Monday, August 7, 2017

Hello darkness, my old friend...

August 6, 2017

Dear Readers,

I had a VERY EARLY wake up call this morning. I tried going back to sleep but, true to form (after 6 hours rest), that's not my nature. Once my peepers open, I am up. Rather than lay in the silence, I decided to get up, do some Bible reading, pray, enjoy some coffee, and check out my memories page on Facebook. Now, I am chatting with you.

One of my memories was the posting of Disturbed - The Sound of Silence. I closed my eyes and really listened to the words:

"Hello darkness, my old friend, I've come to talk with you again ... And in the naked light I saw ten thousand people maybe more. People talking without speaking. People hearing without listening..."

How appropriate for today. We speak empty words and hear without understanding. The humanness of our sin nature takes precedence over listening to God and his ways. We think we're so smart, yet we're not.

I write some mini blogs on Facebook and one topic that touched my heart was the one on "See Me." Until we really get out of our comfort zones and get in the trenches we really don't know what is going on in the remote areas of our cities and countryside. We don't now what is going on inside the homes with the white picket fences or in the lives of those around us. We choose not to look because if we looked we just might be moved to do something that we don't really want to do. I am not scolding, we're ALL guilty of picking and choosing where we feast our eyes.

When Jesus walked the earth he chose to reveal himself to the common man. The rulers and rich had no need for a Savior and they crucified a perfect human being just because he spoke truth and walked in light. Isn't that the way today? If someone walks with the Lord and speaks truth ~ especially if they aren't politically correct or in tune with mainstream media ~ we must find something to crucify them.

Some say the Bible is outdated and really doesn't apply to today. Ever read it? Holy cow! Mankind is still the same then and now AND God is still the same then and now. The Ten Commandments are still relevant and walking with the Lord does require an examination of the heart. The mind of Christ is NOT the mind of man.

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight..." ~Proverbs 3:5-6

Because of the faith I was raised in I could not comprehend this "born again" concept. I believed, I was saved ... end of story. One evening (when I was living in Minnesota), I answered a knock on the door. It was a couple from the local Baptist Church making house calls. They seemed pleasant enough but when they asked me if I had been born again, I got very perturbed and shut the door on them. How dare they question my faith?  They did dare; and, today, I am glad they did because their visit set the stage for where I am today.

My message to those who dare to evangelize: don't be discouraged when doors are slammed in your face and people appear to not listen. All God asks of us is that we plant seeds and hold out our arms to fellow travelers. Often times, we don't have the big picture and those seeds may not germinate and bloom until years later.

Father God in Heaven, I pray for those reading this blog. Fill their hearts with hope and strength as they live and minister to others. I lift up those dealing with chronic illnesses, recovery from surgery, and those experiencing the pain of fractured relationships. I pray for your people to have eyes to see, ears to hear, and a voice that can permeate the darkness. I know you don't ask us to give what we don't have but from the blessings You have so richly provided ... finances, time, talents, extra worldly goods. Help us recognize our God-given talents. If we can sing, let us sing. If we can dance, let us dance. If we can influence, let us teach. As this day unfolds, equip and guide us ... all in YOUR name! Amen

Miss Dottie

PS "We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature ~ trees, flowers grass grow in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence... We need silence to be able to touch souls." ~Mother Teresa

1 comment:

  1. This is so excellent Dorothy- I shared with my friend Rachelle because we were talking about this very thing a couple days ago. We were discussing how todays world can make it seem we are over stepping by reaching out to plant the seed of faith, but wondering if we accountable if we don't take the opportunity to do so. Thanks for the reminder that it's ok to take opportunities to plant that seed even if it may not appear to be immediately fruitful. You have some amazing insights. Thank you for sharing!!
