Monday, April 1, 2013

The Crystal Candy Dish

March 29, 2013

How can such a simple thing as a crystal candy dish create such wonderful memories?  Simple...  I love this song sung by Elvis Presley ... maybe you can listen to it as you read today's blog.

My Grandmother Maggie (Bestemor) kept a crystal candy dish on top of the console in the dining area of the parlor as long as I can remember.  Everyone coming in to Bestemor's home headed for "the" dish to see what kind of candy had been added.  We all had our favorites that we were hoping we'd find but if they weren't there, we feasted on what was.

Time has a way of passing but some things stay the same.  As long as Bestemor was alive, the crystal candy dish was full.  I ate from it, my children ate from it, and, I wish my grandchildren could have eaten from it.  No one ever had to say "Where's the candy?"  I never saw the dish empty.

Bestemor was a wonderful matriarch of Norwegian descent.  She read from the Norwegian Bible every day and was a quiet gracious woman.  She would cover her mouth when she laughed and always had a beautiful lace trimmed handkerchief tucked into her belt.  Funny the things we remember.  In later years, Bestemor had many bouts of skin cancer and wouldn't allow photos.  She would cover her face when she'd had spots cut out saying, "Uf!"  To me and her family and friends, Bestemor was beautiful.  There were times in my adult life when I visited her with my children.  She would hold them and I would feel so proud placing them in her arms.

I'm not sure why Bestemor was thought of as such an amazing grandmother.  She didn't attend our sports or music events.  She never gave us money or a store bought gift.  She didn't run and hug us or be prone to any mushy gushy talk.  When guests arrived, they walked to see Bestemor in her chair and gave her a hug.  She responded with a hug and a hearty "Hello, Alida, get these people something to eat and drink."  Was it her confidence?  Sense of strength?  Was it her Christ-like demeanor of always caring for those in need?  All I know is that if you polled my cousins:  Dick, Gary, Darrell, Paul, Phillip, Jeanne, Ronald, Karolyn, Kathryn, Babe, Jackie, Brian, Bob, Dennis, Nancy, Jim, and Roger, they would all say that they loved and respected her.  I was proud to be called Maggie P's granddaughter.

The only time I ever saw Bestemor giggle with glee was when I gave her our refrigerator when we were moving from MN back to TX.  "Now, I can keep ice cream!"  Bestemor loved ice cream but had this little ice box that barely had room for a tray of ice.  At a time when we take so many things for granted (such as a refrigerator) it seems almost surreal now.

I don't know what happened to the famous crystal candy dish.  I hope it is somewhere being used to hold candy for a special family and friends.  What I do know is that, I found myself filling my own treat basket(s) to have on hand.  I love to love and gush over my guests and family ... I love to attend school and sports events cheering them on.  I like being a hands on grandmother but, most of all, it is my hope that my grandchildren will remember me as the matriarch of our family ~~ a lady to be respected and loved.  What will they remember about me?  Will I have value?  Time will tell won't it?

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PSS  "You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him." ~~Malcolm S. Forbes  I read this today and, now as I think about it, I would say that my grandmother's children and spouses had good character.  In turn they taught their children the value of this woman.  My grandmother was a woman to be treated with love and dignity ... I grew up loving her ~~ just because!

1 comment:

  1. You are valued and talked about often in our home. Madison often tells me that you are her favorite Grandma! Last summer you two built many memories that bring a smile to her face. Simple things-- like the way you got excited to see her in the mornings. She said (with a smile) that as soon as she woke up in the morning she would turn the corner and there you were.....grinning, arms spread wide open-- pursuing your morning hug. She loved the time you gave her; although time is free it is priceless. Your talents of gardening, cooking, and making a house a home is treasured by all. You have a gentle, quiet, fun, and spiritual depth that is rare and admired.

    Have a great day and NEVER, NEVER change!

    Love ya~
