Saturday, April 5, 2014

Not on my watch...

Lead the kind of life that ignites passion, love, humility, and righteousness; then, let others light their candles from it.
~Miss Dottie's Mission Statement

April 3, 2014

Dear God,

I know we just chatted a few hours ago but I just saw something on Facebook that made me gasp. Someone had taken a little puppy, cut it's ears off with a scissor and threw it outside to fend for itself. Maybe it's because the media availability is instant that news of horror involving animals, men, women, and children is in our faces reminding us of the depravability of the human to sin into the realm of the unfathomable. My heart just aches, LORD, it just plain aches.

There are so many of us who wonder why you allow such atrocities. Then, I remember that in creation you gave us free will and gave up your right to make us your sweet puppets. It's not You, it's us! How low can we go, Father?

About a year ago, You put it upon my heart to adopt a Pomeranian rescue. I don't seem to be able to do anything half-heartedly and ended up with 4 rescues. Each had a story ~ each had been abused in ways that made my skin crawl. For so many years I remained ignorant of the "throw away" dogs but now? Now, my heart goes out to them and my little guys and gals won't be hurt any more ... NOT ON MY WATCH!! (These photo were taken the day each of my precious fur babies came to Seidler Dogdom)

Ezekiel 'Zeke'
Harmony Jane

Ruffles 'Ruffy'
Through my own experiences of neglect, abuse, and past history, I am a strong advocate for the bruised and battered. I love deeply and move to do that next right thing no matter what. I guard my family with my heart, soul, might, and prayers. My children have called me Mama Bear for good reason! I learned that to remain silent is to condone ~ to protect and speak up is right even if it ruffles feathers.

When I became a grandmother, that little voice of NOT ON MY WATCH meant that I would do whatever it takes to protect them and enrich their lives. Sometimes that means giving them freedom to fail, fall, and learn to problem solve. Sometimes that means holding them and listening as they share their heartaches. Sometimes that means cheering them on as they compete and grow. There's a reason God created grandmothers!!

Heavenly Father, I pray that you will protect the innocent and elevate them to a higher place in your kingdom. I thank you for all the rescue leagues that are bringing forth education and light. Forgive us for our oversights and complacency as we become more aware of what is going on in our world. I also thank you for the shelters that protect the bruised and battered women and children affected by the evilness of the hearts of man. Call up those whose abilities to serve will make a difference. Remove the blinders from our eyes and help us to move forward in the name of your son who came that we might have eternal life.


Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: Not everyone is called to love animals as much as my family does yet we all have a responsibility to report abuse and support our communities as they built no-kill shelters and hold adoption events. The same goes for love of our fellow man. Report suspicions of abuse ... most of all, keep your eyes open and your hearts pure. Maybe my NOT ON MY WATCH can be your NOT ON MY WATCH!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness!! My heart is breaking for that sweet little dog. I don't understand how someone could be so cruel. I adore my dogs as they were my children. Teddy is a rescue dog--his previous owner spoiled him rotten and could not keep him due to a divorce. He is sweet as pie and I wonder would he react to abuse? I think it would kill him. Animals are very forgiving and sadly go back to an abusive home vs. running away. We, as humans, are lucky to have a choice. May God direct and comfort those who are broken and helpless!

