Thursday, May 1, 2014

So you want what I have?

May 1, 2014

Dear God,

Welcome to the cottage ... come on in and let's visit awhile. Today is the National Day of Prayer so I am hoping that my Readers will join me in praying for our country, leaders, and citizens. You've promised us in 2 Chronicles 7:14 that:

if my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Amen to that!!

"So you want what I have" has been running through my mind for days now. I have people who come to visit and are enamored by the vision I had in renovating the casa, cottage, and back yard. They see the finished projects and the works in progress. What they don't see is the hours of back breaking work and persistence that went into my accomplishments. Oh yes, I have a natural bent for design and color BUT it took years of reading, looking at photos, and trial and error to get to develop those visions. As stated in Malcolm Gladwell's book THE OUTLIERS, it takes 10,000 hours to become proficient in a talent or undertaking. I've come to really believe that. Practice isn't the thing you do once you're good, it's the thing that makes you good.

I could sell my house and cottage or even give them away if I would choose to do so. Without personal investment, all would fade away in no time. Repairs need to be done and the gardens tended on an almost daily basis. Gifts come with responsibilities.

"So you want what I have" emotionally? Lord, I am grateful for the hunger I had to become a whole person ~ emotionally, physically, spiritually. Beginning in the 1980's, I began my quest ... a journey that is ongoing to this day. I listened to wise counselors and did what they suggested; I joined Alanon and worked the 12 Steps; I read every self-help book on the market flooding my mind with positive thoughts; and, beginning in 2004, I walked through the muddy waters digging deep into my family of origin to heal the little girl inside of me. I wanted to feel that peace inside of me that goes beyond all understanding. I'm so grateful that I had that passion. With You guiding me, I could get beyond the fear of "what would people think" and conquer the darkness. Do my Readers want that peace? Are they willing to pay the price? I stood on Your Word:

The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid.
What can mere mortals do to me?
~Psalm 118:6

The pathway to success
is built one stone at a time!
Life is a journey, a wonderful journey filled with seasons and concentrations in different areas. When my children left home, I wondered what I would do with myself. Entering retirement brought new challenges. I must say, because I opened my heart to what You had for me, I have never been bored and have walked through the open doors of opportunity to work, grow, and develop my own person and relationships with others. No matter what though, You've been my partner, my Lord, my Savior, my director, my all. And, because you've been the wind beneath my wings to freedom, I have soared.

Father God in heaven, I pray that if there are Readers who have dreams and visions, that You would give them that persistence to keep on going ... to never give up. Life's not easy but to give it your all makes the mountains and valleys exciting. How would we ever know joy without intense pain? I pray for my country that we would come back to the basics of what government was intended to do. Bring forth truth ~ truth so obvious that we would not mistake it for the lies being spread. Lift up men of God with the fortitude to break through the money barrier into office. Come on Christians, let's get off our duffs and make a difference in our families, the places where we live, and who we elect into office to represent us before it's too late. Complacency has no place at this time in our lives. Beware of the wolf in sheep's clothing ... he/she prowls the streets looking for people unaware. Lift us up mighty God and let this day begin and end with intent and purpose! Cover us with your armor ... protecting as we move forward ...Onward Christian Soldiers!! 


Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS:  So many want what I have but are unwilling to put in the time and effort to get there. Success doesn't come cheap. I had to invest heavily in the something(s) that I wanted. I can share my story with you, encourage you, and praise your efforts. However, when it comes right down to it, it's really up to you. Your life can be like a bare piece of ground OR you can plant a garden. Develop those God given talents, visions, and passions. I promise you, it will be worth it!!!

1 comment:

  1. I too, love creating. Blood, sweat, and tears make a project meaningful and appreciated. Thanks for sparking inspiration with your beautiful garden and home.

    Love you!
