't just "overcome." She just seemed resigned to living in a shell of a body. I've always been strong and healthy and able to move mountains if I needed to and, until, the past 6 months, have been able to go despite feeling sub par. I look at all the work I've done in the back yard and realize how fit I was. I keep trying to get back to that place and get so frustrated with myself.

God, I have places to go, people to meet, and things I want to accomplish. I am thinking that if YOU bring me to it, YOU will equip me. I can accept where I am but, at the same time, I am fighting this tooth and nail. I wake up in the morning and the first thing I think of is "is my cough gone?"  I am scheduled for my pre-op physical this Friday and surgery March 5. I know they won't do surgery if my cough isn't gone. Father, if it be your will, please remove this bronchial cough ... ok, not please, I am begging!! Look at me, I'm batting my baby blues at you. Hmmm, not amused, huh?

I am now walking in the shoes of those with chronic maladies, many of whom are much worse off than I am. Thank goodness for my computer because I can look up other blogs and read stories of those who have overcome and are making a difference despite their challenges. I also feel so ashamed of my thoughts that I had when I was strong and healthy and couldn't understand why some people couldn't "just do it." I'm so sorry...

Father God in Heaven, I call upon you to bless my Readers. You are almighty and nothing is impossible for you. I have been barraged by names and faces the past couple days and have had the privilege of praying for them. My heart has been heavy for the Christians across the globe who are being brutally murdered, raped, and maimed. My heart has been heavy for the Christians in my own country who cannot exercise their faith wherever they are. Forgive us, Lord, for being such a sinful nation. Fifty Shades of Gray is breaking records as movie goers are "curious." One woman interviewed said, "I want more!" Have we come to new lows as to what making love and being intimate with another person is all about? Truly Hollywood has become a perverted Babylon! A man who we trusted in the media has been caught lying about so much. Who can we trust to report truth? We have become such fools. Rise up oh men (and women) of God ... let us stand firm in our faith and in your word. Amen, it is so dear Jesus!

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS:  I'm not sure I know why I feel so much better after I spend time talking to the one who holds the future in his hands. There is this spark of "I can do this" that swells up inside of me and I experience a burst of energy. I have a walking tape and when I sign off, I am going to put it on and do my 2 miles of walking and stretching. For some reason, adversity or illnesses can't keep me down for long. I'm still looking at my gardens and wondering what I can add this Spring ... I'm still blogging and encouraging others to keep the faith ... I'm still me, loving and putting my arms around my furry kids, family, and friends. I'm still hoping to make that trip to Minnesota this summer to catch up with family and friends there. I'm still planning on making that trip to Florida in May to attend my granddaughter's graduation from high school. I'm still thinking positively and reaching out to those needing a smile. I am still alive!

Until next time, always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU! or, as they say in Texas, All of Y'all!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Be My Valentine!

Morning Has Broken...

February 14, 2015

Dear God,

It's Valentine's Day!!

Morning has broken, I hear the birds chirping, the sun is up, and all is right in my world! It's beautiful mornings like this that I would like to take a walk along the banks of a lake or the ocean. There's something about the water that draws me in.

I grew up in a small town situated on a big lake ~ Lake Minnewaska. I didn't pay much attention to it until I got old enough to take swimming lessons (which I bombed). I much preferred to set up my post on the shore and spend the day walking along the water's edge, reading, or just gazing into the waves splashing on the shore. Sunsets and sunrises were especially beautiful and I would pen poems about life. Each time I go back to visit and top the hill and see the lake below me, my heart skips a beat ... it is that beautiful.

One of my favorite books is Gift From the Sea written by Anne Morrow Lindbergh. It's a short read, one that I tackle a couple times a year. My first copy was given to me by a man that I met on the beach and developed a deep friendship with. He was a professor with a brilliant mind, I was a young girl who had just graduated from high school. I brought out a playful side in him and he opened my mind to a world of introspection and faith. (He later became an ordained minister) Looking back, I think he knew me better than I knew myself ~ he saw in me what I see today, many years later.

"Women need solitude in order to find again the true essence of themselves." ~Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Today is Valentine's Day ~ a day to celebrate love and, YOU, my God, are love. You have been my beginning, my life, my protector and provider. Who was it that said, "How do I love thee, let me count the ways.." Ah yes, Elizabeth Barrett Browning. How could I forget...

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seems to lose
With my lost saints ~ I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life!~and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.
Sonnet 43

Without love, I wither and become less than I could be. Without touch, my skin becomes like leather parched in the noon-day sun. My eyes begin to dull and my smile fades. I don't think I am alone in my thoughts. If I was, there would be no Valentine's Day ... no celebration of showing those we love that they are important. There would be no poets like Elizabeth Barrett Browning who put their hearts down on paper for all of us to read. No Romeo's and Juliet's, for sure...

My God in heaven, I pray for all my Readers to feel loved and cherished. I know there are those who are lonely, who suffer in Love's arena, and those who are going through the throws of divorce or the death of a loved one, especially a partner in life. I thank you for your love, your mercy, your grace. I thank you for the unconditional love showered upon your people. I especially want to thank you for the people you have brought into my life that have loved me and have accepted my love. What treasures relationships are! Let us not take them for granted. Amen, it is so!

I was in Walmart and there was a man in the flower section. He told me he put fresh flowers on his wife's grave every week. With tears in his eyes, he said, "I miss her so." The hug I gave him seemed so insignificant...

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS (LATER):  My neighbor came over and suggested we go to Buzzard Billy's in Waco today for lunch. I still sound really congested and cough like crazy but I'm not contagious so I grabbed my purse and headed for the door. I got such a kick out of people watching today and the place was packed. 

One lady walked by our table. My guess is that she was in her late 50's, early 60's. She had on a skin tight hot pink sheath dress and had enough silicone in her boobs to float a battleship. Her feet were adorned with silver h-i-g-h heels and her blond hair coiffed in a style of out of a 1950's hairdresser's magazine. The waiter showed her to a table and she took out her phone (isn't that what we do when we are waiting?). Before long a rather tall well-dressed gentleman walked over to her table and sat down. I couldn't help but giggle watching them go through the flirting rituals ... a touch, a wink, a silver heel rubbing on his leg, her long acrylic nails scratching his back... The winks really got me and I almost had to leave to compose myself. Please, don't get me wrong, I am not making fun of them. It was so delightful being able to capture this moment in time with two people very much in love ... or, at the least, lust. If I'd have had my camera I would have asked to take their picture.

On my way out, I also noticed a not so young couple with two baby carriers tucked in on each side of their booth. I just had to stop and say, "Congratulations." Mom and dad beamed and introduced little Baleigh and Brooklyn (6 weeks old). Dad was holding mom's hand to his cheek and they seemed lost in their new little family.

I was blessed today. First of all, I started my day with a card, muffin and coffee compliments of Michael followed by a sumptuous lunch at one of my favorite restaurants with Beverly. Best of all, I got to get a glimpse of love in action. I left the restaurant telling myself, "This is what makes Valentine's Day special!!

I hope that you are being a little bit mushy and silly today celebrating with your special loves. It's okay, it's VALENTINE'S DAY!!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

ER Faith in Action

February 12, 2015

Dear God,

Good morning (cough)! Have had very little sleep in the past few days due to a goose honking cough that is driving me crazy (cough, cough!) Made a trip to the ER yesterday and got a couple of shots (ouch ... one in each butt cheek) and a passel of meds. Dr thought my cough was due to a severe sinus infection and an allergy to "something." Asked him about my aching shoulder and he said I needed to talk with my regular doctor about that. I have to remember that I am in small town Texas!

Anyway, grab a cup of cocoa/coffee and let's chat awhile. I must admit, my trip to the ER did produce some rather interesting observations and reminders...

You know me, I can usually carry on a conversation with a door knob. There was a young lady who was assisting the nurse in the ER.  We were introduced and asked if I minded if she sat in. Of course not!  She said her name was Michal. I told her that was an unusual name and asked if it was from the Bible. She replied, "Yes, it is, Michal was King David's first wife." After a short conversation she explained that it was her way of easily talking about her faith to others. The nurse (wayyy over 300 lbs ~ a HUGE guy ~ I'm going to call him Bill) also chimed in and before long we had a great dialog going about our faiths and the impact of King David ... a man after God's own heart.

Bill explained that it was the story of David that drew him closer to and accepting Christ. He figured if David could do all the things he did (murder, adultery...) and that God called him a man after his own heart, surely God could love him, a sinner. We were all nodding in agreement. We've all got our stories, don't we...

For some reason, You knew I needed to hear the words spoken at 7am Wednesday morning at Hill Regional Hospital. Michal had such a beautiful softness about her and I knew she would make a great nurse and caregiver. As for big burly Bill with the compassionate yet forceful heart? I knew God was using him too with each patient that walked through the doors of the ER. He had the likeness of Peter, a man of bold and courageous faith!

This event got me thinking about how  You impact our lives in ways that could only be orchestrated by your hand. You're all over the place aren't you? You are in my dreams and come forth in my waking moments. I am surrounded my your mercy, kindness, and compassion and am in awe.

"You have enclosed me behind and before, And laid Your hand upon me."
~Psalm 139:5

Ever since I've been attending The Open Range Church, I have been attacked physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I wonder why that is? What is it that the evil one doesn't want me to do there? Or, to learn there? I have some pretty heavy hitting prayer warriors praying for me and one of my own prayer requests was that You surround me in ways that I would know that it was You. You, my Father, have been faithful in dropping reminders all around me. The crazy illnesses I've had are contageous and I sure don't want to give anyone else this flu, honking cough ... but, gosh, I sure need that infusion of joy, peace, and fellowship!

My Lord and Savior, I pray today specifically for others who are going through trials of illnesses and stresses beyond normal living. May we put on your armor going forth into the world to do battle with whatever is sent our way. The beauty of Spring is just around the corner giving me hope.  I see tender little buds appearing on my rose bushes and clap my hands in expectation of the fragrance that will be awakened from Winter's sleep. I pray for Michal and for people who are sharing their faith with others with such tenderness. February is the month of love and Lord, you are love! Your love is what binds us as Christians tightly together. Your grace is sufficient for this day and always! In Jesus name, it is so!! Amen.

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: As sands through the hour glass so go the days of our lives (announcer Ed Prentiss from TV serial Days of Our Lives). Tick Tock, Tick Tock. As I have been resting the past couple days, this quote has been lingering. I have asked myself what I can be doing to further the kingdom just as I am and where I am. I am able to pray for others, I am able to write, I am able to read, and I am able to listen. That's really a lot I can do!

I have my eyes closed, my fingers are still typing. The sounds of my furry kids napping is comforting. There are cars whizzing by and the warmth of the sun is wooing me outdoors. The wheezing in my chest reminds me that whatever it is that is causing me to cough is still there. The world moves forward minute by minute and I must not be unaware of it's gift!! There is much to be done and I'd best get at it!!

Always remember how much you are loved and prayed for ... ya you (Norwegian) ... all of y'all (Texan). Have a blessed day!!

"With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts."
~Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Aren't you curious?

Dark Side

February 8, 2015
"Son"day 9:00 AM

Dear God,

Oh gosh, I had a flu shot last Wednesday and am having flu symptoms again ~ sore throat, congestion in my lungs, coughing, aching...  I wondered if I should have the shot because my immune system has been shaky but my doctor said if I got flu symptoms they would be light. Well, hello! They aren't light! I hate missing church but there's no way I want anyone to get what I have (again).

I've been struggling with my CPAP mask. The technician thought it would be the best route to go but it's been a challenge to get used to. By the middle of the night or towards morning, the bottom part of the mask is squeezing the heck out of my lower lip or twisted half off my face. I must say, it is helping ~ I have more energy and no snoring. Michael says I look like an alien with it on... I would agree ~ I looked in the mirror and went, "EEEEEKKKKK." Last night presented a new challenge ~ every time I had a coughing fit, my mask would move. I kept it on for four hours then said, "To heck with this."

It is supposed to be another really beautiful day here today. I worked outside all day yesterday shoveling mulch into my garden cart then spreading it in my gardens. My neighbor Don came over and weed-wacked the lirope which helped a lot. I did manage to finish one section of the lower garden and planned on doing another section today. Maybe not... I am like the hare ~ slow and steady. Ha! Thank goodness for my claw foot tub and meds that keep me going.

My furry kids woke me up this morning for their potty call and breakfast. Michael said I sounded awful so he took over.  Ever have one of those days that you'd just like to crawl back under the covers? I guess not, you're God and on call 24 hours a day. Michael provided me with a wonderful hot cup of french vanilla coffee and I did hunker down with my 4 furry kids. They love mornings with mom when they can play and snuggle and so do I! Besides, if they are lucky, they'll get a little piece of toast with some fresh jam on it!!

I've been having fun with the month of love. You know, red is one of my favorite colors and just the thought of romance, love, and spending time with special people rocks my day!

I had the TV on a day or so ago and there was an advertisement for the movie Fifty Shades of Gray. Several times, the announcer said, "Aren't you curious?" I stopped in my tracks because temptation starts with that phrase, "Aren't you curious?" Aren't you curious about: what alcohol tastes like, a cigarette, weed, heroin, cocaine, an affair, driving fast on a curvy road, pornography? The list could go on and on. Beginning in the Garden of Eden, "Aren't you curious?" has been the thorn in the side of man. Yes, we are curious and so often our curiosity gets us into some real pickles!

I am intrigued by the human mind and why we do the things we do. The TV show, Criminal Minds, has story after story of men and women who are curious about robbing, killing, abducting, and maiming. Once they "taste," more times than not they continue in their path of destruction.

In Genesis, I learned about Satan's strategy against Eve:
He got Eve spiritually isolated;
He got Eve to focus on what God hadn't given her;
He got Eve to believe that God was holding out on her;
He got Eve to ignore God's warnings about the consequences of sin.

HOWEVER, You tell us,

"No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And, God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it."
~1 Corinthians 10:13

There is a dark side of love and a dark side in each of us. As God, you know that full well. We're not always as wonderful as we wish we were and sometimes are so ashamed of our dark sides that we'd do anything to keep from being found out. So many times, I pray the following verse because I DO want to know when I'm being hurtful, secretive, and just down right nasty.

"Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts,
And see if there be any hurtful way in me, And lead me in the everlasting way."  
~Psalm 139:23-24

Love isn't always sweetness and joy. My first brush with love's painful nip came at 22. I had just delivered my second daughter and was adjusting to life with a toddler and new baby. Out of the blue my husband confessed he'd been having an affair with his secretary and didn't know if he wanted to stay in the marriage. 40+ years later I remember my brokenness and the stabbing pain that shot through my heart. Fortunately, our love had its highs too and those are the times I choose to remember. My son was born 5 years later and we worked on the marriage trying to piece together what had been broken. In the end, he still chose another woman and I was left to find a new me. At the time, I thought I would curl up in a heap and die but, thankfully, I didn't and life moved on.

When I say love has a dark side, I shudder for I am still plagued with so many blank spots in my childhood. I was a sweet little girl who lived two lives ~ one was a life of hurt and anger and the other a life of make-believe where I was sooo happy. I was what the therapists called, "A complex case." It wasn't until I found a therapist versed in childhood trauma that I began to understand the darkness that comes from sexual abuse, neglect, and emotional distance. I dared to walk through the muddied waters and tried as best I could to know and understand. God, you have kept secrets from me and unveiled others as I could accept them. One day, one day, I will know why I cried, why I would run, and why I had these awful tapes running in my head that I knew nothing about. All I know is that I had these compelling desires to sabotage happiness in my life. Why? The tapes said, "You are ugly, you aren't worthy, you are a failure." (Sigh)

In the darkness of love, I wondered if I would ever love again. As a survivor of heartbreak, I know that love is possible. If you own your own stuff, find your role in endings, and are not closing the door to more love, you will move on stronger and wiser than before. We must Allow ourselves to feel the pain and, at the same time, trust that someday an attractive someone will pull up a chair next to us and say, "Hi." Our hearts will flutter in response and we will smile. If we feel love for others, trust me, we will find things within ourselves that need work. If we're playing the blame game and holding on to the ickier side of life, Satan has us where he wants us. Right God?

Lord God in Heaven, holy is your name. You made love to resonate from our hearts and souls and are love in the purest sense of the word. Because we are who we are, we fall so very short of your kind of love. Our humanness gets in the way and, by not following your example, we experience the dark side ~ not only of love, but of the evilness of the human race. Father, I pray for my Readers who are going through times of loneliness wondering if they will ever find a partner. I pray for those who have been hurt by love and are closed off not wanting to ever go through that hurt again. Open their hearts and fill them with hope. I pray for those marriages that are struggling and those words of "are you curious" are floating to the forefront of thoughts. I thank you for the examples of couples who have been together for many years and still have that spark. I pray that we would be kind to all people no matter what their color or physical attributes are like. Amen, it is so dear Jesus!

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS:  To be a Christian does not mean that we are to endure the dark side of love and live in misery. "We must surrender to what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what will be" (Anonymous). God has a plan for your life and to embrace that plan will bring peace in the midst of chaos. As a relationship coach, I read about every self-help book on the shelves. It wasn't until years later when I realized that head knowledge needs to be married to the heart in order to be of help and last.

"Self -salvation through good works may produce a great deal of moral behavior in your life, but inside you are miserable. You are always comparing yourself to other people, and you are never sure you are being good enough. You cannot therefore, deal with your hideousness and self-absorption through the moral law, by trying to be a good person through an act of the will. You need a complete transformation of the very motives of your heart."
~Tim Keller, The Reason for God

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Love is a many splendored thing!

Love is a Many Splendored Thing

February 5, 2015

Dear God,

I am having such a grand time looking up old songs that I have loved over the years. Computers are such wonderful tools for bloggers. I can get as creative as I want to as well as look up information, store photos, and on and on.

God, you gave us hearts and the passion to love and be loved. Love is a good thing! In the beginning, man was lonely and You created a helper for him...

"The Lord God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone.
I will make a helper suitable for him.'"
~Genesis 2:18

It was then that romance began. I'll bet Adam was feeling pretty excited when he saw woman created just for him. Holy cow, I'll bet there were some sparks flying and some hugging going on! Case #1 of love at first sight!! It makes me realize what a gift it is to love someone and for them to love you back!!

One of my favorite things to do as a little girl was to play house with my dolls. They all had names and had wonderful lives. In fact, there were times when my imagination would get the best of me and I would actually think they could feel like real people. I loved my doll babies! Maybe that's why therapists use doll therapy for children who have experienced trauma. I laugh remembering because I was still playing with my dolls when I went on my first date.

A couple years ago, I was visiting my son and his family during the neighborhood garage sale. My youngest grandson and I decided to take a walk and check out what was available. We got to talking about what he would like I buy with the $5 I had given him. He said, "Grandma, I don't know why but I just love stuffed animals. They are so cuddly and I can talk to them." It wasn't long and he found a wonderful (big) bear that caught his fancy. All the way home, he was lost in conversation with his new friend. What a precious moment in time we shared. He opened up about his own loves and I could bask in the sunshine of his beautiful heart.

Love is BIG ... it is magnificent ... it is more than I can comprehend. It is unpredictable and all encompassing. Throughout the Old Testament You talked about the Messiah, your son. I still cannot wrap my arms around how You could love us sinners so much that You would sent your child to die on a cross. We're not talking about dolls or stuffed animals, I'm talking about your own flesh and blood!

Colossians 3:14 (CEV) says: "Love is more important than anything else. It is what ties everything completely together." I stopped writing and meditated on that scripture verse a long while this morning. Love does tie everything together. I can really be angry about something someone did or didn't do; however, love is a constant that brings me back into the relationship without having to hurt them back or reject them. One of the things that makes me sad is when people withdraw love because someone didn't act the way they thought they should. I'm glad You don't do that my God. You are my fuzzy blanket that keeps my heart warm!!

Yesterday, I had an appointment with my local doctor to get a flu shot and talk with him about my sore shoulder and numbness in my right hand. He asked me why my eyes were sad and we began to talk about Zeke's death, Finn's death, and everything else that has been weighing on my shoulders for quite some time. It felt good to let it all out and have him understand. My independent strong self was buckling under the continual barrage of stressors and I am suffering from situational depression and burn out. What I do for many others, I couldn't do for myself  and my body was telling me to STOP and regroup. My neck and shoulder muscles were spasming creating havoc. Anyway, his compassion helped me understand that I didn't have to walk my path alone ... either I changed some things or my body would change them for me. Yikes! I needed to feed me some LOVE! I needed to grab hold of your hand, Jehovah Rapha, and allow your spirit to fill me.

As we go through life, we all have experiences that stretch the limits of our normal ability to cope and continue our daily routines. And, Lord, I want to pray for those who, like me, are going through a season of dealing with trauma ~ a major disaster, surviving an accident, experiencing a major illness, divorce, death of someone or even a pet that you are close to, lose of a job and the stress of finding another, financial woes, an empty love bank, loneliness, and even the feeling that You God, have abandoned them. Jehovah Rapha, I pray that you would lift the feeling of listlessness, hopelessness, sleeping difficulties, sadness, bouts of crying, anxiety, worry, loss of concentration, withdrawal from leisure activities, and even withdrawal from friends and family. A couple Sundays ago in church, we prayed for a young lady with suicidal thoughts. Be with her, helping her to understand the meaning of love coming from You and fellow believers. Amen, dear Jesus, it is so! I rest in You.

"For this reason I remind you to kindle afresh the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline. Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord or of me His prisoner, but join with me in suffering for the gospel according to the power of God..."
~2 Timothy 1:6-8

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: I pray before writing a blog and pray again afterwards asking the Lord God to use my words to glorify Him as well as touch others. Love is so important and I encourage you not to withhold love from those to whom it is due. (Proverbs 3:27) Many studies have been conducted about the importance of human touch and love ... With love we flourish and grow, without it, we wither and die. I was talking with my mother before she passed and she said one of the hardest things about being a widow was that absence of human touch. She had rheumatoid arthritis and I was rubbing her back with lotion ... oh to be able to do that today!! Is there someone who could benefit from your touch ... your love? Do not put off for tomorrow what you can do today!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Love makes the world go round

Love Makes the World Go Round

February 3, 2015

Dear God,

What a beautiful day to be alive. After a couple of cold days, the sun is out and temperatures rising. That's one of the things I like about Texas. We experience winter in spurts getting previews of spring just around the corner. Outside, here I come! Hopefully, I can get some photos of some of my flowers peeking through the mulch.

Love makes the world go round ~ yes, it does. Love is the universal language that does not require words. A smile, a touch, random acts of kindness.

My morning has been filled with love. My son called and I soaked in all the new things going on with my grandsons. I got a text from a special young lady who I love deeply. She gave an entire room of furniture away to a young man who had no furniture. She was feeling blessed to be able to bless someone else. When Michael and I got married, we did the same thing and gave his furniture to a family in need. I am naturally a giver, and it makes my heart sing to be able to put a smile on someones face or to lighten their load in life. I always enjoy having garage sales because I can give away to those in need as much as I sell.

I have been blessed to have lived in many different places and have had the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life. As a child, I grew up in small town Minnesota and it was there that I learned to appreciate the deepness of friendships. Love bound us together kindergarten through our senior year. My best friend, Lynda, and I went on to be roommates in college ~ I must say, she was an instrumental part of good in my growing up years. There is an old saying, "The friends you keep determine the trouble you meet." No truer words were spoken. If you want to know what kind of person you are dealing with look at who their closest companions are.

Your son, Jesus, was born in Bethlehem and his ministry only lasted about 3 1/2 years. Fast forward a couple of thousand years to today and his name is synonymous with love across the globe. Unless, you live deep in a jungle somewhere, you know his name and what he stood for. His love makes the world go round!!

Speaking of Jesus, there are many different religions and belief systems in place today. I watched a tv show (State of Affairs) last night where a young man had converted to Islam. What passion these converts have for Allah. People are looking for love ... something to believe in, something worth fighting for ~ to be passionate about. We've watered down our Christian faith so much, afraid of offending anyone and everyone. For me, my faith in Jesus is my rock, my core. I study and listen to wise men (and women) who are on fire for what they believe in ... YOU! Whoever gets through to our youth, wins. My Readers may disagree with me on that but that's what I think. Kids want to see their parents passionate about their beliefs ... they want to see love in action. They want to see what their parents are passionate about!

My God, my Savior, I pray for my Readers, my friends, my family and especially for Anthony who is testing the waters of independence and finding his own identity and for Miss Vivian whose heart I cherish. I pray for healing ... I pray for grace ... I pray for pathways to become clear and for hearts to be mended. I pray for protection and provision where there is a need. I pray for knowledge of your will for their lives. I pray for truth and light as candidates come forth in a bid for the presidency. Father God in Heaven have mercy on our souls and bring us to the reality of our sinful ways. I pray for those traveling and for those hit by the snowstorms of 2015. Be present in our lives in the name of Jesus! Amen, it is so.

Miss Dottie
NOTE TO MY READERS: What and who are you passionate about? Are you afraid of offending someone to the point where you stand for "sitting on the fence?" What would your family say is your legacy ~ your belief system? Do you bend the rules to fit in with your own desires? These are questions I ask myself every day. I don't know about you, but I fall so short so many times in so many areas. I believe in the passion of Christ's kind of love. He died for me. Has my "self" died to him?

For me, it's easy to identify believers by the fruits of their spirit and lives. These tv evangelists that preach "send me money and I will pray for you" prey on the shut-ins, the sick, the lonely. Yuk! Barf! Don't get me wrong, they're not all bad, just be careful of who and what you listen to and watch.

For today, join me in spreading some of that love that makes the world go round!

Monday, February 2, 2015

I'm in the mood for love

I'm in the Mood for Love

February 2, 2015

Dear God,

It's February, the month of love. Ah yes ... love.  Cupid is throwing darts and men and women are pining for that special someone to come into (or remain) their lives. To be honest there are probably some who are ready to do some kicking to the curb!! Oh oh...

One of my careers was that of matchmaker for Great Expectations. Know how I landed the job? Well, the owner, John, asked me about my background and reviewed my resume'. He was most intrigued about my training as a Stephen's Minister and we spent nearly the entire interview talking about how I could serve the singles coming in to the Dallas Centre. I got up from the interview, shook his hand and asked when he would be making a decision. His answer? "I already have, when can you start?"

I knew absolutely nothing about matchmaking but I did have this deep love of people which carried me through a wonderful season there. I wore many hats and thrived on the energy in meeting new people ~ I became Dr Romance (wrote an advice column for singles), developed/taught the Dating University, was Member Advisor to 2,000+ members, wrote a quarterly column for the newsletter, and did personal matchmaking for those who desired privacy. I laugh because I was so popular mainly because it didn't take long for members to know who held the key to the private members bios.

At a dating service, love was always in the air. Hearts were filled with hope on each new date and, many times, hearts broken from selections unanswered or relationships that just didn't work out. It was such fun to watch couples "click" and walk down the aisle. I took several groups on flirting safaris and taught them to have fun without being self conscious.  My hours were long but time would fly by with a constant steam of new and old members stopping by my office, writing, and organizing educational activities. Hmmm...wonderful memories!

As Dr Romance, the letters I got most often centered around those who weren't involved with romantic partners. It was about that time, that I did some research on romancing the self and that research has stayed with me. I surround myself with romance ... in my gardens, the cottage, and, even in the dinners I prepare. A bath is not just a time to get clean ~ it's a time to relax in hot bubbly water, listen to music, and reflect in the flickering candles. Everywhere I look, I am reminded of my love of people, art, books, and you, Lord. It won't be long and I will be able to clip stems of fragrant roses and breathe in their fragrance as I work on my blogs. Ah yes, a little bit of heaven on earth.

It was a week ago yesterday that my little Finn passed away. In his short little life, he taught me so much about joy, experiencing the ordinary as extraordinary, and the sheer unabandonment of puppy kisses. His little body exuded life and I am so grateful for the times we shared laughing and rough housing on the floor. When he was spent, he was spent (period!). He would lay in my arms limp knowing that I wouldn't drop him. One more time, I knew the value of time spent with a special someone whether man or beast.

This past week I've experienced the gamut of emotions from sheer giddiness to dark sadness. I went to church yesterday and had a hard time sitting through the service. It was like I was at Finn's funeral. There were songs that moved me, words that gave me hope, and friends that filled me with a sense of "You are not alone." I stayed in the present and knew I was where I needed to be. Lord, I am beyond grateful for being a part of a church family! 

William W. Purkey penned these famous words: "You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching, Love like you'll never be hurt, Sing like there's nobody listening, And live like it's heaven on earth." I know You love them as much as I do because You are love!

Thank you for this day and for all of the lives you have allowed me to invest in and for those who have invested in me. Today began uneventfully then zap I got hit with a whammie. I heard this voice saying, "I've got this" and, Father, you did work things out in ways I couldn't. Please God, bless Penny for all her help today and for who she is in You. Thank you for loving me unconditionally and for wooing me with your presence. I am in awe!

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS:  One of the first things women used to read in the newspaper was the Ann Landers and Dear Abby columns. Their advice was golden to many. Ann Landers said that love is a friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing, and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times, It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.

What does God say love is?

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.
~1Corinthians 13:4-8 (NIV)

When you say, "I love you," it's a good idea to realize what it means!!