Thursday, October 13, 2016

One Day At A Time

September 26, 2016

Dear Readers,

Oh boy, oh boy! Temperatures have dropped and the air cool and crisp. I wanted so badly to get a fire going this morning. That first fire of the Fall is so wonderful. The trees haven't started turning yet but the big old tree in the center of my garden is shedding leaves like crazy. Can't beat natural mulch.

Life for Miss Dottie has been fraught with busyness and I love it. I made the decision to get back into the women's group at church (WOW) and am thoroughly enjoying the study on THE PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE written by Rick Warren. I continually ask myself, "what on earth am I here for" and, as a Christian, this has been a constant change as life's seasons pass.

Another BIG change was my decision to get back into the Al-anon program. I had first joined the program in 1978 at Mary Mother of the Church in Burnsville, MN. Happily, I can say that in my quest for wellness, the 12 Step Program has boosted my confidence and given me freedom to be myself. I have a natural bent towards being an enabler and a control freak. "If it is to be, it is up to me." Gotta stop all that nonsense!!

Wayyyy back in 1978, I got this little book called ONE DAY AT A TIME. I was paging through it today. I have this habit of writing about what's going on in my life in my Bible and books that I keep so it was like doing a dance through the years...

Today, I decided to meditate on what I had written on the inside cover of the book. Why? Because I am at a new starting point and as I read and reread these words, I felt such a release of stress and tension in my body.

"I accept and claim the divine solution to this situation now...."


"As children bring their broken toys, with tears for us to mend...I brought my broken dreams to God because He was my friend. But then instead of leaving Him in peace to work alone, I hung around and tried to help with ways that were my own. At last I snatched them back and cried, 'How can you be so slow?' 'My child, He said, 'What could I do? You never did let go.'"

I don't know who wrote this but it hit home way back in 1978 and now in 2016. There are some things I really need to let go of ... not even really need to, I HAVE TO let go of. I'll bet some of my Readers can relate.

Saturday, I went to Denton to watch my grandsons play baseball. It was so nice to sit back and just enjoy the game. I didn't worry about "if" they were going excel or win their games ~ it was just so freeing to cheer them on and love them unconditionally. I smiled for 4 hours straight and basked in the sunshine of the moment. I didn't worry about who was going to win the presidential election ... I didn't worry about the shootings taking place around the country ... I didn't worry about how my hair looked ... I just flat out soaked in the joy that I was experiencing.

I have a new granddog, Cabela. My son and family adopted her from a shelter in Plano. I got to meet her and, again, I just feasted on her beauty, how precious she was, and how fortunate she was to be in her new furever home. Again, I stayed in the moment not worrying about my own dogs at home.

Yesterday, I went to church. One more time, I was able to leave the crazy world outside and concentrate on my church family and worshiping my Redeemer, I laughed, I had tears, I learned more about what was written in Acts.

Do you know how freeing it is to live and enjoy the moment? As time marches on those moments are a part of the past never to be relived except in my memory. All I have been able to do for months is worry about tomorrow. My brain has been going in ten different directions at any given time. The stress of worry was beginning to ruin my days and I hated that. Depression and the inability to manage all the balls that were in the air, was depleting my joy and I began to hibernate.

One night, all I could manage for my nightly prayer was, "Help me." I fell asleep and had nightmares. Those nightmares continued to plague me and I bottomed out. Know something? It was at that moment that God began to work. He put people in my life that said things that I know only could come from God. He opened doors and I walked through. The twinges of hope began to come back and I didn't walk, I ran towards the light of truth.

My life's journey has taken me through many peaks, valleys, twists, and turns. Even in the darkest of times, God's given me the flashlight of strength, courage, and wisdom. Instead of just feeling my way around in the dark, there has been that glimmer that has drawn me forward.

Are you so focused on the past or future you aren't able to appreciate today? Do you focus so much on what you've lost that you can't appreciate the now?

I am blessed beyond blessed in so many ways. I could not ask for a better church family; I could not ask for closer friends than those I have; my garden is in it's 6th year and takes less tending; the Sensational Six make each day special; I love my family; although my body has a tough go sometimes, I am still able to do most of what I want to do physically and mentally; and, most of all my faith has deep roots. I wish some things were different but don't we all?

Today, I pray for the knowledge of God's will for me. I rest in the arms of my Savior and I know I am worthy in His eyes. I pray for my Readers who need encouragement and direction at times when they feel so defeated and alone. I pray for today's moments to be cherished and valued for what they are ... gifts and lessons and stepping stones to tomorrow. I pray for our nation and the debate to be held this evening. May there be truth and respect shown to all concerned.  I pray in the name of the one who claimed me as your servant...

Miss Dottie

PS  "The whole idea is you can't sit around and do nothing. You have to get up and start living one day at a time. That's what I did my entire career. You can't sit around and say, 'Oh poor me. Nobody likes me. Nobody is giving me a job.' You have to get up and go. If you sit at home and do nothing, that is what is going to happen." ~Darlene Love  

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