Monday, May 12, 2014

Florida Afternoon...

May 12, 2014

Dear God,

It's me, Miss Dottie checking in for a chat. Each day I am here strengthens and brightens my soul. People shouldn't have such control over my emotions; however, because I read people so well, I sense and can absorb negativity. Too much pulls me down and I recognize the need to soak up positivity and joy. Since You made me who I am, I just know this about myself and am careful about too much stress that can dull the sparkle in my eyes and heart.

"I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born, I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations." ~Jeremiah 1:5

My perch by the pool
I slept late this morning, waking to a loud voice coming from the den. It was the drapery installer from Penney's fixing a crack in a rod. I laughed to myself because he was quite a friendly chap sharing his life for all to hear. Tim brought me a Dunkin Donuts Iced Coffee and after a quick shower, I headed for the pool. I slathered myself with lotion and timed myself as to not burn. It feels so good to sit out in my chair, listen to the water fall from the spa, and read. I finished my Flavia de Luce mystery and am now reading THE BOOK THIEF. I must say, it is intriguing ~ hard to put down.

It's been rather nice today to have some down time. Jane had some errands to do and we picked up Madison from the Wiregrass High School. Madison wanted to check out a shirt at Forever XXI ... bummers, we couldn't find it! I like that store ... luckily since I am petite, I can wear some of their designs. I like to have fun with my clothes and am not ready to dress "my age" ~ I think age is a state of mind and I am grateful for my youthful thinking. It's not the cost of clothes that matters (my black to the Il Divo concert was only $19 at Belk), it's how an outfit is put together! I like to add that bit of fun to everything I put on. Guess it's the right brained thinking that dominates my life.

Sparkle's (Jane's car) air conditioning has been running hot so Jane is off to the Buick dealership. Hopefully, Sparkle will be offering us a cool ride tomorrow to Fort Meyers where I plan to visit with a classmate, Peggy. I haven't seen her in years and am so excited to be able to give her a hug and catch up. Last time I visited, I planned to see her BUT time got away from me. This time, I didn't want that to happen.

The girls have competition cheer practice tonight. I think Madison is bowing out to work at Tilly's but Katrina will be there with bells on. She has become a flyer and does these amazing moves in the air with just her bases (4 girls) holding her up. I asked her if she was afraid of falling and she said, "Yes, but I do it anyway." That's my girl!! She practices non-stop at home and I gasp with all her back-flips, splits, and the way she is able to balance herself on a hand or on the ground.  She truly does fly!! She is smart as a whip to boot and I never know what sliver of trivia is going to come out of her mouth. To be a part of everyday life here in Florida is such an exciting blessing.

My grandchildren teach me so much about life. Yesterday, Madison and I sat on her bed and jabbered away ... I shared some high school and college tales with her and she shared how different it is now. Yes it is!! In a few days she will be off her to her Junior Prom and in a few months will experience her senior year. (Sigh) My mind is flooded with wonderful memories from that time in my life. I pray that she will totally immerse herself in the experience 'cause life goes by way too quickly without seizing the moments as they come into focus!!

Father God, I celebrate my family knowing that each member has my blood flowing through their veins. They are good people with Godly consciences and a love for You. I find myself raising my hands in thanksgiving and feeling so privileged to be able to accept them as You do. Love is a choice and to be able to allow them to grow at their own pace takes away the troubled worries. (That doesn't mean I am not on my knees praying!!!)

I pray for my Readers and their families. I pray that where there is dissention and misunderstandings that there would be that bridge to a coming together in love. Bring those angels in to minister to them, lifting them up and giving them the confidence to do that "next right thing." So often, that's pretty darn tough believing that as we do what is right in your eyes, You will take care of the outcomes. Help us all to be bold in our faith and not ashamed to worship you as King! Your son Jesus came that we would be set free from the flops and fumbles of life and I rest on that knowledge!!

Miss Dottie

The heartbeat of love
between a daughter and mother
never stops beating!
NOTE TO READERS: Time stands still for no man, always marching on, the beat growing faster and faster as the years go by. I don't know about you, but I have miles to go before I sleep. I have work to do, thoughts to blog, and love to pour out upon my fellow travelers and family. Just that thought energizes me and gives me purpose. I encourage my family to express their love for one another several times a day. How about you? Won't you spread the love to your own families and beyond??

1 comment:

  1. Your blog makes me realize how important it is to participate in life. At times, we all feel tired or scared and choose not to go to an event. Yet, for those who decide not to go to prom, a party, a work event, college, etc.... they are missing out on some of the greatest moments life has to give. A lovely vision; you and Madison talking about life. Albeit different generations, some things never change and she can learn from your joys and from your regrets. Passing the torch of wisdom!!

    Love You!
