Monday, April 20, 2015

The Termites of Life...

April 20, 2015

Dear God,

I am really feeling the need to talk with you this afternoon. It's our daily chats that keep me keepin' on. There are times when I kneel to talk to you but, for some reason, I like these times when I can envision you sitting beside me outside in one of the comfy rattan chairs close to me. Your presence calms me no matter what is going on.

I have had termites in the cottage. Easter morning, I put on my "high-heeled" shoes and oops(!) the heel went through the board in front of the closet. After a couple of tries to find a termite guy, we got a great fellow to come out and spray. Termites? GONE!! Lupe, the contractor who did the cottage, will be replacing the floor boards and repainting. He also has to sand, restain, and put a poly coat on some of the floors in the lil casa. I figure we will be back to normal by the end of May. Yay!! 

Termites are a common problem in redoing old houses and turning dilapidated garages into something livable.  Often times it's not if those pesky bugs will appear but when. Anyway, I am grateful that they didn't do more damage than they did ~ the boards can be replaced, and I can go on down the road handling the next hiccough on this path called life.

I was sitting outside yesterday, and I thought about how termites are like the sin that eats away at our lives. They appear pretty non-threatening; and, for quite some time, work behind the scenes. They flourish in wet, dank, darkness.  Seemingly invisible to the naked eye, they're eating away one bite at a time.

Ever been tempted and thought, "just this one time, no one needs to know." Unless I am unique, when we are tempted by the evil one (Satan knows our weaknesses, our Achilles Heels, our fears, and fantasies), the taste is there ... yummy, feels good! We can get puffed up, thinking we are bullet proof. But, before long, just like termites, the damage is done and oops, we fall. Not only do we fall, everyone around us knows ~ our sin is in the light. GASP!! SHAME!! BLAME!! Unless, we can find an accountability person and do some cleaning out ... mentally, spiritually, and physically, we are apt to live some pretty shallow, sinful, lives. I need an accountability partner because, left to my own devices, I can talk myself into anything. I hate that but I am aware that it is the truth.

You and I do business every morning and every night, don't we. There's just something about being transparent with You that helps me have a great day and a restful night. I want to be a better person because I love You and your son, Jesus. Psalm 139: 23-24 says: "Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts; And see if there be any hurtful way in me, And lead me in the everlasting way." I really want to see my faults. After Jesus died on the cross, the law was no more and gave way to grace. How grateful I am for the love ... pure unadulterated love. You loved us sinners that much!!

I think about this love note in the Bible:  For You so loved the world that You gave your only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  I wonder how many people would put their sons or daughters on a cross to be crucified for sinners, no less.

I experienced abuse as a child. Some from my parents but the major abuse came from predators known by my family. Now, think about this ... what if my parents put me on a cross to save my abusers? Tough one, eh? Well, You, my God loved us that much ~ incomprehensible to the average person.

There have been times when I've been so battered and my heart broken into a gazillion pieces. There have been times that I've felt so alone and vulnerable. I thank my paternal grandmother and my parents for taking me to church as a child where I learned about You, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost/Spirit. By the time I was confirmed and a member of the Lutheran Church, I knew, without a doubt that You were my best friend. As I weathered storms, I knew I could count on you to take care of me and You didn't disappoint.

I wonder. The news is full of teens who experience being bullied, pregnancy, and a host of other atrocities. If they don't know about Jesus, who can they turn to? So often, abortion, murder, or suicide seem like their only options. It saddens my heart because I know that without Jesus, Satan would have led me into promiscuity, drugs, alcohol,cheating, lying, and the list goes on and on. As it was, my conscience was too big for me to enter the world of darkness. I had a therapist say to me during a particular tough session, "God has been with you from birth and has had his hand upon you. Most people who have gone through what you have wouldn't be sane."

My secrets had to be brought into the light, evil tapes in my subconscious needed to be addressed and replaced with Your words of affirmation. I'm not kidding You ~ there were times that I didn't think that I could face my demons ~ but, I did and my Readers can too!!

Thank you for giving me the gift of eternal life. Thank you for opening the door and for me having the courage to walk on through. Life is good now. Amen!!

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS:  Why is it that we, so often, shape God into who we believe he is?We look for relationships and churches that meet our idea of a moral life forgetting about what God desires? Why do we not read his word? Food for thought...

I am continually finding myself taking my salvation for granted. Why do I say this? I say it because I don't spend nearly enough time giving thanks to the Lord Almighty for all He has done for me.  I attend a church in a little town just 14 miles away that is filled with love for the Lord and for it's members and community. Each Sunday, I am aware of how little I give and how much I get. I guess I could find a church close to home but I know I am where God wants me. I have been asking for a car for months now but I need to be patient and do the things I can without wheels! I pray that as you reflect on your own salvation that you consider what you can do to show God how much you love Him. Amen?

I am a big fan of people who offer words of wisdom as I move forward in life. Kristin Armstrong said: "I write about the power of trying, because I want to be okay with failing. I write about generosity because I battle selfishness. I write about joy because I know sorrow. I write about faith because I almost lost mine, and I know what it is to be broken and in need of redemption. I write about gratitude because I am thankful ~ for all of it."

Always remember, my Readers, you are loved and prayed for ... Ya You!!

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