Friday, May 30, 2014

New Adventures in a Different Direction

May 30, 2014

Dear God,

It's Friday! The sun is out, the breeze is cool, and all's right in my little corner of the world. I've been working towards setting up a booth at the Farmer's Market. I must say, there's a lot of detail that goes into opening day .. paperwork to fill out, signs and labels to make, finding a table, and then there is the part that I love, baking and creating. Thank you for that creative bent that I have and for the kick in the butt that I needed to get going.

My class reunion is coming up and I am working towards making enough money to get me to west central Minnesota, have a good time, and then get me back home. With your help, I can do it!! There's no way I would miss this get-together unless I am (gulp) dead.

Yesterday, I decided to take stock in what I had in my pantry to make doggie treats. I had most of the ingredients, lacking just the flour. It was fun listening to a little music and dancing a little jig as I stirred, rolled out dough, and baked up a storm. I made some plain dog biscuits which were okay but the pumpkin treats smelled heavenly and when the doggies test-tasted them, they gave them a 20 paw up salute!! Doesn't get any better than that for sure.

Today, my goal is to make some more doggie biscuits adding bacon and cheese. Then, I'll start on human treats. I am paying more attention to the recipes on Facebook for new ideas. For sure, my kitchen is going to be quite a busy place.

Speaking of my kitchen, a couple days ago, my canine smoke alarms (Harmony and Zeke) alerted me to a fire that started on top of the stove. There was a bag on the stove when I went to cook my breakfast so I set it on the floor, made my breakfast, cleaned up the kitchen, and turned off the gas on the stove (or so I thought). I put the bag back on the stove ~ instead of turning the gas off, I had turned it to extra low. Harmony and Zeke were going crazy so I went to see what was going on and flames were shooting out everywhere. Not thinking, I grabbed the bag & put it in the sink flooding it with water. The plastic was still burning on the stove so I sprayed that with water to put it out. The entire house reeked of smoke and I had quite a mess to clean up in the kitchen. Thankfully, I had some friends recommend ways of clearing out the smoke and I set to work cleaning and scrubbing. A WORD TO THE WISE: don't put anything on top of a stove (unless you are cooking, of course!). Thank you, Lord for saving my kitchen so that I can use it for my Farmer's Market endeavor!!

Father God in Heaven, your name is above all names and your son, Jesus? He's my Savior, my leader, my encourager, my friend. I pray today for all people who are trying to make ends meet. Help them to develop their own creative juices using what they have. Bless those who are ill or recovering from surgery with that extra measure of peace, perseverance, and hope. My list of those needing prayer gets longer and longer for these are perilous times. I pray for warriors to rise up to reclaim our country. May truth and light fill every corner of our government exposing the evil ones. Help us to forget about the blame game for it doesn't solve anything. President Harry S. Truman kept a sign on his desk in the Oval Office that said, "The buck stops here" referring to the fact that the President has to make decisions and accept the ultimate responsibility for those decisions. Let us all adopt that philosophy as we manage our own lives and make decisions. In the name of Jesus, I thank you in advance for all You are about to do in my life and in the lives of my Readers! Amen, it is so.

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: I hope that you have read the story of the Widow's Oil in II Kings 4. It's a poignant story of yesterday that is still applicable for today. Start with what you have and move forward one step at a time, one day at a time! God bless you this Friday!!

"I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." ~ Philippians 3:14 (NIV)

Join me?

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Widow's Oil

May 25, 2014

Dear God,

Well, hello there. Ready to chat abit?

The past few days I've have had my knickers in a knot and wanted to pull a bag over my head. I'll bet there are some Readers who can relate to those days when you just want to go back to bed and see if life doesn't reset itself!! That being said, life doesn't reset itself and there are no do overs so I figure I might just as well get up and put on my armor, grab my sword, and slay a few dragons (all 5'2" of me!). I might as well grab my umbrella too because it's been raining all night long. Thankful for a non-leaking roof over my head.

Speaking of leaky roofs, I remember when my kids were young, and I purchased a house for us. As a single mom, I couldn't afford to fix the leaky roof and would take pots and pans and wastebaskets to the attic to catch the drops of rain. Boy, did I ever celebrate when I could afford to replace those nasty wood shingles!!

My precious pups have gotten me up extra early since I've been back from Florida. They've been snarfing down their kibble like there is no tomorrow. I was laughing as they sound like five chickens pecking in their bowls. I would have liked to have gone back to bed on Saturday, but my friend, Beverly, came over and we headed for the local Farmer's Market. I did get some wonderful fruits and veggies and couldn't wait to get home to do a little taste testing!!

As I mentioned in my blog yesterday, when I was in Florida, the pastor at LifePoint Church told the story of the Widow's Oil. (II Kings 4) I doubt if my presence there at that sermon on that day was a coincidence. For some reason, I've been thinking about it ...  a lot. The story starts out with a widow who cannot pay her debts and is facing the loss of her sons to slavery. The story got my attention with these words: the solution begins with what you do have, not what you don't have.

God, you have always been able to do a lot with a little. Jesus fed 5000 with 5 loaves and two fish and changed the world with twelve ordinary men. You makes miracles out of messes!!! Boy howdy, I've seen You move mountains in my life and in the lives of my children and grandchildren. (One of the reasons I blog)

Anyway, back to the story of the widow and the oil: I started asking myself ~ Opportunities? Skills? Connections? Passions? AND, I also asked myself if I was willing to do whatever it took to make my days better. How do I overcome difficulty? Humility and effort ~ intentional energy, right thinking, consistently doing the right things, building momentum toward the solution. I keep going, moving, trying, and trusting that God will honor my efforts. Yes!

All I know is that when life doesn't go my way it doesn't work to mope, get depressed, give up retreat. Escapers eat, drink, & run ... come back and the issue is still there. (Been there, done that) Controlling people steal, lie, cheat, get angry, manipulate, destroy relationships, burn bridges, blame and shame. Nah ... doesn't work. (Been there, done that too) I'll just keep doing what comes unnaturally ~ work like it all depends on me and pray like it all depends on You. I say unnaturally because, after all, I am an imperfect human.

In the Bible, it says that by our standard of measure, it will be measured to us in return. (Check out Luke 6) How we judge others will determine how we are judged. Our ability to forgive others impacts our forgiveness. How we give (according to our means) will be given to us.

I want to honor You using my life for the purpose You intended. I'll bet there's a Reader or two who can admit to saying, "God, if you get me through this I'll (fill in the blank). Then, when You come through, you're forgotten. How easy it is for us to forget You when life is back on track and everything is hunky dory. Let me not forget...

Heavenly Father, you are my King. As ruler of my life, You do more than I could ever ask or imagine. Your grace is always sufficient. I pray for others going through tough days and nights ... those who are tossing and turning and wearing out their sheets sweating out the "what ifs." Today, I did business in the name of Jesus and was blessed. I started with what I had, was willing to do what it takes, and acted believing that You would show up. Thank you in advance for your favor. In the name of Jesus, mountains are moving!!

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: When you come to the end of your rope, hang on. When you think the world would be better off without you, reality says it wouldn't. Do me a favor, let's get up together and do "something" to face our fears. Life isn't fair but it's life and, that being said, we might as well make the most of it!!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

In Flanders Fields the Poppies Blow

May 25, 2014

Dear God,

Good Morning! The birds are chirping and bobbing up and down in the garden baths. I woke up with You on my mind as well as some points from a sermon I heard recently. I grabbed my Bible and read 2 Kings 4, the story of the widow and the oil. Thank you for helping me to remain teachable. Let's chat about my thoughts on that tomorrow. Okay?

So often I read or see something that jogs my memory. Today, I was scrolling through Facebook posts and a story about the poppy caught my eye. All of a sudden, visions of my father coming through the back door, his hands full of poppies, came flooding into my present sense of reality. Each Memorial Day, he would buy poppies for his mother, sister, and our family. We would wear them proudly and remember the soldiers giving their all so that we would know freedom. For many years, my father would pull on his uniform, march in the parade, and be a part of the gun salute at the cemetery. The whole town celebrated in red, white, and blue and veterans selling those poppies were on every corner. My friend, Pam, said she remembered selling them with her mom.

You know me well, Lord. I couldn't just look at the posting of the poppy and not investigate. Google is wonderful! Here ya go: In parts of the front lines in Belgium and France (WWI) when the ground was disturbed by the fighting, the poppy seeds lying in the ground began to germinate and grow during the warm months.

The sight of these vibrant red flowers growing on the shattered ground caught the attention of a Canadian soldier by the name of John McCrae. He noticed how they had sprung up in the disturbed ground of the burials around the artillery position he was in. It was during early May 1915 that he is believed to have composed a poem following the death of a friend. The first lines of the poem have become some of the most famous lines written in relation to the First World War. I am choosing to share the entire poem because it is so beautiful and meaningful this Memorial Day weekend.

In Flanders fields...

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
in Flanders fields.
~John McCrae

Father God in Heaven, I pray that in the midst of this Memorial Weekend that we all would stop and remember the warriors, the soldiers including the dogs of war, and the fallen. Ease the pain of those who have lost loved ones knowing that they didn't die in vain. For those returning from war with injuries and PTSD, be with them calming their fractured spirits. Help us to celebrate our freedom knowing that it came (and comes) at a high cost. Most of all, Lord, I pray that as our soldiers come home that we embrace them, listen without judging, and let them know they are appreciated and loved. When I was in the Tampa airport, two soldiers boarded the elevator with me. I shook their hands thanking them for their service to our country ... the man, gave me kind of a puzzled look saying, "We are with the British armed forces." Oh, yes, the clue should have been their hats and the British flag patch on their sleeves. No matter ... they are working with our country and deserve a thanks. Jesus, I call upon your holy name to light the dark corners of shame and pain filling them with hope and healing. Amen!

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS:  I've been on the lookout for the Buddy Poppy Flowers and haven't seen any. I think I might just plant a red poppy in honor of my father. Ernest, who served in World War II, my brother, Roger, who served in Viet Nam, and my cousin's son, Greg, who died in Afghanistan. Feeling honored and proud of these men who, in my eyes, stood up to the plate and hit the ball out of the field!!

PS My father was in Belgium when the poppies were in bloom. I wonder if that influenced his love of the poppy? One more question to ask when I get to heaven!!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

The sand in my hourglass!

May 22, 2014

Dear God,

Lord, I can't remember when I had so much fun packed in to a two week period of time. My entire visit to Florida was a whirlwind of activity from the time my plane landed until I crawled back on. Thank you so much for going before me and blessing my time with my family.

The Il Divo concert Jane and I attended (my Mother's Day gift) was phenomenal. I was looking through my program this morning and while I played their CD, visions of four handsome men on a stage, strobe lights, and the most beautiful songs filled my being. (Sigh)

Madison had her Junior Prom and I was able to be there every step of the way from picking out her dress in Austin, TX, through the getting ready stages, and the final unveiling and send off on the party bus. (Sigh #2) I've never seen her so beautiful and radiant.

The Lady Madison in Red!

Katrina as The Sea Witch
Katrina played the role of the Sea Witch in the 5th grade musical of The Little Mermaid ~ the entire production was wonderful and she did herself and her family proud. She has such a beautiful voice as well as a talent bent toward acting. I must say, I am a bit prejudiced but this young lady is the real deal ... smart, pretty, sweet, confident, and accomplished. Watching her perform took me back to a time when I was her age and sang the part of Gretel in the operetta, Hansel and Gretel. (Sigh #3)

Dorothy Pederson ~ Jonathan Peterson
So long ago ~ Hansel & Gretel

There were dinners out, dinners in, and even a time for me to teach Katrina how to make Swedish Meatballs. Speaking of food, Jane and I made time for a girls' night out with her dear friend (and mine!) Joy ... what fun to giggle and talk about girl stuff!!

Cooking is a blast. Swedish Meatballs ... yum!

Don't worry about getting your hands dirty!

am an outdoors person and find Florida to be a gardener's paradise. Jane wants to do a secret garden in her back yard ... maybe that will be on the agenda for my next visit. She has the spot picked out and hung a beautiful lantern in the tree to mark where the garden will be centered. 

Each morning, I sat out by the pool and managed to get a wee bit of a tan (yes, dear dermatologist, I did slather on tons of sunscreen and wore a hat) as well as finish four books. As if all this wasn't enough, I accompanied Jane on a home visit for Sunshine Corgi Rescue and wrote a couple blogs. (Phew)

My Florida Family
Jane & Tim
Madison, Katrina, "Me"
Lord, you know, and I know, how difficult it is to be a good parent. Even when we try our very best, relationships can become strained and we spend more time on our knees than we ever thought we would. I had the opportunity to hear two really awesome sermons at Lifepoint Church in New Tampa on happiness ~ the first was on being a happy mom, and the second, on how we are to treat our parents. I must say, I am at a point where life is good and my children are at a time when their own lives are on even keel. Oh how grateful I am!! I truly believe, Father, that as I dared move out of the comfortable darkness (yes, dysfunction can be comfortable in it's own way), it gave my own family a blueprint to grow towards healthiness. Know what? They know You are the center of my world and they love You too! That REALLY makes my heart sing!!

I pray today for families everywhere ... families that are in a season like mine is where everything is moving in the right direction ... families that were like mine, fractured and broken ... families that wonder why they have these empty holes in their hearts that nothing seems to fill. I pray that you will move mightily in their lives drawing them and wooing them towards the truth and light. I know that life is full of peaks and valleys and when I remember weeks like I just had, I scream with joy. You tell us in Psalm 30:5 that weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. We must remember this always! Family ~ For Better or Worse. We are a culmination souls coming together for a purpose. I claim my family's victory, yes I do!! Just as I am standing tall as matriarch of my own family, I encourage other women to move forward covering their own families with prayer, encouragement, and a legacy of truth and light. Amen, dear Jesus, amen!

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: Macdonald Carey's legendary line "Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives" takes center stage today as I unpack all the memories I brought back from my time in Florida. My life has gone by so quickly and I've weathered the storms only to find the most beautiful rainbows waiting for me. The sand in my hourglass has shaded colors!!

"Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." ~Psalm 139:16

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Oh to be a princess!

May 17, 2014

Dear God,

The party bus has left the premises and the young ones are on their way to the prom. (Sigh) It's been quite a busy couple days for my 17 year old granddaughter ... it started with toes & nails. Yesterday it was spray tanning and today meeting the stylist for an updo and having Mandy, her friend, do her make-up. I was impressed at how organized Madison was in getting everything in apple pie order culminating in a breath-taking entrance about 5 this afternoon. Phew ~ I look one look at her and got pretty teary-eyed. (It's a grandma thing ... I'm allowed!)

Madison was supposed to go to the prom with her long time boyfriend, Jose; however, life got in the way and their relationship fizzled. I guess Madison could have withered away deciding not to go without a date but she didn't do that.  She got busy and organized a party of her friends gathering them to go on a party bus ~ some had dates, others did not. She made up her mind to wear her beautiful dress and enjoy all that the Gatsby evening had to offer. I am proud of her strength and confidence and am praying that she has a perfect Cinderella night!! Tomorrow (she tells me) about a thousand kids are headed for Clearwater Beach for an after prom party ~ she invited me to go along. I think I will pass. It does make me feel good though to feel that she loves me enough to want me to go with her and her buds!!

Who needs 1 date when I can have 8?
Miss Madison

What do most people do when life throws lemons their way? Give up? Complain? I've taught my children (and encouraged my grandchildren) to "make lemonade!" Somehow life gets sweeter and sweeter that way! Sometimes ya just gotta get busy and shrug off the yukkies and keep on a truckin'.

Times sure have changed from 48 years ago when I went to the prom. But, then again, maybe not... The excitement of that big night out, a beautiful dress, and feeling like the evening is magic ~ I doubt if that will ever change. I asked Madison if they were having a live band and was informed that was a "pretty lame" idea. Disk jockeys are much better, so she informed me. LOL Somehow the live music coming from the Lakeside Ballroom was pretty darn special in my day.

Lord God, I pray for Madison and her friends ~ that you would watch over them and keep them safe. I pray for all the teens out on their individual prom nights ~ the hair salon was full of them today and from the photos I've been seeing on Facebook, the world is alive with prom goers. Oh, to have the innocent joy that so many of our teens feel. The laughter tonight when they all got together was contagious. Jesus take the wheel!!!

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: President Bush (Sr) started something with his crazy socks. I got such a kick out of the guys in the prom group ~ they all had these wonderful colorful socks. Such a small thing yet what an impact! Oh to be able to go back and experience my own magical evening one more time! Time flies by much too quickly. Carpe' Diem AND build those beautiful once in a lifetime memories!! I have a bunch that keep me smiling!!

Friday, May 16, 2014

I am who I am?

May 14, 2014

Dear God,

Holy Cow! When it rains in Florida, it pours!! Luckily, I wandered out to the pool mid morning to get my Vitamin D. I started reading THE BOOK THIEF and found it difficult to put down. I've been trying to limit my time outdoors to one hour (yes, I slather myself up with sunscreen) but today, time got away from me and I found myself still outside after a couple hours. Luckily, I don't burn!

Father, I just love books that really draw me in and place me in the midst of the characters. In THE BOOK THIEF, Liesel surprises me with her maturity, compassion, and hope for her tomorrows. I cannot imagine not being able to go to school to learn to read and write ... I cannot imagine having to go to bed hungry and have watered down pea soup day after day. I cannot image not being able to express my opinions out loud for fear of being taken by the police. WWII was certainly felt 'round the world and books such as this one help me to experience the depravity on both sides of the "pond." I definitely want to see the movie hoping it is as good as the book.

May 15, 2014

My blogging yesterday was interrupted. That stupid old Fibro raised it's ugly head putting me out of commission. Father, as my Readers with chronic illnesses know, when that dark cloud of pain drops, life can be suspended into a limbo state. It frustrates me to no end and I find I need to flood my mind, body, and soul with good. Seems to lessen my down time. Today, I am better and, at least, able to function.

For sure, my time away in Florida has been fertile with opportunities to catch up on my reading. Jane gave me a couple books for Mother's Day and the one I am reading now is INHERITANCE (how our genes change our lives and our lives change our genes) written by Sharon Moalem, MD, PhD. I have always believed that when someone gives me information or encourages me to read something specific, it is no coincidence. I need that information to make better choices or alter my habits. Father, I'm sure you've heard this more than once like I have: "I am who I am and don't want to change." "My illnesses define me." "I just can't..." "It's in my genes." That may be true to some extent yet I am of the opinion that if I am being destructive or hurtful to myself or others, it is important to learn another way. I am giggling ~ the words that are popping into my mind are, "Eat more spinach!!" I can do that!!

All that being said, I have been driven to know more about my ancestry going back generations. The women in my family of origin have been quite strong not only surviving but thriving. The other thing that I've noticed is that because I left home so young (17) and have spent most of my life far away from family, I have taken bits and pieces that family of origin and then marched to the tune of my own drum passing on new ways to my own children and grandchildren. I haven't been afraid to walk through the murky waters. The dysfunction I uncovered (believe me, ALL families are dysfunctional to some extent) became stepping stones to truth, light, and strength. It's been quite a journey filled with ups and downs, twists and turns. For so long, my life was shame based and I saw myself as not good enough when, in truth, I was born worthy of love and Your daughter. Doesn't get much better than that. I guess you could say, I lived my own Cinderella story. I laugh 'cause there sure have been a bunch of ugly toads I've kissed with my heart! LOL

I am missing my furry kids TERRIBLY. I still wake up in the middle of the night, my hands groping for Kennedy and Zeke and looking to the bottom of the bed for Harmony and Ruffy. For the past year, they have been such an integral part of my life and, for the most part, my life has revolved around them giving them the lives they've missed. On the flip side, they've blessed me beyond reason with their progression towards some sort of normalcy.

God in Heaven, I pray for those you've brought before me ... for those who have sent me emails and messages regarding themselves and family members. I see your hand in their lives as they take each day knowing you are in control. I ask that you heap extra blessings on the little boy who is stepping out in faith knowing he could be knocked down. Give him words to say and hearts receptive to his message. For my granddaughter and her friends who are attending the Junior Prom in Wesley Chapel, I pray for safety, smart choices, and barrels of fun, memory-making moments. Holy Spirit come into my life filling me with wisdom and the fruit of the spirit. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus ... oh that all would know you for it's in your name I pray.

Miss Dottie


Monday, May 12, 2014

Florida Afternoon...

May 12, 2014

Dear God,

It's me, Miss Dottie checking in for a chat. Each day I am here strengthens and brightens my soul. People shouldn't have such control over my emotions; however, because I read people so well, I sense and can absorb negativity. Too much pulls me down and I recognize the need to soak up positivity and joy. Since You made me who I am, I just know this about myself and am careful about too much stress that can dull the sparkle in my eyes and heart.

"I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born, I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations." ~Jeremiah 1:5

My perch by the pool
I slept late this morning, waking to a loud voice coming from the den. It was the drapery installer from Penney's fixing a crack in a rod. I laughed to myself because he was quite a friendly chap sharing his life for all to hear. Tim brought me a Dunkin Donuts Iced Coffee and after a quick shower, I headed for the pool. I slathered myself with lotion and timed myself as to not burn. It feels so good to sit out in my chair, listen to the water fall from the spa, and read. I finished my Flavia de Luce mystery and am now reading THE BOOK THIEF. I must say, it is intriguing ~ hard to put down.

It's been rather nice today to have some down time. Jane had some errands to do and we picked up Madison from the Wiregrass High School. Madison wanted to check out a shirt at Forever XXI ... bummers, we couldn't find it! I like that store ... luckily since I am petite, I can wear some of their designs. I like to have fun with my clothes and am not ready to dress "my age" ~ I think age is a state of mind and I am grateful for my youthful thinking. It's not the cost of clothes that matters (my black to the Il Divo concert was only $19 at Belk), it's how an outfit is put together! I like to add that bit of fun to everything I put on. Guess it's the right brained thinking that dominates my life.

Sparkle's (Jane's car) air conditioning has been running hot so Jane is off to the Buick dealership. Hopefully, Sparkle will be offering us a cool ride tomorrow to Fort Meyers where I plan to visit with a classmate, Peggy. I haven't seen her in years and am so excited to be able to give her a hug and catch up. Last time I visited, I planned to see her BUT time got away from me. This time, I didn't want that to happen.

The girls have competition cheer practice tonight. I think Madison is bowing out to work at Tilly's but Katrina will be there with bells on. She has become a flyer and does these amazing moves in the air with just her bases (4 girls) holding her up. I asked her if she was afraid of falling and she said, "Yes, but I do it anyway." That's my girl!! She practices non-stop at home and I gasp with all her back-flips, splits, and the way she is able to balance herself on a hand or on the ground.  She truly does fly!! She is smart as a whip to boot and I never know what sliver of trivia is going to come out of her mouth. To be a part of everyday life here in Florida is such an exciting blessing.

My grandchildren teach me so much about life. Yesterday, Madison and I sat on her bed and jabbered away ... I shared some high school and college tales with her and she shared how different it is now. Yes it is!! In a few days she will be off her to her Junior Prom and in a few months will experience her senior year. (Sigh) My mind is flooded with wonderful memories from that time in my life. I pray that she will totally immerse herself in the experience 'cause life goes by way too quickly without seizing the moments as they come into focus!!

Father God, I celebrate my family knowing that each member has my blood flowing through their veins. They are good people with Godly consciences and a love for You. I find myself raising my hands in thanksgiving and feeling so privileged to be able to accept them as You do. Love is a choice and to be able to allow them to grow at their own pace takes away the troubled worries. (That doesn't mean I am not on my knees praying!!!)

I pray for my Readers and their families. I pray that where there is dissention and misunderstandings that there would be that bridge to a coming together in love. Bring those angels in to minister to them, lifting them up and giving them the confidence to do that "next right thing." So often, that's pretty darn tough believing that as we do what is right in your eyes, You will take care of the outcomes. Help us all to be bold in our faith and not ashamed to worship you as King! Your son Jesus came that we would be set free from the flops and fumbles of life and I rest on that knowledge!!

Miss Dottie

The heartbeat of love
between a daughter and mother
never stops beating!
NOTE TO READERS: Time stands still for no man, always marching on, the beat growing faster and faster as the years go by. I don't know about you, but I have miles to go before I sleep. I have work to do, thoughts to blog, and love to pour out upon my fellow travelers and family. Just that thought energizes me and gives me purpose. I encourage my family to express their love for one another several times a day. How about you? Won't you spread the love to your own families and beyond??

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

May 11, 2014

Dear God,

Hi! It's me ... Miss Dottie. I went to your house this morning ~ Lifepoint Church in New Tampa, FL. It felt so good to raise holy hands, do a little dancin', and soak in the presence of the Holy Spirit. I don't see a lot of churches around here. I guess they are all off the beaten path. I'm so grateful that the church I grew up in was so close. To be honest, the town was so small, I guess everything was within walking distance! Before anything else was on our schedules, church activities came first. "Train up a child in the way he should go..." ~Psalm 22:6 So many times in my life, when I was so very lost, I knew where to go and that it was You. Praises! You have broad shoulders for me to lean on.

It's been a wonderful Mother's Day weekend. I have spent so many years sad and feeling so alone that I am drinking in every bit of this one!! I flew in to Tampa last Wednesday and it's been a whirlwind of activity ever since. Friday night, Jane and I had VIP tickets to the Il Divo concert. We got all gussied up to attend the meet and greet. Yep, there they were with their arms around Jane and I for the photo shoot. OMG, handsome beyond handsome and very charismatic. The concert itself blew me away. I was hoping they would sing Hallelujah but I had to settle for when you walk through a storm hold your head up high. Perfect! We sat in the third row, center seats. It was like having a personal performance tailored just for us! We met some great folks including a service dog by the name of Sebastien (named after one of the fellows in the IlDivo group). Sebastien loved the concert and got a thumbs up! Definitely a night to remember forever.

The theme of the Il Divo concert was
Broadway tunes ~ Jane got into the mood!

Sebastien the Service Dog

Saturday night we had dinner reservations at Season's 52 in Tampa. Hors d'oeurves to die for, steak that melted in my mouth, and desserts fit for a queen. Yum.  Bless those chefs, Lord!! When we got home, Tim and I watched the movie Philomena. Boy now, that tore at my heart strings. To think that things like that happened in the 1950's ~ to have one's child ripped away simply because they were conceived out of wedlock ... horrific!! Makes my blood boil. I also saw the peace that Philomena had due to Your presence in her heart. I would hope that I am like her, Father. Not because of anything I've done but because I've chosen Your ways.

I woke up this morning to the aroma of bacon, canadian bacon, toasted muffins, hollandaise sauce, and eggs ... Eggs Benedict ala Tim plus a Mimosa. What a treat!! With reminders that church was at 11:30 we all headed to our rooms to get dressed. As I said, church was fabulous ... the sermon was on being a happy mom. It really got me thinking because it seemed to give credence to my own thoughts about my journey through life. Jesus always seems to begin his work in me with what I have and uses my small steps to meet huge needs. I can never remember not believing in You. That being said, the change in me began from the inside out when the Holy Spirit began to dwell in my heart. My thoughts, choices, and decisions were very different and I had this awesome peace that wouldn't let me hold grudges or be a mean soul.

I am so excited to report that once my heart changed (thank you God!) I truly became born again. I was a new woman centered on You and confident in my beliefs. This morning, I received a Mother's Day letter from my oldest granddaughter. As I began to read, tears welled up in my eyes and all I could think to do was hold her tightly, my tears spilling down her back. She looked at me saying, "What???" My gosh, I love that girl!! I am hoping she will allow me to share it one day. Until then, I shall ponder it in my heart.

Heavenly Father, today is a day to think about how we have been blessed by our mothers. I also think that today is a tough day for many women as they make it through the hours with troubled hearts. I pray for mothers estranged from their children, those who don't know where their children are, whose children will not speak to them. I pray for mothers whose children have hurt them and disappointed them and used them. I pray for mothers who have given so much that their love is threadbare and tired. I pray for mothers who are trying to go it on their own because their husbands have left them or maybe those husbands just don't care. I pray for mothers who have realized too late that they messed up as moms and are overwhelmed with guilt. May you open doors to new beginnings. Grant those mothers who have buried their children an extra measure of peace. What grief these mothers must carry, what a burden of sorrow. I think of the moms of soldiers who have fallen in war, moms who have lost children to starvation and disease. I pray for women like me who wanted to be a mom and couldn't resorting to fertility treatments. My mom and I had unfinished business and I miss her so much. What I wouldn't give for one more chat, one more hug. I pray for mothers whose mothers were not good mothers but who were distant or selfish or hateful ~ so preoccupied with their own problems and desires that they had no room for their children. I wish the world was a perfect place and wasn't like that God, but it is and some hearts are aching today when they think of their mothers. Flood our hearts with the kind of grace that passes all understanding. Strengthen us today and tomorrow in the tender kindness of Jesus.

My family ~ for better or worse ... gosh, I love them all. I am a woman blessed with perfectly imperfect souls who share my journey. Thank you!!

Madison & Miss Dottie

I love you Mom!
Madison & Jane
Katrina deep in thought!!

Sir Winston Corghill
Feelin' the love!

NOTE TO READERS: I am thinking about my little furry kids at home and how they make every day Mother's Day. Their licks, wagging tails, yips, and yaps just make my day. It is a year ago that I adopted Ezekiel 'Zeke.' This little bundle of white fur captured my heart the moment foster mom Laura placed him in my arms. Today I want to encourage my Readers to reach out and touch some lives. Your kindness may just be that spark that makes their day!!