Monday, December 22, 2014

Sunday before Christmas...

December 21, 2014

Dear God,

It is Sunday! On my way across the country roads to your house, I was doing some woolgathering about the gift of life and time. This past week you gave me 24 X 7 = 168 hours to use as I wished. I was thinking about the number of times, I chose not to go to church, I chose not to read my Bible, and chose not to follow your leading I felt convicted. For all the blessings bestowed on me, could I not take the time to thank You a few hours a week?

I worshiped and listened to wise words from wise men (Bud, William, Pastor Rick, Brady, Terry, Pastor Gerald). There was this sense of peace that came over me and I wondered why it had taken me so long to "get it." As long as I "got it" now, I could begin anew.

I came home from church, fed Finn, and started doing laundry. Since Christmas is this week, I decided to get busy cleaning up the cottage and, as I picked up my computer, I had this overwhelming urge to write. Of course, since I had my computer open, I checked my Facebook messages ... there was this quote about priorities and I read it over and over before passing it on. It was like You were speaking to me ~ again, on this same subject ~ priorities.

Priorities ... are You important enough in my life to be a priority? Are You important enough for me to read your word and study your ways? Are You a priority enough that I should want to be like You? Oh yes, a million times, yes. How about the other people in my life? How can I make others feel important? I have work to do in 2015!!

I know what it has felt like to be unloved, unwelcome, and not valued as a person. That being said, You must be sad too when someone asks You into their heart then forgets about You. I cannot imagine dying on a cross ... crucified ... only to be pushed to the back burner in peoples' lives. Shame on us ... shame on me!

Carolyn, Branden, Neva
This morning when I walked into church, I began looking for familiar faces. I didn't want to miss wishing a Merry Christmas to those who might not be at church Christmas Eve. Branden introduced me to Carolyn (I hope I spelled her name right) who was visiting. Good Golly Miss Molly, I hope Carolyn comes back 'cause she's a lady I want to know more about. She does things that are on my bucket list and I have a hunger to learn. Thank you Branden for inviting her ~ I hope we all made her feel welcome.

Pastor Rick had gotten wind of a family in need and paid them a visit on Saturday. He began by saying that as we grown older we tend to remember Christmases from our childhood. Just as I was nodding my head in agreement, he got into the meat of the story and I could barely contain my tears.

Daddy needed some extra money to support his family but he chose the wrong way to go about it and is in prison. Mama is living in a home owned by kinfolk and they are supporting her with the basics. Problem? Four tiny girls and no money for Christmas. As Pastor Rick shared the details of his visit ... donuts, a big old dog, the knocks on the door, the playfulness of the girls ... "Are you a real cowboy?" ... I could picture them in their bare feet and tousled curls enamored by this man who brought a sense of joy and kindness. Oh that we should all be like children!

To make a long story a bit shorter, because of the benevolence of the Open Range Church, these precious girls will have a magical Christmas. And, maybe, just maybe, this family will be able to come to church and learn about You. That just warms the cockles of my heart. I wish I could be a little mouse in the corner on Christmas morning when those little ones wake up to a special "Frozen" moment in time!

When I was a young adult, my mother told me of times when my brother and  I were small that there was very little money for Christmas. There were no credit cards back then ~ it was cash then carry. I never knew or felt that we were lacking because there was always something that we had wished for. We received one present Christmas Eve then Santa brought a couple toys in the morning. Funny, how I don't remember many of the specific gifts. What I do remember is the gaiety of family Christmas ... Aunt Alida playing the piano while we all sang Christmas carols; midnight church when the room was lit with candles; the lefse and cookies; my Grandmother Belle grinning each year when she got her high topped black tennis shoes (she had chickens ~ enough said); my Grandmother Maggie's tears when her children came with bags of groceries and essentials; and, there's one more thing...

My Grandmother Maggie received a jug of Mogen David Wine each Christmas. It was a really big deal when we all received (adults - wine glasses; children - shot glasses) our wine to make our Christmas toasts. As children, we felt a part of something bigger, something important. The toasts were wonderful... "To my mother, thank you!" "To my wife, I love you." "To my cousin, you're funny!" It was sort of like gibberish because everyone was talking at once, hugging, and laughing.

Christmas Day 2013
From left:
Beverly, Rica, Don, Michael
I am looking forward to Christmas Eve services at church. I can't really explain it but just being in your house with fellow believers is such a wonderful gift. Christmas Day, we invited our neighbors over for a Christmas lunch. Beverly is having surgery on the 23rd (Carpel Tunnel dominant hand) and I knew she wouldn't be up to preparing a meal much less cleaning up. She had all the groceries before her surgery was scheduled so I was blessed to be the cook, furnish the place for our lunch, and do the clean up. Last Christmas Day was special at their home ... this year it will be at our home ... God willing in 2015, it will be at Rica's home.

Lord God, you are the Alpha, the Omega. This Christmas, I pray that you will bless your people. Help us to be aware of those less fortunate and be your ambassadors of kindness and love. This year has been quite a challenge for me and, I must admit, I am glad that it flew by and that 2015 is just around the corner. Help us all to look forward not back ~ to look upward and not stumble over our own feet. I pray for the many who are undergoing cancer treatments, undergoing heart surgeries, suffering with the flu, and those dealing with chronic illnesses. May there be the miracle of healing! Amen!! I pray for those who are alone this Christmas ~ those alienated from family ~ for those in nursing homes. Father, I thank you for my Readers and for the opportunity to share your word and love. Bless them, guide them, and minister to their every need. Christmas is just a few days away. As the church bells ring and people gather to celebrate your son's birth, let there be peace. Yes, peace ... may the violence stop, may we come together as a Christian nation, and, most of all, may we lift holy hands communing as one voice! Amen, it is so!!

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS:  I read this poem this morning and wanted to share it with you. As we go about the next few days, our lives can seem hectic and so out of control ~ please take some time to remember what is most important and, well, sometimes we just have to let the rest go.

"Whatever else be lost among the years,
Let us keep Christmas still a shining thing:
Whatever doubts assail us, or what fears,
Let us hold close one day, remembering
Its poignant meaning for the hearts of men.
Let us get back our childlike faith again."
~~Grace Noll Crowell

1 comment:

  1. It's so much fun to remember Christmases of past. I have many great memories...thank you for that! Funny...some of the most memorable ones have the least gifts. There are many heartfelt presents that can be created with little (or no) money. Knowing someone in-and-out (putting them as a priority) sparks the creative juices when Christmas planning. This year I bought a few funny gifts based on the personalities of my husband and kids-- for example...Tim is getting Obama toilet paper (he! he!). It'll be fun to do our traditional Christmas Eve (Irish stew and church) and enjoy a few laughs as we open gifts. I loved reading about your childhood holiday festivities.

    Love you!
