Friday, April 11, 2014

The dreaded "C" word..

April 11, 2014

Dear God,

What beautiful words are spoken in Psalm 103. Words to read and meditate on to absorb the full physical, emotional, and spiritual benefit!!

I am feeling weary after my trip into the city yesterday to visit the dermatologist. I hadn't seen her in three years and something inside of me prompted me to make the call and go in. I had asked my regular general practitioner about some spots on my face during my annual physical and he said, "Oh, don't worry." I think women are especially in tune with their bodies and I decided to get a second opinion. Thank you for your internal prompting!

The outdoors has always been where I am happiest. As a teenager, I used to put Iodine in a bottle of Baby Oil, slather it on, and bake myself into a golden brown. As a young adult, I started using suntan lotion to get my healthy glow. As a maturing adult, I have been more wise; however, I still garden, forgetting to put sunscreen on my body and sometimes on my face. I am a positive thinking lady and have a tendency to think, "THAT won't happen to me." Well (sigh), THAT has often times reared it's ugly head resulting in consequences of my failure to protect myself.

The spots on my face that I had been concerned about were precancerous (10 of them) and I will head back to have them taken off in a couple weeks. The spot that was most concerning was one I didn't realize I had ... it was waxy white in color and located on my jaw line. That spot was biopsied and I should get the results in about a week. While I was there Pam talked to me about what to expect if the biopsy is malignant.

The Mohs surgical process involves a repeated series of surgical excisions followed by microscopic examination to assess if tumor cells remain. Some tumors that appear small may have extensive invasion underneath normal appearing skin. The surgeon keeps removing tissue until the lab gives the OK signal that all is clear. My cousin Karolyn told me that she has had this procedure done so I will pick her brain should it become necessary.

Father God, like so many, my body parts seem to be wearing out. The list gets longer and I wonder what to fix first. My GP is telling me that I need to get the hiatal hernia repaired and has referred me to a general surgeon. The pain in my back gets increasingly stronger and I will check on that the end of the month. I know that further surgery will be necessary but holy cow can they fuse my entire back? I doubt it.

Living with a chronic illness can be tough at best. I have a list of friends that I pray for on a regular basis 'cause I know first hand that bad days can be pretty darn depressing. What I want to do sometimes has to give way to what I can do. I challenge myself to get out of bed, fill my head and heart with positive thoughts, and make the most of my day. There are times when just doing laundry has to be enough and I celebrate that.

Lord, today, I bring all those fighting that dreaded word cancer and chronic illness before you. Elevate our thinking and pour your comfort into bodies wracked by pain. The promise of newness of life permeates my thoughts and I envision us all running together with whole bodies, minds, and spirits one day in heaven. It is so important to be surrounded by encouragers and I pray that you would dispense your most empathetic angels to uplift and console. As the Great Physician, I pray that you would go before each of my Readers opening the doors of education and healing. Close the doors of fear and unbelief making way for beauty in the little things. I am so excited that you sent your son Jesus to be that ultimate example of how you think and work. Ah yes...


Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: The Bible teaches that no one is immune from suffering and sickness. I take comfort in knowing that that his strength is made perfect in my weakness and that in surrendering my health to God, I will find peace. I know you've heard this before, but now that summers coming and we are spending more and more time outdoors, WEAR SUNSCREEN and hats. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure (now that's an old adage but sooo true!). If you're wondering about some spots on your own face and body, get them checked out by a dermatologist. God bless you all!! Until next time remember how very much you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

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