Sunday, April 14, 2013

A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes

"I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, 
I have kept the faith..."~~2 Timothy 4:7

April 13, 2013

It is really dark outside, the dogren are snoring up a storm and I am finally sitting down and doing a little relaxing.  Nothing gives me more pleasure than sharing my day with you, my Readers.  In fact, I was thinking about y'all today when I was busy outside.  I started working this morning about 8:30 and before I knew it, it was after 7pm.  Michael kept feeding me and keeping me supplied with drinks and I kept on truckin'.  When it got too dark to work, I dragged my weary body into the cottage, had a great soak in the claw foot tub, got in my jammies, and decided to do a little writing.

My bones are a-shoutin', my muscles are a-achin', and, I'm feelin' a g-o-o-d kind of tired.  I've been ant bit, stung by a bee, and gored by rose thorns.  I wore my garden gloves this morning but they got sweaty and coated with dirt so I peeled them off ... my hands resemble brown prunes.  Oh well...

March 2012
I was thinking ... it was about a year ago that I sat on top of the storm shelter in the far back left corner of the yard and put together a plan for the dilapidated old garage and barren back yard.  There was this wish I had and, I would say, my heart really spoke to me and gave me a vision.  I was lucky that I was able to find a contractor who worked with me helping me to bring my dream for the cottage into reality.  It's been a crazy year for sure!

There is something rather magical about birthing an idea brought forth through the heart.  I tasted it, I felt it, I saw it in my mind...  I knew it could be; I just didn't know exactly how but I had this passion to give it my best try.  What's your passion?  Do you get so excited about it that the time you give to it seems like endless bliss?  That's how I feel about creating beautiful spaces whether inside or out.

Today, I sat in the same spot, and I think I caught a glimpse of the finish line.  I tied vines to the back fence and sprayed most of the back part of the yard for weeds and grass.  Tomorrow, I will clean up the wood piles, and put down the remaining mulch.  The back part of the garden is mostly trees so it will be my shade garden.  It looks okay as it is but I know I will be adding shade loving plants next Spring as well as a few Azalea bushes.  Michael reminded me that as an artist, a creative soul, my work will never be done ... there will always something that will need tweaking!

Every path in the garden leads to somewhere!
Every now and then, I have felt rather frustrated thinking my project would take forever.  I tried to finish sections but it wasn't until I stood on top of the storm shelter today that I could see the whole picture and how much of myself I have poured into making my dream a reality.  I've laid every stone, planted every flower, every shrub, and even put in some trees.  I did leave some room for grass and purchased a bag of grass seed today.  That will be next week's project.

Another thought came to mind today as I stood looking below me:  God sees the big picture when we can only see small parts.  He has a plan, a wish for us that His heart has created.  He sees us as perfect, beautiful.  We are His Creation!  He loves us as we are; but, He tweaks us and refines us until we "get it."  Close your eyes for a moment -- can't you just see Him smiling?!  WE are His passion!

I am smiling and I feel so content.  My Casting Crowns CD is playing and I have every candle lit in the cottage.  I had a BIG SURPRISE today ... one that totally knocked my socks off.  I think God has needed to see me content in the "now" ~~ I needed to stop my belly aching about what I didn't have and concentrate on making my days count using what I had trusting the Lord to bring forth fruit in due time.  Anyway, back to my surprise ... some years ago, I met a young woman.  She and I were as close as any mother and daughter could be.  You know how it goes ... she moved, had children, and got involved in life as did I.  Gradually, we lost touch.  Today, I checked my Facebook, and there she was along with a note...  I sat down and cried.  I looked at her photo and she was as beautiful as ever.  Thank you Jesus for surprises!!

Thoughts of a blissful day swirl in my head and heart but, it's time to blow out the candles and climb into my cozy bed.  I just know my dreams will be fraught with more magical creations yet to be birthed.  Who knows what surprises tomorrow will bring!

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PS  "There is no surprise more magical than the surprise of being loved."  ~~Charles Morgan

1 comment:

  1. Like you - I love it when a creative vision awakens my soul. Funny how Michael knows you so husband is the same way-- in fact, I think he tries to prevent ideas from creeping into my mind because he knows I'll be restless until the idea is acted upon and fulfilled. How is this a bad thing?? I guess for those people who enjoy downtime (literally--laying and sitting down)...being around a busy beaver can be exhausting. ;-) Although not all projects follow the expected plan--they are an adventure and make life fun.

    Thank you for passing this trait onto me!
