Saturday, February 21, 2015

Nature's Beauty

February 19, 2015

Dear God,

Well hello there!  What a gorgimous day. I think temperatures only got up into the mid sixties but the sun was out and you know me and the sun... Yay!! I took a walk through my gardens and there are little bits of green popping through. I'm always excited to see what weathered the winter and where there's a spot to plant something new.

As You know, I've had this horrible cough for quite some time. I really sound like I'm dying. Michael and I sat down yesterday to try to figure out what I've been doing differently to have caused my bronchial tubes to go "bonkers." Believe me, we really covered everything I've done out of the ordinary for the past month.

I had a long conversation with the CPAP folks about my mask and machine to see if that was the culprit. The technician thought it sounded like allergies were a big part of my problem. I went to the store and got some distilled water for my machine and he increased the humidity from 2 to 4. I also moved my machine out to the cottage. So far, I am sleeping better and feeling more rested. Thank you, Jesus!! Now, that issue is resolved!

Something else that I had done was to shovel the mulch (from our tree trimming) and spread it on my garden beds. I quit when I got my cough then yesterday decided to see what would happen if I did some more shoveling and spreading. Michael got us some masks and we covered two more areas of the garden. Well, last night I was coughing up a storm and feeling miserable. Guess, I just may have found the culprit. Good thing that that huge pile is dwindling down. I have enough to cover the center garden and a small area near the cottage.  I don't know if I will need more mulch for the far back of the gardens but that might just have to wait until next year.

Life began in a garden, I like that. I can just imagine how lush it was ... trees, shrubs, flowers, streams... I can close my eyes and drink in the fragrance.

"The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden
to work it and take care of it."
~Genesis 2:15

Jesus went to a garden to pray before he was crucified. He could have gone anywhere, yet, he chose the Garden of Gethsemane.

"Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to then, 'Sit here while I go over there
and pray.'"
~Matthew 26:36

I love living memorials. When my friend's husband Frank died, I planted a Fig Tree in his honor. When Zeke was killed, I planted a rose bush. As soon as the local nurseries get in their Spring plants, I will pick something out for Finn.

Come to think of it, we are living memorials aren't we? We, as your people, are a display of your glory.

I love to walk through the cemetery where my grandparents and great-grandparents and other family members are buried. I wonder what kind of people they were and what legacy they left behind. I love getting to know people ... you know, the real person not just the facade. I understand why You were so bent on us telling our stories from generation to generation. You are the thread that has bound us all together. Without You, we are just people walking through life void of real purpose except for self-gratification.

For all my Readers, I pray that they would know who I am and what I stand for. I pray that they, too, would rise up and be men and women of God telling their stories of how You changed their lives. I pray that we would be given voices that would ring out proclaiming your goodness and glory. Amen, it is so!

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS:  Sometimes, I just like to soak in the sunshine of the most high. As a teenager, I would walk to the old ski jump and go deep into the woods. There was a clearing and I would lie down and just "feel" the sun, the prickly grass, the cool breezes... I would pick a wildflower and hold it to my nose and it would transport me to another dimension of time and space. Life was so simple then ... all I had to do was "be" and "learn." I will forever be grateful for those days; and, for the nights when the stars sparkled and whispered, "I will be here for you, forever."

"We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature ~ trees, flowers, grass ~ grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence... We need silence to be able touch souls."
 ~Mother Teresa

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to go up and "visit" Grandma at the cemetery. Most of my grandparents passed on while I was still very young, so Grandma is the only one that I have memories with. Cemeteries tend to be beautifully maintained with flowers, plants and a manicured lawn. Per Mother Teresa's quote, a place of silence that creates a perfect conduit to God and family and friends that are no longer with us.

    Love you~
