Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Every little thing's gonna be alright...

Every Little Thing's Gonna Be Alright!

March 17, 2015

Dear God,

We haven't been getting together much since my surgery on March 5. My brain has been so discombobulated from pain meds and pain in general that my thinking cap has been tilted. Before I do anything today, I just want to say, "Thank you!"

Thank you for guiding us through the winter storm of March 4 and for the beautiful suite the hospital gave us to rest in rather than sleep in our car. Thank you for the delicious meal that warmed our tummies on a night that was so foreboding.

(My surgery was scheduled for 10:30am on the 5th ~ we were under a winter storm advisory (the evening of the 4th and into the 5th) and wintry precipitation was on it's way. We decided to go to Dallas Wednesday night to try beat the storm and took pillows and blankets should we need to sleep in the car. The storm waited until we were just a couple blocks from the hospital then let loose with a fury. Michael asked if we could sleep inside in the lobby by the fire. The receptionist said, "I think we can do better than that" and led us to a beautiful suite on the surgical floor. They admitted me early on the 5th and I was good to go!) 

Thank you for Dr. Carmody and his staff for the excellent job they did on restoring my spine to better than new condition. When I had my check-up yesterday, Dr. C said that the day after surgery I was really mad at him and wouldn't open my eyes or respond to him. We got a chuckle about my demeanor that day. Pain meds do weird things! Since I don't remember anything about my surgery or even being transported to the Reliant Rehab Center the following Saturday, I would say, I was not in the best state of mind.

It wasn't until I told the nurses to lessen the dosage of the pain meds, that I began to regain some sense of being "with it." I must say tho ... I got a lot of much needed rest and my dreams were filled with pleasantness. If any of my Readers came to see me in the hospital and I haven't said thank you, please know, I appreciate your concern and friendship. Miss Dottie may have been physically present BUT in every other aspect, she had mentally left the building!! 

One of the songs that kept filling my mind as I rested was Bob Marley's Every Little Thing's Gonna Be Alright. It's a catchy little tune that brought smiles to my thoughts. Come on, sing along as you read my blog!

Yesterday, I was released from rehab, made a trip to see Dr. Carmody then headed south to home base. I had asked Michael to bring a couple pillows which made riding a breeze. When I got home, I sat down on the sofa in the patio and waited for Michael to let out the pups. OMG, when Kennedy spied me, he started crying and I thought he was going to have a heart attack. One thing nice about adopting senior dogs, is that they love to snuggle and snooze. We all went into the cottage and took a nice nap ~ all of them finding a place to "touch" me. (Sigh) I would say our pack is very balanced, each holding a special place in my heart.  

Today, we are trying to get set up for Home Health Visits, doctor's appointments, and assessing what else I need to do to get my household back in order. I am definitely ready to live life without back and leg pain. The physical therapists said I needed to slow down and not rush my recovery. Slow down? Not sure I know what that means!

I am so fortunate, Lord, and I don't take that for granted. I just had a very serious surgery and came through with flying colors. Not only that, in a little more than a week since surgery, I am walking without a cane, walker, or using a wheel chair. My 12 inch incision has healed and I can begin to take showers without covering it. (But NO soaking in my claw foot tub! Boo hiss!) The doctors, nurses, and physical therapists were delighted with my progress (I could do the exercises first go around). I think working outside in my gardens has kept me pretty physically fit. 

You know, I truly believe that as I smile, the world smiles back at me. When I was in therapy, I was able to pray for the other people there. As I walked through the hallways, I could pray for the patients. In all the surgeries I have had, I've never been to in-patient therapy afterwards. I would say that the it helped tremendously and, I would do it again.

Thou hast been my rock and my redeemer and I couldn't let one more day go by without giving you credit for clearing the way to my surgery and organizing the most minute of details. It was You who held my hand in those painful hours after surgery and You who calmed the storm.

Father I pray for others who are experiencing surgeries and painful recoveries. Give us all strength to withstand the knitting together of wounds, bones, organs... I boldly ask that you claim yours spreading peace and mercy where there is hurt and discord. The armies of the angels march to your beat and do your will. You, Lord, are life everlasting!  For sure, You've given me a new lease on life ... let's see what we can do with the days ahead! Amen, it is so!

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS:  Anyone facing health issues has a desire to be restored to health, walking tall in righteousness, with God standing behind them. That visual alone is enough to uplift, but the promise behind it is where hope is found.

"Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard." ~Isaiah 58:8

The greatest gift that can be given to someone in pain is a reminder that they are not forgotten and that the pain is only temporary. Strength will be restored, faith will grow, and God's grace will steady us for the future.

The simplest act of love can mean a great deal to someone who is in the midst of a health battle. It meant so much to me to soak in the blessing of visits, flowers, notes, and prayers. One night, I woke with a start. Michael had gone back home earlier in the day but at that late hour, there he was standing beside my bed. My first words to him?  "Who died?" He smiled and said, "No one, I just needed to be here."(His hands were full of nightclothes) We talked awhile then he was off disappearing into the night. Great gifts come in precious moments!

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

1 comment:

  1. Mom,

    I'm so glad your recovery is going well. Knowing you, resting will be difficult, so you may have a few set backs when you push it too far. Try and be patient with the healing process.

    Love YOU~
