Friday, April 10, 2015

Thank You for the Past, Present, Future!

Thank you!

April 10, 2015

Dear God,

I heard you at the front door of the lil casa ~ go around to the side of the house and let's sit on the patio today. The Trumpet Vine is really tooting it's horn and it's so peaceful there. I am feeling very filled with gratitude this morning. Oh, I know I have things that I wish were different yet those don't seem to matter and I am remembering the good, the fresh, the blessings! Sorry, I don't have any wine but how about some sweetened iced tea? You're in your robe, I'm in my robe. We're good!

Last Sunday was Easter. I was in kind of a purple funk because I spent most of the day by myself. I am a big family person so I decided to recall those happy Easters when I was surrounded by family and close friends.  I remembered what You did for me on the cross and that little voice, "If all you have is Me, am I not enough?" (John 14:8) Yes, You are! I remembered this song we used to sing at Grace Church. I dug around in UTube and found it. All the glory of past, present, and future is good and I smiled.

Father, all my days were ordained of You (Psalm 139:16). Looking back I can see why things happened the way they did and today, I know for certain that You are there ... period ... past, present, future. I attended the Open Range Cowboy Church on Easter morning and, as usual, was so filled by the Holy Spirit that I was overflowing. When we had the opportunity to shake sumbuddies hand, I said a little prayer for each person I touched. I knew that there were probably others who would dine alone that day and I wanted to give them a blessing and a smile.

If the Open Range Church would have presented itself years ago, I don't think I would have been receptive. I was a city girl entrenched in the doctrine of Martin Luther. When we were thinking of moving to be closer to Mom Seidler, I prayed and knew that it was the right thing to do. When I got here, I was so unhappy. I was away from family and friends that I'd known for years and boy howdy, I was downright sad. I'd say, "Why Lord, why did you bring me here?" I hit bottom, and hit it hard. I think that if I'd had a flush bank account, I would have flown the coop, not looking back. I had to decide and I chose to be obedient to You and trust that You knew what was best for me. All I needed to do was get up off the ground and be open to your promptings. Look at what I would have missed had I packed up and left. You knew ~ I just had to be patient!

Along came Susan and John ... they invited and invited and invited. One day, I just said, "Michael, whether you go with me or not, I am going to church." I've never looked back. My life seemed to fall into place and I felt that radiance coming back into my spirit. I must write about obedience in another blog because that's another story that needs telling. I am feeling a little cut off from extra church activities because I don't have a car but, I know You are working on that for me and I am going to be a happy camper. For now, I must be content meeting those that attend on Sunday mornings. I figure that this is Step 3, in my journey there (the first was accepting Susan's invitation, the second was joining the church). Step 3 has been being a regular attender ~ learning names, and doing what I can to encourage.

Whoa! Homer, Carolyn!!
I want to climb on and go where y'all are going!!
For whatever reason, I have met some salt of the earth folks who love You a lot! Branden made me a church diary and pen to record each Sunday's songs and messages. Pastor Rick made a leather cover for a Bible (as it turned out, it was the exact same version of the Bible that I used in a two-year Word and Witness Study. Now, it's MINE! AND, last Sunday Edwin (the Open Range Band drummer) gave me the sticks he used to record the band's second CD. From more women than I can count, I have received wisdom, encouragement, and an offer of friendship. It's blowing my mind. One Sunday, a woman that I had not seen before tapped me on the shoulder and said, "I don't know how old you are, but as I grow older, I want to be like you." Now, that's another story for another time but I knew it was You affirming that I was beautiful in Your eyes. Nancy B also gave me a message Sunday and I almost lost it. Angels unaware!!

I have my own version of Naomi & Ruth...
Gosh, there's two ladies that always make
my day a bit brighter. Vivian & Susie...

Thank you my King for where I am now in life. My natural personality would be that of a Type B ~ low key, steady, creative. HOWEVER, push me against a wall and my Type A tendencies come out and my nails are sharp as daggars!! God says I am wonderfully complex. Others, might say I am ... well, complex with a driving edge.  I am because You are I AM! (John 8:58) Think on that one awhile!!

Father, Son, Holy Spirit, thank you for restoring what the locusts have eaten (Joel 2:25). I am reminded that I live on Your time. My prayers for Miss Vivian were answered and I could have hugged the stuffing out of her at church. I am missing someone and haven't seen him in awhile (Crazy Mike). Please touch him wherever he is and bring him back to his seat on the front row. I want to lift up my friend, Peggy, whose son just passed away ~ oh Father, comfort her at this time. For those on my prayer list, I pray for tenacity when the going gets rough, for peace in doing what You ask and leaving the consequences in Your hands. Death has come calling over the past week ... some expected, some sudden and tragic. Be with those as they grieve. One of the pastors I admire so much, Pastor Steve in Costa Rica, has had the crud. Just as he prayed for my concerns, I prayed for his. Isn't that what it's all about? Helping to carry our brothers' and sisters' burdens (Galatians 6:2) should come naturally but, alas, so often it doesn't. It's about to rain AND my friend, Beverly just invited me to lunch. Help me to reach her for You!! She's such a good person but very anti-Christian anything. To You goes my glory, to You goes my praise, to You, I give my life!! Amen, it is so!!

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO MY READERS: When life gives you lemons, I have a great recipe for not only lemonade but some mighty good lemon bars that you can sink your teeth into. My Gratitude Journal overflows and I welcome this day and the days ahead!!

I read something about prayer the other day: While one person is praying for rain, another is praying that it would stop. While one person is praying that a loved one may live, the loved one is praying to "go home." We can rest in knowing that God sees the big picture while all we have is our feelings and a snapshot in time.

Always remember how very much I love you and pray for you.
YA YOU... every single one of you!!

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