Sunday, March 20, 2016

Hey lady you're in my seat!

March 20, 2016

Dear Readers,

Whoa! I woke up this morning to a fire in the fireplace. Guess we're having those last days of chilly mornings in early Spring. It seems strange to need a heavy sweater and see roses beginning to bloom at the same time. Love this time of year.. 

Night is drawing neigh ~ come and sit with me and let's chat. The music is soft and soothing and the loudest sounds are those of Zoe and Kennedy snoring. I enjoy winding down and reflecting on the events of the day and sharing them with you is extra special.

I managed to set off a chain of migraines that started last Friday night. I'd weeded then sprayed Roundup the entire day and that must have been the trigger. I opened one eye then the other this morning wondering whether to get up OR pull the blankets over my head and hide from the world. I chose to get up, get dressed, and mosey down the country roads to church. I chose to SHOW UP and I'm so glad I did!!

Like it or not, we all have favorite places we like to sit at church. I am very much a creature of habit and would prefer to brand my name at the back of my seat. Instead, I get there early and put my bulletin down to make sure my seat is saved.

This morning was no different. I walked into the sanctuary and lo and behold someone was sitting in MY chair. My first thought was whoopee do, that's MY place. Johnny (who sits beside us) looked at me and said, "I can move down a couple seats." Bless his heart, that worked. To be totally honest, I was still kind of ticked off.

The young lady looked at me and said, "I'm so sorry. Am I in your seat?" She looked like she was going to cry and I scooted in beside her and assured her that she was fine. I tossed my purse on the chair next to her and went about my business roaming around and chatting with friends I hadn't seen in awhile.

When I got back to my seat, Michael informed me that Mary (not her real name) was new and needed a friend. I felt really bad. Here I was, fussing (inwardly) about having to move one seat down from my usual perch and there she was needing affirmation that she was even in the right place.

Mary began to tell me her story and my heart went out to her. She had been there once before but was hoping that someone would pray with her if she sat close to the front. I looked into her eyes and saw before me a frightened young lady who needed a church family to rally around her. I began introducing her to those stopping by and held her tightly as I prayed for her strength and peace of mind. She was cold, she was hungry, she was searching. Me? I knew what God wanted me to do.

"But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?"
I John 3:17

You know, we go to church wanting to sit in our own seats and we seek out those we haven't seen in a while to catch up. We forget that we too were once new and every face was that of a stranger. We are comfortable and settled in our church routines.

From day one, I knew the Open Range Church was my church home. I felt almost dizzy with excitement when one person after another introduced themselves. I loved the "Shake sumbodies hand" part of the service and I decided that I would revel in new beginnings.

It's rather strange because although I was accepted for me, I began to change in ways that I still don't quite understand. I wanted to put Christ first in my life. Ever heard that phrase, "I am second?" Well, I wanted to be second. I wanted to be a slave to the Lord Jesus Christ. As the empty holes in my heart were filled with music, fellowship, worship, and messages, I wanted to give of that same love that had been poured into me.

Tonight, as I reflect back over the morning, it is my hope and prayer that Mary will choose to come back and sit in my chair. It is my hope and prayer that I will be able to mentor her and come alongside her as she walks down this dark path set before her. It is my hope and prayer that she will come to know the Open Range as her church home. She told me she would attend Bible Study Friday night ~ that will be just awesome! 

What if I had chased Mary off? What if I didn't listen to her story? What if I had felt too self-conscious to pray with her? One more time I was reminded of my purpose in John 21.

Something the pastor said a couple weeks ago popped up in my brain. People don't care what we have to say if they are hungry, lonely, and in the depths of despair. We need to take care of those needs first. The Lord God has prepared me through my work as a Stephens Minister ... He has prepared me through my work as an Intercessor ... He has prepared me through my work with battered women ... He has prepared me through my work as a relationship coach. He's given me the tools I need to do His work on earth and fulfill my purpose.

The Humble Gardener in me says, "Bloom where you are planted." Sounds good to me!!

Please join me as I walk on the path of life. I hold out my hand and offer you my heart... We can do this together.

Miss Dottie

PS I have heard people respond to requests for help by saying, "I am so sorry. I will pray for you." It's easier to say that than to actually take action. 

Matthew 25:35-40 (NIV) says, "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. Then the righteous will answer him, Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you? The King will reply, Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... Ya You!!!

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