Saturday, December 27, 2014

Christmas 2014

December 27, 2014

Good Morning Lord!

It's mighty chilly and rainy here in North Central Texas ~ a perfect day to stay in with the Fantastic 5, do a little blogging, praying, and preparing for the new year just ahead.

Come on in and sit a spell. I always enjoy sharing a cup of coffee with you. You have a way of warming up my spirits and getting me focused on my purpose. (I have a way of getting side-tracked!)

I love Christmas and everything about it ~ the sights, sounds, smells... Ah yes, the smells ... cookies baking, feasts prepared for families, pine boughs trimmed into wreaths, peppermint candy canes, candles...

You issued an invitation for us to come to your house for Christmas Eve and we gladly accepted. As we drove down Franklin Street, I loved looking at all the lights. It seemed darker than usual yet the darkness offered a special backdrop for the multitude of lights and decorations. I smiled as we passed by a beautiful nativity set.

My father used to take us out at Christmas to look at all the festive lights and I cherish those memories. I did that with my children as well. Christmas wasn't complete without touring Deerfield in Plano! The journey to church passed by quickly with visions of Christmas Past dancing in my head!

Pastor Gerald Dudley
Fast forward to the present ~ church, cowboy style! As we got closer to the Open Range Church, I felt a sense of joy. This was our first Christmas Eve there and I found something that had been sorely missing this Christmas ~ a sense of belonging and feeling like a part of a family. Will Heard and Joe Manuel sang separately and together ... Pastor Gerald and Pastor Rick delivered wonderful Christmas messages ... we celebrated the Lord's Supper ... then, we shared hugs and Christmas greetings with our church family. I was filled with love and blessings that lifted me from the pits of self-pity to a higher place. Thank you!

Joe Manuel

The Brown's

Last year we were invited to Beverly and Don Crain's home for Christmas Day. This year, Beverly had surgery the day before Christmas and I offered to host lunch. I dug out the sterling silver, the Christmas dinnerware, and set the table. Michael put some Christmas music on and I danced around in my kitchen peeling, baking, and cooking up a feast. I must say, the ham was the best ever ... the sweet potato casserole (a new recipe) was scrum yummy with a topping made of brown sugar, pecans (from our tree), and butter. Paula Deen, eat your heart out!! Of course, I had my jar of olives to keep me company as I created our meal!! I am sooo grateful for my gourmet kitchen even if it is on a small scale!

Our guests arrived and for the next three hours we ate and fellowshipped. Michael and Don had had some pretty harrowing medical issues this past year and with Beverly's surgery and my own health challenges, we toasted being around to celebrate another Christmas together. Our guests are not Christians and we were able to share our experience in joining the Open Range Church and our faith in You. Maybe one day they will take us up on our invitations to join us for church. After coffee and dessert, our guests waddled (after 3 hours of eating and drinking, what do you expect? he he!) across the street and Michael and I fixed ourselves another cup of coffee, cleaned up the kitchen, and retired to the living room.

It was a tough realization to know that we couldn't buy Christmas gifts this year without "charging" and, believe me, that was hard. I am a giver and to not go Christmas shopping tore at my heart strings. To be totally honest, I really went through a purple funk the month of December ~ everything except doing what was absolutely necessary was almost too much to do. I wanted to pull the covers over my head and sleep away the days. Now, Father, you and I both know that's not a good way to handle disappointment. (Sigh)

Fortunately, I didn't leave You out of Christmas and found peace, serenity, and inner joy at the manger. Thanks to my daughter and her family and the Mason family at church we had gifts to open.

Michael was so excited when he opened his gift ~ a Cowboy sweatshirt!! He sounded like a little boy and I started giggling. The story of my gift is complicated but what's Christmas without stories? Not only did I get some wonderful Youth Dew perfume and bath oil but due to the mix-up, I also received a beautiful make-up bag (the one thing that I wanted for Christmas!).

Miss Vivian, Terry, and Susie gave us a beautiful candle holder and this morning I lit it ~ for some strange reason, I like to have candles burning as I pray, am writing, or creating something special. Lord, I'm so grateful that You gave us the strength to do that next right thing and leave the outcome to You!!

Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The LORD, the LORD, is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.
~Isaiah 12:2

This morning I prayed the Lord's Prayer found in Matthew 6. I knelt down on the floor and my little furry kids climbed up in my lap and tears began to fall. As I prayed, the words became alive~ My Father in heaven, your name so holy ~ I am in awe. Your kingdom will come and your will be done here on earth as it is now in heaven. You have supplied my daily bread and met my needs, I do not want. I have asked for wisdom and you have delivered me from evil. You are the kingdom, the power, and the glory ... FOREVER. I thought about my Readers and as names and faces came before me, I lifted my hands proclaiming your power in their lives. I BELIEVE!! I believe in the miracle of Christmas and I believe in the miracles that transpire when we ask you into our hearts. One of my heroes is Mother Teresa and there are times when I look her quotes up on the Internet and let her words soak into my heart. I don't understand so much about this life I am living ~ yet, my life is a gift and I don't want to waste it.

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS:  Christmas is the perfect time to celebrate the love of God and the birth of Jesus, God's perfect gift to a fallen world. The most amazing thing is that once we accept that gift, we are able to share it with others on Christmas AND on every day of the year. 2015 is just around the corner ~ I ask that you pray for me as I move into my 6th year of blogging. This year was my year to REFRESH.  Next year? I will be spending the next few days in prayer and listening for direction... Have a safe and Happy New Year! God bless and thank you for your encouragement and inspiration. Let's make it a point to get together come January 1!!

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... ya you!


  1. Ahhh - Yes, I remember driving around the beautiful areas of Dallas and looking at Christmas lights....especially Highland Park. Texans really know how to "go-big" with decorations. I love when neighborhoods come together and celebrate. Almost every house in certain communities are done-up and it is the same in the neighborhood I live in now. Even my neighbor, who is Jewish, has Christmas lights. He even goes to church with his family (wife is Catholic) on Christmas. He says he really enjoys the service--who knows...maybe one day he'll accept that Christ was more than just a man.

    Glad you liked your presents!! Sounds like you were blessed in many ways during the Christmas season.

