Dear God,
Well, hello there. Ready to chat abit?
The past few days I've have had my knickers in a knot and wanted to pull a bag over my head. I'll bet there are some Readers who can relate to those days when you just want to go back to bed and see if life doesn't reset itself!! That being said, life doesn't reset itself and there are no do overs so I figure I might just as well get up and put on my armor, grab my sword, and slay a few dragons (all 5'2" of me!). I might as well grab my umbrella too because it's been raining all night long. Thankful for a non-leaking roof over my head.
Speaking of leaky roofs, I remember when my kids were young, and I purchased a house for us. As a single mom, I couldn't afford to fix the leaky roof and would take pots and pans and wastebaskets to the attic to catch the drops of rain. Boy, did I ever celebrate when I could afford to replace those nasty wood shingles!!
My precious pups have gotten me up extra early since I've been back from Florida. They've been snarfing down their kibble like there is no tomorrow. I was laughing as they sound like five chickens pecking in their bowls. I would have liked to have gone back to bed on Saturday, but my friend, Beverly, came over and we headed for the local Farmer's Market. I did get some wonderful fruits and veggies and couldn't wait to get home to do a little taste testing!!
As I mentioned in my blog yesterday, when I was in Florida, the pastor at LifePoint Church told the story of the Widow's Oil. (II Kings 4) I doubt if my presence there at that sermon on that day was a coincidence. For some reason, I've been thinking about it ... a lot. The story starts out with a widow who cannot pay her debts and is facing the loss of her sons to slavery. The story got my attention with these words: the solution begins with what you do have, not what you don't have.
God, you have always been able to do a lot with a little. Jesus fed 5000 with 5 loaves and two fish and changed the world with twelve ordinary men. You makes miracles out of messes!!! Boy howdy, I've seen You move mountains in my life and in the lives of my children and grandchildren. (One of the reasons I blog)
Anyway, back to the story of the widow and the oil: I started asking myself ~ Opportunities? Skills? Connections? Passions? AND, I also asked myself if I was willing to do whatever it took to make my days better. How do I overcome difficulty? Humility and effort ~ intentional energy, right thinking, consistently doing the right things, building momentum toward the solution. I keep going, moving, trying, and trusting that God will honor my efforts. Yes!
All I know is that when life doesn't go my way it doesn't work to mope, get depressed, give up retreat. Escapers eat, drink, & run ... come back and the issue is still there. (Been there, done that) Controlling people steal, lie, cheat, get angry, manipulate, destroy relationships, burn bridges, blame and shame. Nah ... doesn't work. (Been there, done that too) I'll just keep doing what comes unnaturally ~ work like it all depends on me and pray like it all depends on You. I say unnaturally because, after all, I am an imperfect human.
In the Bible, it says that by our standard of measure, it will be measured to us in return. (Check out Luke 6) How we judge others will determine how we are judged. Our ability to forgive others impacts our forgiveness. How we give (according to our means) will be given to us.
I want to honor You using my life for the purpose You intended. I'll bet there's a Reader or two who can admit to saying, "God, if you get me through this I'll (fill in the blank). Then, when You come through, you're forgotten. How easy it is for us to forget You when life is back on track and everything is hunky dory. Let me not forget...
Heavenly Father, you are my King. As ruler of my life, You do more than I could ever ask or imagine. Your grace is always sufficient. I pray for others going through tough days and nights ... those who are tossing and turning and wearing out their sheets sweating out the "what ifs." Today, I did business in the name of Jesus and was blessed. I started with what I had, was willing to do what it takes, and acted believing that You would show up. Thank you in advance for your favor. In the name of Jesus, mountains are moving!!
Miss Dottie
NOTE TO READERS: When you come to the end of your rope, hang on. When you think the world would be better off without you, reality says it wouldn't. Do me a favor, let's get up together and do "something" to face our fears. Life isn't fair but it's life and, that being said, we might as well make the most of it!!
Love it ~ God planted a seed and after a few days ideas started to sprout. I cannot wait to hear about the market...praying for success, happiness, and doors to open.