Monday, February 16, 2015

Snipits of News on a Monday Morning

February 16, 2015

Dear God,

It's a mighty windy, cold day in North Central Texas.  Seems kind of odd that it was nearly 80 then today the weather man said we might get some snow showers on Wednesday. I won't hold my breath until I see those fluffy flakes dropping to the ground.

I walked out to the cottage wrapped in a thick blanket this morning. I enjoy a roaring fire and the warmth I feel when I am out there. I know it's only 220 square feet but it's my 220 square feet ~ a place where my spirit soars. I am grateful!  Come on, I'll fix us a cup of hot tea and we can chat.

Yesterday was "your" day and I wanted to go to church. I was still having coughing fits and knew I would be in competition with the band and the pastors giving their messages. Besides that, when I cough people look at me like, "What are you doing out?" I'm not contagious but I sound like I should be in a TB ward!  I am being prayed up, down, and inside out and am claiming every prayer and good thought.

Last night, I put my CPAP machine mask on and immediately started coughing. I'm supposed to wear it at least 4 hours a night but I just couldn't go through 4 hours of misery. I called the CPAP folks this morning and am waiting to hear back from them. I hope there is something they can do to help alleviate this challenge. I must say, I don't snore when I wear it AND I do feel more rested AND I have more energy. Three good things so I don't want to give up even if I do look like an alien from outer space with it on!

My mother had rheumatoid arthritis and a host of other medical challenges and died young at 74. At the time, I couldn't understand why she couldn't just "overcome." She just seemed resigned to living in a shell of a body. I've always been strong and healthy and able to move mountains if I needed to and, until, the past 6 months, have been able to go despite feeling sub par. I look at all the work I've done in the back yard and realize how fit I was. I keep trying to get back to that place and get so frustrated with myself.

God, I have places to go, people to meet, and things I want to accomplish. I am thinking that if YOU bring me to it, YOU will equip me. I can accept where I am but, at the same time, I am fighting this tooth and nail. I wake up in the morning and the first thing I think of is "is my cough gone?"  I am scheduled for my pre-op physical this Friday and surgery March 5. I know they won't do surgery if my cough isn't gone. Father, if it be your will, please remove this bronchial cough ... ok, not please, I am begging!! Look at me, I'm batting my baby blues at you. Hmmm, not amused, huh?

I am now walking in the shoes of those with chronic maladies, many of whom are much worse off than I am. Thank goodness for my computer because I can look up other blogs and read stories of those who have overcome and are making a difference despite their challenges. I also feel so ashamed of my thoughts that I had when I was strong and healthy and couldn't understand why some people couldn't "just do it." I'm so sorry...

Father God in Heaven, I call upon you to bless my Readers. You are almighty and nothing is impossible for you. I have been barraged by names and faces the past couple days and have had the privilege of praying for them. My heart has been heavy for the Christians across the globe who are being brutally murdered, raped, and maimed. My heart has been heavy for the Christians in my own country who cannot exercise their faith wherever they are. Forgive us, Lord, for being such a sinful nation. Fifty Shades of Gray is breaking records as movie goers are "curious." One woman interviewed said, "I want more!" Have we come to new lows as to what making love and being intimate with another person is all about? Truly Hollywood has become a perverted Babylon! A man who we trusted in the media has been caught lying about so much. Who can we trust to report truth? We have become such fools. Rise up oh men (and women) of God ... let us stand firm in our faith and in your word. Amen, it is so dear Jesus!

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS:  I'm not sure I know why I feel so much better after I spend time talking to the one who holds the future in his hands. There is this spark of "I can do this" that swells up inside of me and I experience a burst of energy. I have a walking tape and when I sign off, I am going to put it on and do my 2 miles of walking and stretching. For some reason, adversity or illnesses can't keep me down for long. I'm still looking at my gardens and wondering what I can add this Spring ... I'm still blogging and encouraging others to keep the faith ... I'm still me, loving and putting my arms around my furry kids, family, and friends. I'm still hoping to make that trip to Minnesota this summer to catch up with family and friends there. I'm still planning on making that trip to Florida in May to attend my granddaughter's graduation from high school. I'm still thinking positively and reaching out to those needing a smile. I am still alive!

Until next time, always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU! or, as they say in Texas, All of Y'all!

1 comment:

  1. Oh gosh - I do not look forward to growing old! Your blog makes me realize that I need to appreciate good health, yet also be patient and empathetic with those who are struggling physically.

    Love YOU~
