Monday, April 7, 2014

At the end of the day...

Lead the kind of life that ignites passion, love, humility, and righteousness; then, let others light their candles from it.
~Miss Dottie's Mission Statement

April 7, 2014

Dear God,

Thank you for the wonderful rain. My gardens have perked up and it won't be long until all the rose bushes will be blooming. The azaleas are so beautiful. I'm glad I was able to find them so cheaply on the bargain table at Lowe's at the end of the season last year. The vibrant colors fill me with joy! And, oh the glorious scent of roses ... I stood outside the cottage and my senses were filled with that deep wonderful aroma!!

I have planted so many gardens over the years and have never seen them mature. I was standing outside last week and I said (out loud): "I hope I live here long enough to see my gardens in all their glory." That's my plan!!

When I sat down at my computer today, the first thing that came to mind was: "At the end of the day what did I do that really mattered." I stopped and thought about all the busyness of the morning and wondered if I had had empty busyness or meaningful busyness. I'd spent a good deal of time on the phone arranging doctors and dentist appointments (I dislike going to the doctor/dentist) ~ since I'd been putting that off, I patted myself on the back. After that I checked email and Facebook. I love all the empowering quotes and keeping up with friends and family. I didn't linger too long and felt elevated in my thinking. Let's see ... after that I washed my wig and my own hair (taking care of self!). My furry kids needed their morning cuddles, potty calls, and breakfast (being a responsible mommy). In between chores, I put a load of clothes in to wash and one in to dry. Oh, I also returned a phone call from my friend, Elaine, in Minnesota and left her a message.

It seemed that was all things that I needed to do but I wondered if I had missed something even more important and I had. Since I have gotten my 4 adopted rescues, I jump out of bed when they rise getting them outside. There's no dallying around or my 2 little girls will make puddles on the way to the door! After they fertilize the lawn and water the bushes, it's time for breakfast. You'd think that I had starved them to death the way they carry on!

When I began the new year, I had vowed to give You the first fruits of my day instead of the last fruits of the evening. Oh, I pray in snippits all day long and Bible verses pop into my head BUT am I really growing and learning? Sadly, I have to tell you, I am not. Reading through the Bible and soaking in Your Word has always been so filling. I find I am hungry and have resorted to munching on this and that rather than sitting down to a delicious feast that You have prepared just for me. That's gotta change!!

Father, I pray that my Readers will take time to think about what's important in their own lives. At the end of the day what was most important to them? Did they spend their time wisely? Did they have a plan or did they just fly by the seat of their pants? Instill that desire to make moments count. As for me, I realize I have so many different facets to my life and it can, at times, seem so overwhelming. When that happens, I experience burn out and my body/mind just shuts down. I'll bet some of my Readers can relate. Refresh us and give us the will to get up and get going. I thank you for loving us, warts, bumps, and all. Protect us and guide us as we share the common thread of being united by your son, Jesus Christ!


Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS:  It's important to be able to look in the mirror at the end of the day and smile knowing that I gave this day my best shot. How about you? There are days that my best shot is to rest my body and I don't feel guilty about that. It's on those days that I am able to catch up on my reading and writing. To take the time to enrich one's mind is time well spent and to pass that knowledge on is the icing on the cake. Carpe' Diem!!

1 comment:

  1. So important to think of God first.... all that we have can be taken away at a moments notice.

