Thursday, March 28, 2013


March 28, 2013

Well, hello there.  Thanks for clicking on my blog.  While I was deep in prayer this morning, there were many faces that came to me for prayer ~~ maybe yours was one of them.  I just love the sweet times I am having reconnecting with my Lord (see my blog, I Must Confess).  I am finding that I am more patient and feeling more upbeat.  For those of you who have read my blog, I Must Confess, you know the struggles I've had.  I am happy to report that I am making progress.

We had a few days of cold weather.  Luckily, it's warming up and believe me, it feels so good!  I miss my homeland of Minnesota but I don't think my body could stand the long winters.  I like piddling in my gardens too much and being outside.

Little Casa - No Gardens 01-01-2010

Little Casa Gardens 01-01-2011

Little Casa Gardens 01-01-2012

Little Casa Gardens 01-01-2013
Speaking of gardens.  Mom S went into the nursing home 5 years ago.  For the first couple years, we didn't know for sure if she would remain there or be able to return home.  When, it was decided that she would spend her remaining days at Town Hall Estates, we decided to renovate her house.  Three years ago, I planted a few Knock-Out Roses next to the house in the backyard.  Last Summer when we decided to turn the old garage into a cottage, I began to really turn my energy into planting gardens throughout the back yard.  It was one of those projects that took a lot of back breaking energy but now, I am reaping the rewards of my labor.  Don't get me wrong, my plants have a long way to go to reach maturity; yet, I love watching their progress and adding perennials where I have big blank spaces.  It is our hope and prayer that when Michael and I pass away that someone will love the little casa, cottage, and gardens enough to keep them going.  Throughout the process of expanding and refining my gardens, I am reminded that as Christians, we go through the same process.  We accept Christ as our Savior, then he starts working in our hearts.  Bit by bit we trod on the stepping stones of refinement.  As He feeds our roots, we blossom and grow!!!  

This week is Holy Week.  I am missing my Lutheran roots of celebrating Ash Wednesday, and Lent culminating in the intensity of services on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday.  Two years ago, I drove into Plano and attended Good Friday services at Resurrection Lutheran Church.  I was a charter member of that church in the 1970's (a bit of trivia ... my son was the last member on the charter!) and attended for many years.  I was moved to tears at the deepness of the service; and, as a Christian, I truly "got" the message of Christ's death on the cross.  If you're thinking about surrendering your life to Christ, a new Christian, or even a seasoned believer, I suggest watching the movie, The Passion Of the Christ ... I am sure you will get the message.

It's nearly noon and my tummy is grumbling.  I missed breakfast this morning so I will have breakfast for lunch!  Then, it will be time for my exercise tape.  (See, I truly am making progress!)

See you in church on Easter Sunday as Christians all over the world celebrate the Resurrection!

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PS  "Where man sees but withered leaves, God sees sweet flowers growing."~~Albert Laighton 

1 comment:

  1. Oh....I wish I could have been with you to attend the church service. I have fond memories of Resurrection Lutheran. I know what you mean when you miss your roots! Tradition and heritage are strong drivers of who we are, so an experience/visit of an old school, church, relative.... makes the heart sing.

    Love ya~
