Dear God,
It's Friday! The sun is out, the breeze is cool, and all's right in my little corner of the world. I've been working towards setting up a booth at the Farmer's Market. I must say, there's a lot of detail that goes into opening day .. paperwork to fill out, signs and labels to make, finding a table, and then there is the part that I love, baking and creating. Thank you for that creative bent that I have and for the kick in the butt that I needed to get going.
My class reunion is coming up and I am working towards making enough money to get me to west central Minnesota, have a good time, and then get me back home. With your help, I can do it!! There's no way I would miss this get-together unless I am (gulp) dead.
Yesterday, I decided to take stock in what I had in my pantry to make doggie treats. I had most of the ingredients, lacking just the flour. It was fun listening to a little music and dancing a little jig as I stirred, rolled out dough, and baked up a storm. I made some plain dog biscuits which were okay but the pumpkin treats smelled heavenly and when the doggies test-tasted them, they gave them a 20 paw up salute!! Doesn't get any better than that for sure.
Today, my goal is to make some more doggie biscuits adding bacon and cheese. Then, I'll start on human treats. I am paying more attention to the recipes on Facebook for new ideas. For sure, my kitchen is going to be quite a busy place.
Speaking of my kitchen, a couple days ago, my canine smoke alarms (Harmony and Zeke) alerted me to a fire that started on top of the stove. There was a bag on the stove when I went to cook my breakfast so I set it on the floor, made my breakfast, cleaned up the kitchen, and turned off the gas on the stove (or so I thought). I put the bag back on the stove ~ instead of turning the gas off, I had turned it to extra low. Harmony and Zeke were going crazy so I went to see what was going on and flames were shooting out everywhere. Not thinking, I grabbed the bag & put it in the sink flooding it with water. The plastic was still burning on the stove so I sprayed that with water to put it out. The entire house reeked of smoke and I had quite a mess to clean up in the kitchen. Thankfully, I had some friends recommend ways of clearing out the smoke and I set to work cleaning and scrubbing. A WORD TO THE WISE: don't put anything on top of a stove (unless you are cooking, of course!). Thank you, Lord for saving my kitchen so that I can use it for my Farmer's Market endeavor!!
Father God in Heaven, your name is above all names and your son, Jesus? He's my Savior, my leader, my encourager, my friend. I pray today for all people who are trying to make ends meet. Help them to develop their own creative juices using what they have. Bless those who are ill or recovering from surgery with that extra measure of peace, perseverance, and hope. My list of those needing prayer gets longer and longer for these are perilous times. I pray for warriors to rise up to reclaim our country. May truth and light fill every corner of our government exposing the evil ones. Help us to forget about the blame game for it doesn't solve anything. President Harry S. Truman kept a sign on his desk in the Oval Office that said, "The buck stops here" referring to the fact that the President has to make decisions and accept the ultimate responsibility for those decisions. Let us all adopt that philosophy as we manage our own lives and make decisions. In the name of Jesus, I thank you in advance for all You are about to do in my life and in the lives of my Readers! Amen, it is so.
Miss Dottie
NOTE TO READERS: I hope that you have read the story of the Widow's Oil in II Kings 4. It's a poignant story of yesterday that is still applicable for today. Start with what you have and move forward one step at a time, one day at a time! God bless you this Friday!!
"I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." ~ Philippians 3:14 (NIV)
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