Friday, March 15, 2013

The "E" Word

March 13, 2013

A rousing good morning, Readers!  I hope that you opened your eyes to a world full of hope and promise.  I woke up to two sets of dark brown eyes staring down at me letting me know that it was time for breakfast, a potty call, and the beginning of a new day.  Love it!! 

For several weeks now, I have been plagued by a prompting to write about the "E" word so I figured God must have something to say to someone about it.  We all know about the "B" word and the "F" word but how about adding the "E" word...

"E" stands for empathy.  It's what Christ has for us as he anticipates our every need.  It's what Christ has for us as he listens to our pleas and wipes away our tears.  He is our model of perfection.  Empathy is being able to sense the needs and emotions of another ... it is an unselfish act of caring for another.

When we honestly ask ourselves which people mean the most to us, we often times find that it is those who are able to share our pain and touch our hurts with a warm and tender hand.  The friend who can come alongside us in those moments of despair and confusion not thinking of themselves but able to offer hope in our powerlessness ~~ that is a friend who cares.

A couple weeks ago, my husband was attending a training class in Chicago.  Thursday morning he had to call 911 and was taken to the hospital ER ~~ from there placed in the Critical Care Unit.  An endoscopy showed that he had a duodenal ulcer that had bled out during the night.  I was so impressed at the empathy shown by the EMT's, the ER staff, the doctors, and the company Michael works for.  They took over meeting his every need, assuring and encouraging him every step of the way.  They all went above and beyond what was necessary.  Not only did those folks display empathy during his hospital stay, they followed up when he returned home to Texas.  Going that extra mile is empathy.

I would say that it often times difficult for us to have empathy for another if we have not shared their path.  I believe that is why Christ came to earth as man to walk among us.  He knows, first hand...  There have been articles written about Jesus having a wife and children.  I would think that would have been recorded in the Bible; however, if it should be discovered that he did, would that make him less God?  To me, it would just give Him another level of empathy.

I have been recovering from major surgery.  Luckily, my surgeon is highly skilled and my body strong going into the surgery making recovery less stressful.  I can't even count the number of surgeries I have had to repair my  bones affected by arthritis and degeneration of the spine.  The good news is that I am rarely ill and keep myself as physically, mentally, and spiritually fit as possible.  I know there will probably come a time when doctors cannot mend my crumbling bones so I pack as much as I can into my days.  However, I have hope...  I had my first cervical spine surgery in 2010 and spent 6 weeks recovering ending in less pain but also less mobility.  Two years later, I had a more extensive cervical spine surgery and I wondered how I would fare...

At my post-op check-up eleven days after surgery, I was way ahead of the recovery schedule.  Due to advancements in spinal surgery, I have complete mobility in my neck and although I am still  healing in the swallowing arena, my strength has returned and I am well on my way to better days!!  What a difference a couple years makes!

Dr. Carmody, the orthopedic surgeon who operated on my neck was voted most compassionate doctor, 2010.  He empathizes with his patients delivering cutting edge technology.  His team is top-notch ~~ as I was wheeled into the surgical room, I was greeted by faces offering words of comfort.  I just knew that I was in good hands and felt no fear.

Each of us has walked the road of life experiencing the wonderful, the good, and the not so good.  Our past has defined the arenas of empathy we are to offer others.  I have a friend who plays a trumpet beautifully - she is able to offer words of empathy and encouragement to those struggling with mastering their own musical instruments.  Others have lost children, parents, spouses...  We all have our own life's experiences that we can use to empathize with others.

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PS  "The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths.  These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern.  Beautiful people do not just happen." ~~ Elisabeth Kubler-Ross 

1 comment:

  1. Well......after reading the quote you put in your blog....I have one thing to say, "You are a beautiful person"!!! Empathy, sadly, is not part of everyone's genetics. I was born with empathy --I literally hurt inside when a friend, family member, stranger, animal, etc. is hurting. I get choked up and take action. Surprisingly, looking back, I have not been taken advantage of..... God has put me in many 'right places at the right time'. God has also paid me back a thousand times over and surrounded me with people that love me unconditionally. Thank you, Lord!!

    Here's to the E word~
