Monday, April 21, 2014

Color Outside the Lines on Easter

"Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him. The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God. In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus."
~Romans 6:8-11

April 20, 2014
Easter Sunday

Dear God,

He is risen! Your son, my Savior, is risen! How could I ever begin to thank you for loving me (and other sinners) enough to send a Savior with shoulders big enough to take on all the sins of the world? The only way I am able to scratch the surface is to live a life pleasing to you and to share my story with others through my blog.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
~John 3:16

I woke up this morning singing, "He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today!" Then, came the song, "I serve a risen Savior, He's in my heart today..." By the time my eyes were barely open, I had my own church service going. My furry kids were staring at me and sitting at my feet as I carried on, waving my hands in the air. We began a procession into the house them barking for breakfast and me shouting, "Whereeeee's the coffee?!" I had that joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart ... yes, I sure did.

My daughter, Jill, texted me about 8 and said she was leaving Dallas to come visit. Varooom (You think I'm kidding? Her car thunders down the road!)  ~ in no time she was pulling into town and calling for final directions.  I get such a kick out of her and her bright red Camaro, Scarlet. I had lined up a choice of three meals: (1) a ham dinner; (2) meatloaf dinner; and, (3) a Mexican dinner of nachos and all the fixins. Next thing you know, we were cooking up a storm and giggling like teenagers.  Since I had a garage sale yesterday, things were a bit helter skelter. Oh well, wherever family is gathered there is laughter and a whole lotta love and that's the main thing.

Jill brought me some Gregg's Mist which we planted after we ate. Butterflies are supposed to go bonkers over the blooms so come on plants ... BLOOM! I enjoy Jill so much because she colors outside the lines like me. I'm a free spirit but she is even more so. She helped me clean out the storm shelter and put a bunch of tubs down there ~ it's always a chore but somehow we made it fun.

To color outside the lines means having nachos on Easter. To color outside the lines means doing things that might not make sense to others but invites hearts and souls to come together. To color outside the lines means the traditional Easter dinner of ham, baked potatoes, veggies, and dessert will be served tomorrow on a Monday night. Lord, I think you made me to color outside the lines ... to be creative ... to think outside the box ... to be able to learn (and laugh) at the flops and fumbles of life knowing that with each flop, I gain wisdom and can celebrate the journey.

Father, this Easter Sunday, I can't say it enough that I am thankful beyond thankful that I serve a risen Savior. Bless my Readers, opening their eyes and hearts to receiving your Son. With each new day, help us to come together as brothers and sisters in Christ. Let not Jesus death on the cross be the end of the story for there is so much more. Christ saved us for a purpose and that purpose is to move beyond the self-centered existence we are born with, maturing into adults who reach out and make others' lives a little easier. Because you are the center of my existence, I am more than I ever hoped I would be. That being said, I pray that my Readers would grow in you as a stone skipping across a pond, the ripples fanning out into eternity.


Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: It is nightfall and I am one tired lady. Mr Sandman has sprinkled sleepy sand in my eyes and my bed is looking mighty inviting. When I think about Easter, I think about rebirth. Christ was raised from the dead that we might have newness of life. Spring ... newness of life. With each bud that appears, I am giddy looking forward to the opening of a beautiful flower. I never get tired of experiencing the magic of Easter and the perennials rising from the depths of my garden floor. I have visions of Christ rising from a tomb AND my garden bursting at the seams with buds. This blogger is a happy camper!! Hope your Easter was as blessed as mine!

Monday, April 14, 2014


April 13, 2014

Dear God,

Oh my goodness, is this really mid April? We had rain during the night and temperatures dropped drastically. The wind has picked up causing some creaking and whooshing noises that make my furry kids nervous. I lit the fireplace and am enjoying it's warmth and ambiance. I gave the Fabulous 5 treats and they have nestled down in their blankets! 

About a month ago, I took a hot dish out of the microwave. The pain of the heat seared through the bowl to my hands, I dropped the dish, and quickly ran to the sink to run some cold water over the burn. My palm and the backs of my fingers turned really red and blistered. I was jumping up and down like a kangaroo holding my hands in a cold towel. A few days later the blisters began to break and for days I was reminded how stupid I was to think that I could mess with fire and not get burned. For sure, I won't do that again. The natural consequences of being burned will forever remind me to never touch a hot dish again.

So why am I writing about this now? Well, I was listening to the radio and a pastor was talking about suffering the natural consequences of our actions. It jogged my memory about the incident and reminded me of how every time I use the microwave, I pull out the hot pad holders. The pain was so great that it will be etched in my mind forever. Even as I write this, I cringe...

For years I was an enabling sweet lady who hated to see anyone cry or suffer. I got enmeshed in relationships and couldn't set healthy boundaries without feeling really guilty. I must confess that so many times I took over Your job. Since I am not God, playing God NEVER turned out the way I hoped it would. My interference prolonged the process of learning, maturing, and growing. I love the poem of Broken Dreams and wish I knew who wrote it. It says a lot about my meddling...

As children bring their broken toys
With tears for us to mend.
I brought my broken dreams to God
Because He was my Friend.

But then instead of leaving Him
In peace to work alone,
I hung around and tried to help
With ways that were my own.

At last I snatched them back and cried,
"How could You be so slow?"
"My child," He said,
"What could I do? You never did let go."

There is a lot to be learned from the wisdom imparted in the Bible (Proverbs is a great place to start reading and gathering pearls of wisdom). We have the thou shalt nots; and, it's pretty emphatic about "if you do _____ then _____ will happen." If you have premarital sex then pregnancy can occur. If you commit adultery then you may lose your spouse and family. If you give your soul to the devil, you will not experience eternal life. Pretty simple, yes? Was the premarital sex worth the abortion? Was the adultery worth losing your family?

We are supposed to be like your son, Jesus. He's the perfect example of a guy who was able to set good boundaries allowing the people around him to have freedom to choose. Romans 1:24 says: "Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another." In other words, You say to us ... "Okay, if you won't listen to me then have it your way and see what happens." Jesus practiced compassion combined with tough love.

The Bible says in Psalm 1 that a person who meditates on Your Word will be blessed. The wisdom of the Bible will help guide us to avoid wrong friends and influences. I know that when I stay close to You, I feel the refreshment like a tree planted by a river.

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
 ~Psalm 119:105

Father God, I pray that we will learn from our choices and when our ways don't work out that there will be enough pain that we experience the want to change. Believe me, change will occur for most of us when the pain of change is less than the pain of remaining the same. For us who hate to see others cry, help us to realize that to interrupt and enable means prolonging bad choices. Father, I praise you and thank you for the progress Josh has made after his surgery and pray for continued progress. I pray for Gwen, Lawaina, and all my classmates that we would be able to gather to celebrate the many years we spent together growing up in Glenwood, Minnesota. Grant us all that extra measure of compassion, wisdom, and the promise of IF we do life your way THEN we will experience the peace that passes all understanding. Jesus, King of my life, you raised us to a newness of living in You and it's in Your Name I pray.


Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: To experience the natural consequences of our choices is worth more than all the preaching in the world. We are not someone else's Holy Spirit. As adults, we are accountable to each other but not responsible for the choices of another.  Remember the definition of insanity: doing things the same way over and over and expecting different results. Today's Monday, the perfect time to wipe the slate clean and be so busy concentrating on our own lives that we don't have time to judge, gossip, or take on someone else's business! Do I hear an Amen?!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Ramblin' thoughts with Miss Dottie

April 12, 2014

Dear God,

Good morning, good morning, time to rise and greet the day! The furry kids and I had a wonderful night's rest ~ they were so sweet, they got up before me and all of them used the wee wee pad allowing me an extra half hour of rest. Their little tummies were rumbling though and by 7:30am, they were ready for breakfast. They had kibble and I had a wonderful aromatic cup of coffee. It's supposed to be a glorious day and we plan to have some time in the gardens (yep, I have my sunscreen on and my hat ready).

In just a couple weeks, Kennedy will be celebrating his first year with us at Seidler Dogdom. He was attached to me the moment he saw me, worming his way into my heart. Oh goodness, to think that I almost sent him back to Recycled Poms with Laura because of his size. I think that You knew that I needed Kennedy as much as he needed me.

With each passing day, Kennedy has grown in confidence and has become pretty sassy. He's smart, can leap tall buildings, and dig under fences to get where here wants to go. He's kind of a loner although he will play with Zeke (they were together in their foster home). His soulful eyes and kind spirit get me every time I look at him. It's taken Kennedy nearly a year to really come into his own and know he is in his furever home. Michael and I laugh at how much more outgoing he has become. He jumps like a deer around the backyard claiming it as "his kingdom." 

Father God, Kennedy has helped me realize how many times in life I've passed over someone simply because I didn't think they were my type ~ they were too this or too that... Or, as in my case, I didn't think I was worthy. I am so grateful that now, I have Kennedy and friends of every walk of life with different interests. I don't have to change them, I just enjoy the freshness they bring to my life.

When I could accept myself as an imperfect human being and know that Jesus had my back no matter what, I began that metamorphosis to wholeness. I'm not afraid of truth and light ~ nor am I afraid to speak up and share my views. What I have yet to figure out is why I bother liberals so much ... aren't we all entitled to our opinions? Jesus walked on this earth, was a perfect man, and yet, there were those who hated him and crucified him. Knowing that helps me understand that as that imperfect woman I'm going to be besieged by others who don't like me and would prefer I disappear from the planet. That's just a fact of life.

This morning, the sun shines into the cottage to warm me. Kennedy is close to my right side as I type. Harmony and Ruffy are next to each other on my left and Zeke is perched behind me on the pillow that supports my back. I am surrounded by love. I like that!!

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
 ~2 Chronicles 7:14

Lord, I pray that you would bless all of my Readers this day. Fill their hearts with the kind of love that only you can give knowing that it will spill out to others. Our country is in need of healing and so are our people. Joblessness has crippled the spirits of our citizens and our people have sold their souls to a government who offered them relief and hope. Their has been no relief and hope has wained.  In the Bible, Lord, you tell us that we need to turn from our wicked ways THEN you will step in. Oh the sadness you  must feel when we continue to choose elected officials who can speak eloquently but fail to follow through. I stand in the gap crying out that you would shine light into the darkest corners revealing truth that cannot be disputed. Wrap your arms around your children giving us hope in the knowledge that you are in control. Father, I also want to lift up a young fellow by the name of Josh who had a ruptured appendix. The doctors performed surgery but he is still in so much pain. Touch him dear Lord and remove any infection. Enlighten his doctors has to what procedure and medicines need to be given. Give comfort to Josh's family and ease their worries. In the name of Jesus, it is done!!


Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERSI certainly rambled didn't I this morning? Well, that's how it goes when I carry on a conversation with the Lord. I like it that I have this personal relationship with Him which enables me to just be me and to talk without fear of reprisal. He accepts me as I am yet, I know full well, that He also introduces me to new ideas, thoughts, and people that are able to enlighten me, convict me, OR that I am spot on in my beliefs and where I need to be in life. I always want to remain teachable! Always remember that you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!! Have a great Saturday!!

Friday, April 11, 2014

The dreaded "C" word..

April 11, 2014

Dear God,

What beautiful words are spoken in Psalm 103. Words to read and meditate on to absorb the full physical, emotional, and spiritual benefit!!

I am feeling weary after my trip into the city yesterday to visit the dermatologist. I hadn't seen her in three years and something inside of me prompted me to make the call and go in. I had asked my regular general practitioner about some spots on my face during my annual physical and he said, "Oh, don't worry." I think women are especially in tune with their bodies and I decided to get a second opinion. Thank you for your internal prompting!

The outdoors has always been where I am happiest. As a teenager, I used to put Iodine in a bottle of Baby Oil, slather it on, and bake myself into a golden brown. As a young adult, I started using suntan lotion to get my healthy glow. As a maturing adult, I have been more wise; however, I still garden, forgetting to put sunscreen on my body and sometimes on my face. I am a positive thinking lady and have a tendency to think, "THAT won't happen to me." Well (sigh), THAT has often times reared it's ugly head resulting in consequences of my failure to protect myself.

The spots on my face that I had been concerned about were precancerous (10 of them) and I will head back to have them taken off in a couple weeks. The spot that was most concerning was one I didn't realize I had ... it was waxy white in color and located on my jaw line. That spot was biopsied and I should get the results in about a week. While I was there Pam talked to me about what to expect if the biopsy is malignant.

The Mohs surgical process involves a repeated series of surgical excisions followed by microscopic examination to assess if tumor cells remain. Some tumors that appear small may have extensive invasion underneath normal appearing skin. The surgeon keeps removing tissue until the lab gives the OK signal that all is clear. My cousin Karolyn told me that she has had this procedure done so I will pick her brain should it become necessary.

Father God, like so many, my body parts seem to be wearing out. The list gets longer and I wonder what to fix first. My GP is telling me that I need to get the hiatal hernia repaired and has referred me to a general surgeon. The pain in my back gets increasingly stronger and I will check on that the end of the month. I know that further surgery will be necessary but holy cow can they fuse my entire back? I doubt it.

Living with a chronic illness can be tough at best. I have a list of friends that I pray for on a regular basis 'cause I know first hand that bad days can be pretty darn depressing. What I want to do sometimes has to give way to what I can do. I challenge myself to get out of bed, fill my head and heart with positive thoughts, and make the most of my day. There are times when just doing laundry has to be enough and I celebrate that.

Lord, today, I bring all those fighting that dreaded word cancer and chronic illness before you. Elevate our thinking and pour your comfort into bodies wracked by pain. The promise of newness of life permeates my thoughts and I envision us all running together with whole bodies, minds, and spirits one day in heaven. It is so important to be surrounded by encouragers and I pray that you would dispense your most empathetic angels to uplift and console. As the Great Physician, I pray that you would go before each of my Readers opening the doors of education and healing. Close the doors of fear and unbelief making way for beauty in the little things. I am so excited that you sent your son Jesus to be that ultimate example of how you think and work. Ah yes...


Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: The Bible teaches that no one is immune from suffering and sickness. I take comfort in knowing that that his strength is made perfect in my weakness and that in surrendering my health to God, I will find peace. I know you've heard this before, but now that summers coming and we are spending more and more time outdoors, WEAR SUNSCREEN and hats. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure (now that's an old adage but sooo true!). If you're wondering about some spots on your own face and body, get them checked out by a dermatologist. God bless you all!! Until next time remember how very much you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Do it anyway!

April 9, 2014

Dear God,

What a beautiful morning! The birds are chirping, the sun is out, I just sipped on the best cup of coffee ever, my furry kids have been fed and are napping, AND I've just spent a beautiful couple of hours praying and reading Jude, 3 John, 2 John, 1 John, and 2 Peter (yes, in that order!). It has been one of those mornings that faces are coming before me for intercessory prayer (one in particular of a woman I haven't seen in many years). Thank you for allowing me the privilege of praying for your children.

I checked my email and Facebook to get updates, rescheduled a doctor's appointment so that I could spend some time in McKinney with my dear friend, Etta, and watch my grandsons play baseball. All this and it's only 9:15am!! Even though I am sleepy eyed in the early morning hours, I feel so much better to get up and get moving!! There will be time enough down the road when I cannot do what I can now so I celebrate this day!!

My friend, Jeannie, shared a quote by Mother Teresa this morning on Facebook and for some reason I read it over and over and over. Mother Teresa said: "If you are kind, people will accuse you of selfish motives; be kind anyway. If you're successful, you'll win both false friends and true enemies; succeed anyway. What you spend years building, someone may destroy over night; built anyway. The good you do today most people will forget; do good anyway. Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough; give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it's between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway."

Lord God, if all I pray is to be able to be the kind of person Mother Teresa is talking about that would fill my being with purpose. I have wanted the approval of my parents, my husbands, my children, my friends, and the world. I have yearned to be appreciated and felt love only to have my heart broken and my spirit crushed. Yet, in the end, it has been You and me, hasn't it... You're the one who has lifted me up out of the ashes of life and allowed your light to flood my being. It's been enough ~ Because of You, I am blessed beyond blessed.

I pray for my Readers this morning. Fill them with your love and compassion allowing that goodness to spill out to those around them. Let the words of Mother Teresa give them insight and courage when they face trials. As my blog moves around the world, bring forth those who need to hear words of encouragement. Let them know that You are with them. As for You and me? Let's join forces and go out and do this day together. In the name of Jesus, I know that the earth is trembling with anticipation of the light being shined into every dark corner!!


Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: What do you think is the connection between the truth of a person's ideas and their moral character? I was thinking ~ people who are very evil are remembered ~ people who are very insightful, loving, and wise are remembered. Those that waver and stand for nothing are like the dust blowing in the wind simply forgotten. What will you be remembered for?  

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Hostility in the workplace

From my distress I called upon the Lord; The Lord answered me and set me in a large place. The Lord is for me; I will not fear; What can man do to me? The Lord is for me among those who help me; Therefore I will look with satisfaction on those who hate me...
 ~Psalm 118:5-7

Dear God,

The sun is so bright this morning that I could wear sunglasses inside the cottage. The air is crisp and the grass still damp from the early morning showers leaving me with the promise of new growth and blooms in my gardens. I'm feeling giddy (almost like a kid in a big candy store) anticipating the beauty that is about to burst forth. The cottage gave me inspiration to establish a country cottage garden full of roses, azaleas, gardenias, and seasonal perennials. Thank you for the creative juices and vision. I have my own Garden of Eden!

Last night, I got an instant message from a Reader requesting prayer. I feel so honored to be able to stand in the gap and lift those I have come to love up before You. Father, you've given your children bold spirits and the knowledge that you are behind the scenes working on our behalf. What comfort that is!

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity,
but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline. 
~II Timothy 1:7

So much has been on the news and written about bullying. There's something though that we still don't hear too much about and that is bullying in the workplace. I have experienced this first hand and, I must say, working in a hostile environment is NOT a pleasant thing.

Some years ago now, I had a new job that I was so excited about. I've always been an exemplary employee and gave 110% to the companies I'd worked for. I wasn't expecting my work to be sabotaged, me being made fun of (in an ugly way), and taunted to the point of tears. Did management know? Yes. What was done? A simple meeting to say, "Stop this nonsense." That's it, no follow-up, no support, no nothing. Did Human Resources know? Yes. I knew I was in a no win situation and was worn down to the point that I chose to leave. I haven't spoken about this before but in prayer today this came up and my hands started clacking away on my keyboard. I couldn't change the situation so I needed to change my own course. Today, I am strong and would have claimed victory in a different way but then, my self-esteem had been whittled down to nothing and I needed to get away and heal. Sad, but true...

There are some human beings on this planet who choose to annihilate, hurt, maim, and destroy the human spirit. I'm sure you've heard the saying, "Hurt people hurt people." That's true, but, oh my goodness, it doesn't excuse the ripping and tearing of the flesh and spirit. Wrong is wrong ~ no excuses.

Father God in Heaven, I pray that you would grant an extra measure of strength to all those going through bullying in the workplace and enduring the hostility that goes along with it. May they put on the full armor of God that would prepare them for victory. Let bullying be exposed for what it is and move parents, teachers, managers, and all authorities to be bold in eradicating this evil. To ignore is to condone. Protect and provide for your children, Lord, giving them words to say and wisdom to know how to handle their individual hurts. Open the doors of communication for all of us knowing that as long as there is a willingness to work peacefully with our fellow man, there will be progress. Let freedom from opression ring loud and clear in the name of Jesus who leads us in the battles of life.


Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: Kenny Rogers sang a song about a gambler ~ "You got to know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em." That's so true about so many things in life. There are times to stand our ground and times to walk away with our heads held high. Wisdom is knowing which road to take! 

Monday, April 7, 2014

At the end of the day...

Lead the kind of life that ignites passion, love, humility, and righteousness; then, let others light their candles from it.
~Miss Dottie's Mission Statement

April 7, 2014

Dear God,

Thank you for the wonderful rain. My gardens have perked up and it won't be long until all the rose bushes will be blooming. The azaleas are so beautiful. I'm glad I was able to find them so cheaply on the bargain table at Lowe's at the end of the season last year. The vibrant colors fill me with joy! And, oh the glorious scent of roses ... I stood outside the cottage and my senses were filled with that deep wonderful aroma!!

I have planted so many gardens over the years and have never seen them mature. I was standing outside last week and I said (out loud): "I hope I live here long enough to see my gardens in all their glory." That's my plan!!

When I sat down at my computer today, the first thing that came to mind was: "At the end of the day what did I do that really mattered." I stopped and thought about all the busyness of the morning and wondered if I had had empty busyness or meaningful busyness. I'd spent a good deal of time on the phone arranging doctors and dentist appointments (I dislike going to the doctor/dentist) ~ since I'd been putting that off, I patted myself on the back. After that I checked email and Facebook. I love all the empowering quotes and keeping up with friends and family. I didn't linger too long and felt elevated in my thinking. Let's see ... after that I washed my wig and my own hair (taking care of self!). My furry kids needed their morning cuddles, potty calls, and breakfast (being a responsible mommy). In between chores, I put a load of clothes in to wash and one in to dry. Oh, I also returned a phone call from my friend, Elaine, in Minnesota and left her a message.

It seemed that was all things that I needed to do but I wondered if I had missed something even more important and I had. Since I have gotten my 4 adopted rescues, I jump out of bed when they rise getting them outside. There's no dallying around or my 2 little girls will make puddles on the way to the door! After they fertilize the lawn and water the bushes, it's time for breakfast. You'd think that I had starved them to death the way they carry on!

When I began the new year, I had vowed to give You the first fruits of my day instead of the last fruits of the evening. Oh, I pray in snippits all day long and Bible verses pop into my head BUT am I really growing and learning? Sadly, I have to tell you, I am not. Reading through the Bible and soaking in Your Word has always been so filling. I find I am hungry and have resorted to munching on this and that rather than sitting down to a delicious feast that You have prepared just for me. That's gotta change!!

Father, I pray that my Readers will take time to think about what's important in their own lives. At the end of the day what was most important to them? Did they spend their time wisely? Did they have a plan or did they just fly by the seat of their pants? Instill that desire to make moments count. As for me, I realize I have so many different facets to my life and it can, at times, seem so overwhelming. When that happens, I experience burn out and my body/mind just shuts down. I'll bet some of my Readers can relate. Refresh us and give us the will to get up and get going. I thank you for loving us, warts, bumps, and all. Protect us and guide us as we share the common thread of being united by your son, Jesus Christ!


Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS:  It's important to be able to look in the mirror at the end of the day and smile knowing that I gave this day my best shot. How about you? There are days that my best shot is to rest my body and I don't feel guilty about that. It's on those days that I am able to catch up on my reading and writing. To take the time to enrich one's mind is time well spent and to pass that knowledge on is the icing on the cake. Carpe' Diem!!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Not on my watch...

Lead the kind of life that ignites passion, love, humility, and righteousness; then, let others light their candles from it.
~Miss Dottie's Mission Statement

April 3, 2014

Dear God,

I know we just chatted a few hours ago but I just saw something on Facebook that made me gasp. Someone had taken a little puppy, cut it's ears off with a scissor and threw it outside to fend for itself. Maybe it's because the media availability is instant that news of horror involving animals, men, women, and children is in our faces reminding us of the depravability of the human to sin into the realm of the unfathomable. My heart just aches, LORD, it just plain aches.

There are so many of us who wonder why you allow such atrocities. Then, I remember that in creation you gave us free will and gave up your right to make us your sweet puppets. It's not You, it's us! How low can we go, Father?

About a year ago, You put it upon my heart to adopt a Pomeranian rescue. I don't seem to be able to do anything half-heartedly and ended up with 4 rescues. Each had a story ~ each had been abused in ways that made my skin crawl. For so many years I remained ignorant of the "throw away" dogs but now? Now, my heart goes out to them and my little guys and gals won't be hurt any more ... NOT ON MY WATCH!! (These photo were taken the day each of my precious fur babies came to Seidler Dogdom)

Ezekiel 'Zeke'
Harmony Jane

Ruffles 'Ruffy'
Through my own experiences of neglect, abuse, and past history, I am a strong advocate for the bruised and battered. I love deeply and move to do that next right thing no matter what. I guard my family with my heart, soul, might, and prayers. My children have called me Mama Bear for good reason! I learned that to remain silent is to condone ~ to protect and speak up is right even if it ruffles feathers.

When I became a grandmother, that little voice of NOT ON MY WATCH meant that I would do whatever it takes to protect them and enrich their lives. Sometimes that means giving them freedom to fail, fall, and learn to problem solve. Sometimes that means holding them and listening as they share their heartaches. Sometimes that means cheering them on as they compete and grow. There's a reason God created grandmothers!!

Heavenly Father, I pray that you will protect the innocent and elevate them to a higher place in your kingdom. I thank you for all the rescue leagues that are bringing forth education and light. Forgive us for our oversights and complacency as we become more aware of what is going on in our world. I also thank you for the shelters that protect the bruised and battered women and children affected by the evilness of the hearts of man. Call up those whose abilities to serve will make a difference. Remove the blinders from our eyes and help us to move forward in the name of your son who came that we might have eternal life.


Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: Not everyone is called to love animals as much as my family does yet we all have a responsibility to report abuse and support our communities as they built no-kill shelters and hold adoption events. The same goes for love of our fellow man. Report suspicions of abuse ... most of all, keep your eyes open and your hearts pure. Maybe my NOT ON MY WATCH can be your NOT ON MY WATCH!!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Break of Day

Lead the kind of life that ignites passion, love, humility, and righteousness; then, let others light their candles from it. ~Miss Dottie

April 3, 2014

Dear God,

The LORD'S loving kindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness "The LORD is my portion," says my soul, "Therefore I have hope in Him"...
~Lamentations 3:22-24

A new day dawns and here we are, you and me, chatting away. The Fabulous 5 got me up early today and I have vowed to stay up once they get up. Have been doing too much snoozing into my mornings! I hate it when I feel like I've wasted most of my day by indulging in my sleepiness! We are supposed to get rain today and it is thundering so let me quick run outside and take a few photos of new blooms!

Phew! I am busy once I am up. Spring means cleaning up my gardens, pulling up dead plants, weeding, and feeding. I had some plants that needed to be moved so I did that too. The Iris have been multiplying like rabbits. What a job to divide and replant them. I started out with one small bed that I got from the empty lot across the street and some from my neighbor ... that one bed has given me six beds in just 3 years!! Lord, do you need some Iris in heaven?? I've got plenty.  I must say, the plants I got on the sale table at Lowe's last Fall all made it through the Winter and are full of blossoms. Yay!! I wondered if I could get Azaleas to grow and I CAN!! Whoopie!! The cuttings I took at the old cemetery in late Winter are also budding out ~ I will have five rose bushes and one unknown bush to plant come next Spring ... until then, they will be pampered in pots!

The night is almost gone, and the day is near. Therefore let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. 
~Romans 13:12

The break of day always gets me in deep prayer mood. I have been having so many nightmares lately ... all involving family. My neighbor said she gets nightmares when she sleeps on her back. I am a side sleeper so it couldn't be that. (he he) I have found that I make such strides at "letting go" and letting You handle my concerns and worries then geepers creepers, Satan steps in and plants those "thoughts."

Psalm 91 is my Psalm of Protection. I especially like verses 2 and 4-5: I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust" ... He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day.

It has been a blessing and a curse to be able to read people and notice the little things that others miss. I can sense negative energy a mile away. The eyes, yes, the eyes give people away. I like what you said in Matthew 6:22: "The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light."

As I come before you this morning, clear my own eyes that they may focus on You and your will for my life. Help me to keep my own slates clean that I might share your light with others. I know that Satan is prowling about me striking at my heart with these darts of poison. You, Lord, are my antibiotic, my cure. I cannot control what others say or do but I can stay centered and fill my life with those who truly see my heart and appreciate who I am in You.

I pray for my Readers who are experiencing pain in their own lives as a result of others' rudeness, self-centeredness, and just plain meanness. Lift us up knowing that we need to get into your word which will offer comfort. I read something on Facebook that has stuck with me ... don't judge someone because they sin differently than you. I need to remember that. We are ALL guilty of sin ~ help us to concentrate on our own lives and being that lamp in a world of darkness.


Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: This is the day the Lord has made. Let us all rejoice and be glad for we have the opportunity to make this world a better place. Yesterday's shootings at Fort Hood, Texas remind us that life is so fragile and we just never know ... do we. Join me in prayer for those who were injured and for the families of those who died. The battle zone is everywhere!