Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Do it anyway!

April 9, 2014

Dear God,

What a beautiful morning! The birds are chirping, the sun is out, I just sipped on the best cup of coffee ever, my furry kids have been fed and are napping, AND I've just spent a beautiful couple of hours praying and reading Jude, 3 John, 2 John, 1 John, and 2 Peter (yes, in that order!). It has been one of those mornings that faces are coming before me for intercessory prayer (one in particular of a woman I haven't seen in many years). Thank you for allowing me the privilege of praying for your children.

I checked my email and Facebook to get updates, rescheduled a doctor's appointment so that I could spend some time in McKinney with my dear friend, Etta, and watch my grandsons play baseball. All this and it's only 9:15am!! Even though I am sleepy eyed in the early morning hours, I feel so much better to get up and get moving!! There will be time enough down the road when I cannot do what I can now so I celebrate this day!!

My friend, Jeannie, shared a quote by Mother Teresa this morning on Facebook and for some reason I read it over and over and over. Mother Teresa said: "If you are kind, people will accuse you of selfish motives; be kind anyway. If you're successful, you'll win both false friends and true enemies; succeed anyway. What you spend years building, someone may destroy over night; built anyway. The good you do today most people will forget; do good anyway. Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough; give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it's between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway."

Lord God, if all I pray is to be able to be the kind of person Mother Teresa is talking about that would fill my being with purpose. I have wanted the approval of my parents, my husbands, my children, my friends, and the world. I have yearned to be appreciated and felt love only to have my heart broken and my spirit crushed. Yet, in the end, it has been You and me, hasn't it... You're the one who has lifted me up out of the ashes of life and allowed your light to flood my being. It's been enough ~ Because of You, I am blessed beyond blessed.

I pray for my Readers this morning. Fill them with your love and compassion allowing that goodness to spill out to those around them. Let the words of Mother Teresa give them insight and courage when they face trials. As my blog moves around the world, bring forth those who need to hear words of encouragement. Let them know that You are with them. As for You and me? Let's join forces and go out and do this day together. In the name of Jesus, I know that the earth is trembling with anticipation of the light being shined into every dark corner!!


Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: What do you think is the connection between the truth of a person's ideas and their moral character? I was thinking ~ people who are very evil are remembered ~ people who are very insightful, loving, and wise are remembered. Those that waver and stand for nothing are like the dust blowing in the wind simply forgotten. What will you be remembered for?  

1 comment:

  1. Such a powerful statement! Is it in us from the beginning? I wonder where I get my drive, determination, zest for life. Yes, I can look at my heritage--I'm grateful for the spunky parents I have. Would I have loved for their marriage to stay intact?! Yes--of course, but I understand 100% why it dissolved. So, from that, I carry love, energy, and entrepreneurship. I'm blessed to be amongst the blessed. I find happiness in little morsels and peace in "doing the right thing". The Holy Spirit is a strong force. :-)
