Thursday, March 26, 2015

In the Arms of an Angel

In the Arms of an Angel

March 26, 2014

Dear God,

I have been doing laps around the back yard then decided I would walk a couple blocks to the Pederson house then head back. I was thinking that I would walk to the end of the dead end street but I remembered Cathey (Home Health RN) say that I needed to not walk so far that I couldn't make it back home. 

God, you are so good to me and I have felt like you orchestrated every moment of my getting to Baylor Frisco, undergoing surgery, being transported to Reliant Rehab, and then home. I cannot thank you enough to allowing me to heal quickly and be able to get on with my life. There's one more thing I am praying for ~ for some reason every time I have surgery, Fibro Fog rears it's ugly head and my brain feels like its scrambled. Unless I write "it" down "it" goes in one ear and out the other. Help me to clear out the cobwebs.

Maybe if I visualize sweeping the cobwebs out it would help. I think I will give that a try!

Come on Bud, play that harmonica!
Last Sunday, we went to church and I felt your presence and was wrapped in love.  It's kind of hard to describle but I saw myself as being wrapped in the arms of an angel. I was 2 weeks and 3 days out of surgery. I struggled getting dressed and the car ride was kinda bumpy but I made it. To sit in "my chair" was so awesome. I found myself getting lost in the music, drinking in every bit of the sermon, and strengthened by the time of greeting others. I forgot my camera and had so many opportunities to record the magnificence of the Open Range Cowboy Church. I have my purse packed for next Sunday and my camera is in it. Every Sunday, I pinch myself saying, "Is this church for real?" I've felt like kind of a leech because I am getting so much and not giving back like I want to.  I'm praying that  now that my back is taken care of, I will be able get my little ole body over there during the week. Oh yes, a car ... I need a car too. (Smile) I even thought about a scooter. Vroom! Vroom! I can see me now, whizzing down the country roads, hair blowing in the wind!! Or, maybe not...

A 4-wheeler might work!! I loved playing on my
brothers farm & helping to gather wood.

Yesterday, Michael had a doctor's appointment in Waco, so I tagged along. I did a lot of walking and breathing in the freshness of the air. I had some mighty tasty fajitas at On the Border for lunch. I missed having my margarita ~ on the rocks, lip of glass with a thick layer of salt, and a nice wedge of fresh lime. I knew that if I imbibed, I would be in slumberland before I could count to 10.  From there we visited Lowe's, Home Depot, Petco, and, last stop Bonnie's Nursery where I found the most gorgeous rose ~ Y2K. It's yellow and supposedly has some red in it.  By the time we walked through Bonnie's, I was spent and wishing I'd brought my pillow along!!

One of the most difficult things for me to remember is to not just get into my usual routine.  I walked by the Y2K rose this morning and my immediate thought was that I needed to plant it. The laundry was piling up and I started to sort clothes. For those of us who are homemakers, we take charge of what needs to be done and just do it. I looked at Zoe ... she managed to dig in the mud and her paws were all muddy. Then I remembered that I am to be released from home health care tomorrow and it wouldn't do for me to be holding my aching back!!

Lord, I like it that you are here visiting with me this morning. I just love it when  I can hold your hand and lay my troubles at your feet. I'm asking that you send your mightiest angels down here to watch over everyone on my prayer list. My friend, Peggy, lost her son to cancer and I just hate that for her. No matter how much we are trusting in you, there is still hurt when our prayers aren't answered the way we want them to. Please make yourself known to the many who believe in you and who want to be obedient to your wishes. And, Father, also make yourself known to those who are "on the fence" or are just plain evil. Nothing is impossible with You!! Amen, it is so...

Miss Dottie


Enough said!

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