Sunday, March 17, 2013


March 17, 2013

A top of the morning to ya!  It's St. Patrick's Day ... a great day for everything green!  Green is not my color but will try find something green to wear today.  Hubby brought me coffee this morning and insisted he had green in the plaid of his pajama pants.  Sorry, dear, I think you were stretching it a bit...

I love St. Patrick's Day ~~ maybe because it's a day of doing the jig, laughing, giving blessings, and hugging lots of folks.  Some I know enjoy green beer and the revelry at the local pubs.  I really dislike beer ~~ maybe I could add a little green food coloring to a gin 'n' tonic??  Or, maybe I could add some color to my twice baked potatoes.  Maybe not...

Sometimes everything we want to say can be accomplished with a hug that say, "Hello friend!"   I am a hugger ... If I sense I am getting into someone's space, I will shake your hand BUT it takes everything I have in me not to give a big hug!!  My new found friend here in Central Texas said to me the other day, "Dottie, I've finally realized that you just love to hug ... at first I was uncomfortable but now I look forward to your smiles, upbeat personality, and HUGS!"  That made me smile.

Did you know that we need 8 hugs a day and there is such a thing a hugging therapy?  I don't know about you but hugging (and laughter) helps me in healing from surgery, losses, loneliness, anxiety, and stress.  Why?

I find that hugging helps with open and honest communication.  When people know that you care there is safety in revealing one's hurts.  From the time we're born our family's touch shows us that we're loved and special.  I did not come from a hugging family ... quite the contrary.  HOWEVER, because hugging was so important to me, I decided early on to cuddle and hug my own children, making sure they knew they were special.  Now I have grandchildren to hug and cherish.  Yay!  I think hugging is now built in to my family's dna!

There are times when I ask my husband for a hug ... he's not a hugger so it doesn't come naturally to him.  I tell him that hugs teach us how to give and receive.  There is equal value in receiving and being receptive to warmth, as to giving and sharing.  Hugs educate us how love flows both ways.  When I hug and am hugged, I am totally in the splendor of the moment.  I am connecting with those I care about.  He's 6'2" tall and I am 5'2" tall ~~ I love it when he hugs so tight that he lifts me off the ground.  Ah yes...

I read that we need four hugs a day for survival.  We need eight hugs a day for maintenance.  We need twelve hugs a day for growth.  Well boy howdy, something as simple as a hug is pretty darn important.

My mother lived with me for six months before she passed away.  I scrubbed her back when she bathed and used to give her back rubs when her spine ached.  My father had died years before and I imagine she missed his loving touch.  When I used to go tot he nursing home to visit Mom S, she loved to hug and kiss.  She could get quite vocal when we missed too many days of coming to visit her.  I think she missed that human contact ~~ those hugs and kisses were important to her well being.  The picture on the left is taken at the St. Patrick's Day party at the nursing home.  Mom S love St. Paddy's day!!

After my last surgery, I spent the night at my son and daughter in law's home.  I got lots of hugs and kisses and felt cared for ~~ my healing process began with such peacefulness.  During the night, my son came in to my room to check on me (like I had done hundreds of time when he was a boy).  He stood by my bed and touched my head.  I don't remember if I even acknowledged that he was there but my spirit knew.  My son has carried on the baton of checking on his sons as they sleep, praying for them, and making sure they get their quotas of hugs for the day.  Oh the unspoken blessings of touch and hugs!

My Heavenly Father hugs me through his word and by bringing people into my life to let me know I am special.  My friend, Beverly, is one of the most caring, loving people I have ever met.  Her random acts of kindness are always surprising me.  My friend, Etta, like Beverly, exudes caring, passion, and love.  My childhood friend, Pam, always signs her emails, "Hugs" ~~ and, I know she means it.  When I think about it, my whole family has become huggers and are quite vocal about our "I love you's!"  Somehow, I'd like to think that when the good Lord hugged me, his light began to shine out through me and the warmth of the hug got passed on.

This is St. Patrick's Day.  I hope you will pass along the blessing of the hug.  Who knows, your hug may be the start of something BIG!

Always know you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!  Virtual hugs sent world-wide!

Miss Dottie

PS  I couldn't sign off without giving you a wonderful Irish blessing:

May the blessing of the rain be on you~~
the soft sweet rain.
May it fall upon your spirit
so that all the little flowers may spring up,
and shed their sweetness on the air.
May the blessing of the great rains be on you,
may they beat upon your spirit
and wash it fair and clean,
and leave there many a shining pool
where the blue of heaven shines,
and sometimes a star.

1 comment:

  1. He! He! I love how Virginia relished holidays....she was always dressed to the nines and wore an ear to ear smile. I wish I would have had a chance to get to know her better.

    Your blog makes me want to hug my children. I am sitting at Barnes and Noble right now reading your blogs. Think the two people sitting hear me would mind if I got up and gave them a hug? Hmmmmm - I might get kicked out - LOL.

    Love You beyond words!
