March 22, 2013
It's an absolutely wonderful Spring day in Central Texas. I filled the bird feeder yesterday ... from the sound of the chatter you'd think I lived in an aviary! I have a bird's eye (little pun there!) view from the sofa in the cottage and find myself almost in a trance watching their antics.
I took a walk through the gardens this morning and was so excited to see so many of my plants flowering and developing blooms. At least with gardening, I am able to see the fruits of my labors. I also have had to deal with Cotton Root Rot which took 2 of the trees I planted last year. Doing research on that...
When you hear those words, "I must confess," what do you think? Do your ears perk up ready to hear the juicy confession? Last night, I was feeling very melancholy and couldn't figure out what was wrong. Finally, I blurted out, "Lord, what is wrong with me?" As usual, He answered ... "You've forgotten me." I hung my head because I knew it was true.
Have you ever stopped going to church, listening to praise music, reading the Bible, and, attending Bible studies? Well, let me raise my hand. I must confess... Oh, I was reading a few Psalms, scanning the Bible but not digging in, praying short prayers. But (should be a big BUT!) I haven't been immersed in the all the goodness that my Lord has provided for me. I've been one of those ho hum Christians...
When I heard the words, "You've forgotten me," I knew somethings needed to change. I decided to write down a plan of action and get myself out of my doldrums. Oh yes, I've had lots of excuses ... the move here, surgery, illnesses ... but, those are pretty lame excuses when I really thought about it. The truth of the matter is that I've been waiting for my husband to find us a church or for someone to invite us to church and me to a Bible study. Again, pretty lame excuses.
The truth of the matter is that I need to take control of my own search ... ME! I am the one who needs to step out in faith and do what I know I need to do to get back to my old self. I know that realizing that something needs to change and doing it are two different things. Procrastination is not an option!
When I moved to Central Texas I knew it was going to be a big change. What I didn't realize was that I would enter a period of grieving for what I had lost. I had lived north of Dallas since 1971. Besides, my hometown in Minnesota, that is where my roots were. Retirement has been another big change -- I was used to having a nice paycheck come in. I didn't count on the stock market doing a dive. Having 12+ surgeries on my neck, back, and feet since 2004 has been a challenge yet, I am grateful that I can walk and function on a high level. I think that any time we go through multiple losses, we are going to experience a down time. What do you think? Maybe I need to cut myself just a little slack.
Soooo, now what? I confess that I read the book of James in the Bible this morning and loved every moment. The words seemed to leap out at me and I felt fed. I decided to write my blog then will dive into my wonderful claw foot tub, get dressed, and do some research on churches here. I've been a Lutheran and a Baptist but that doesn't mean other denominations don't preach the word of God!
James 5:16 (AMP) says: Confess to one another therefore your faults (your slips, your false steps, your offenses, your sins) and pray (also) for one another that you may be healed and restored (to a spiritual tone of mind and heart). The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available (dynamic in its working).
If you are like me and have been down in the dump of life, I ask that you join me on my journey back to my old self. Think about what you can do and move forward. Ask God to show you the way and, believe me, He will!
Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!
Miss Dottie
PS Rest assured...
I work for the good of those who love Me (Romans 8:28)
And My love is eternally with them. (Psalms 103:17)
Nothing can separate them from the love of Christ,
Neither trouble nor persecution, famine, nakedness or danger. (Romans 8:35)
Be convinced that nothing in all creation -
Neither death nor life, angels or demons,
The present or the future, no height or depth or any power -
Can separate My children from the love revealed in My Son,
Jesus Christ, your Lord. (Romans 8:38-39)
Let me hear a big AMEN as you read this!! Now, go enjoy your day!!