Fernando Ortega ~ Give Me Jesus
Dear Readers,
Ever watched the TV channel Decades? Well yesterday they had a Dark Shadows marathon. I was hooked way back when it aired (1966) and one more time, I sat feasting (little pun there) on the story line. I gave up the ghost wayyy after midnight so my peepers are barely open. My furry kids were up at their usual 6:30am time ~ bright eyed & bushy tailed. Thank you Jesus for coffee!
Yesterday, The Open Range Band played the song, Give Me Jesus. I woke myself up several times last night singing that song. In the morning when I rise, give me Jesus... I know that IF I have Him, THEN, every thing's gonna be okay. Sermon in a few words. Right? Right.
Three of my favorite subjects in college were Philosophy, Anthropology, and Sociology. It was fascinating to me to study different cultures and the behavior of people. I would have loved to be an anthropologist traveling about the world on various teams. I love people and deep conversations and get these thoughts that pester me ~ like, "What would our country be without Christ??"
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Where my journey began |
Why am I telling you this? Well, we have a tendency to believe what we've been taught from childhood. The people around us as well as our situations mold us and shape us.
As an adult in the Word and Witness Program, we talked about the different types of Christians. I recognized myself as a "carnal" Christian ~ I trusted in Jesus for salvation yet still thought, acted, and reacted like the world. I wasn't new to Christianity but I hadn't allowed the Holy Spirit free access to every area of my heart and mind. I lived the Christian life on my own strength while still being heavily influenced by the world's way of thinking. My faith was compromised by so many distractions. I have to admit, the persuasive viewpoints of others swayed my opinions on many things, including abortion, capital punishment, minorities, and where I lived.
I have mentioned before that I took the class The Mind of Christ. It was then that my thinking changed. I really did want to be like Christ and began to question my every thought and action. It's taken years for me to see things the way God does. In doing that, the less I agreed with the world's way. I have been transformed by the Word of God and am a new creature in Him.
A country without Christ, I cannot imagine yet when I turn on the TV or look around me, I know it's true.
Hollywood has now decided they are experts in deciding what the law of the land should be. If "it" feels good, do it. We don't need laws; we don't need moral constraints; we don't need boundaries; and, we certainly don't want anyone to be offended (unless they are a Christian). Riots, murders, decline of the inner city, and people who have no empathy for others abound. Our flag? Stomp on it, burn it, outlaw it. Our Supreme Court? Not in tune with modern values ~ needs to be done away with as we know it now. Money? He with the most toys wins. Love the children but, if you want, get rid of the babies if they come at inconvenient times. Former President, John F Kennedy, said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." Well, that's a joke in 2016.
If you think we are growing and flourishing as individuals and as a country, think again. We are being dumbed down and spoon fed Sodom and Gomorrah one day at a time. What was so awful 50 years ago is now condoned and even encouraged. My friends Stephanie & Branden are in Las Vegas with their boys and often they have to cover those boys faces because of the (ahem) sights.
Each day, I stand in the gap, praying for our nation and it's people. I have prayed for a leader to rise up and "drain the swamp." It is only when the darkness is pierced by the light of Christ will our country flourish once again.
Hope? I am surrounded by family and friends who are good people. I choose to follow the Bible and speak truth. I offend some people and am chastised for my beliefs. That's perfectly okay with me. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. One thing is for sure, we are born, we live, and we die. I know where I am going and that gives me serenity!
Love y'all,
Miss Dottie
PS "The world is a busy place filled with many businesses, both the Godly and the ungodly. It means before you go on to accept any activity or event that comes into the world, you must weigh its values, examine the virtues, listen to the views, and then you give your verdict. Satan is not wise; he is just crafty!" ~Israelmore Ayivor
Good Morning Miss Dottie- I was scrolling through FB today and realized I had not read your blog for a while. This was so well written. My best friend and I talk almost daily about change in the world, and it's our faith that gives us peace that no matter what, He is in control. We are both Catholic, but we love Charles Stanley's Baptist based teachings and books, and during Lent we are reading Max Lucado's He Chose Nails. Keep on writing. I am praying for you as you work through these health issues. One blessing of my job at Mayo, and my volunteer work at Salvation Army Free Clinic is that every day, I see someone who is struggling more than I ever have, and how resilient they are in those situations. It puts life in perspective for me. You can do this--you can do all things through He who strengthens you :-)