Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Rambling thoughts on a Happy Day!

Oh Happy Day from Sister Act II

March 23, 2016

Dear Readers,

Oh Happy Day! I was so tired last night that I literally dropped into bed and was out. I'd had a week of migraine/cluster headaches and enough was enough. I couldn't believe it when the good Lord woke me up at 5am singing this song. I still have a bit of the residual headache but nothing compared to yesterday. I'm not tired, I am joyous, I am happy.

I just had to get on UTube and find the song Happy Day. I chose this rendition from Sister Act to share with you because it reminded me of how I get up sometimes a little draggy (before I have that first cup of coffee and clear my throat). I was waving my toothbrush and doing a little dance to the music. Four of the Sensational Six were in the bathroom with me looking at me like I was possessed. Zoe started doing her "turn around" dance and we all had a grand time. (Well, all but Kennedy, he was behind the toilet peeking around at me ~ he's a serious old soul!) 

My Daily Walk Bible has been my friend for over 30 years now. It was getting pretty dilapidated and my leather craftsman friend, Pastor Rick, recovered it for me. Good to go now for another 30+ years!!

I began 2016 reading in Genesis. When I got to I Kings, I was feeling pretty ... oh, I don't know ... down? Don't get me wrong, I love the Old Testament with all the familiar Bible stories but I needed more. I needed that boost of hope. I needed the good news of the New Testament. Kinda like having a cappuccino made by a barista with a beautiful steamed milk heart on top. Ahhh, yes ~ can't you just imagine that beautiful aroma of promise?

It's Holy Week and today I read 2 Kings 13-17 and Matthew 26-28. Those chapters in Matthew tell of Christ's crucifixion and resurrection. I would say I timed my reading perfectly. (Smile)

Here was Jesus, man/God ~ a perfect man unblemished by sin, put to death on a cross just because the religious leaders wanted him dead. He was spit on, deserted by his disciples, and yet, he remained faithful to his purpose. It's hard to really get a grip on all that transpired in those few days. I cannot imagine a man willing to hang on a cross for sinners but He did.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
~John 3:16

We're all familiar with that verse but read it through again s-l-o-w-l-y concentrating on every word. God gave his one and only Son. Put yourself in His place and think about what just happened in Brussels. Would you give up your only child to be crucified for those terrorists? Okay, you say that's wayyy out there. How about the woman in prison who sold drugs? The man who committed adultery? How about if you are like me, the woman at the well? Now, that gets some tongues wagging!! I hope you are getting my drift. God loved us that much. Pretty awesome don't you think?

Solomon, most known for his wisdom summed life up in the Book of Ecclesiastes. We, like Solomon, are stuck on this very limited time line, and are unable to change even one moment prior to the present, nor can we know, with certainty, even one moment yet to come.

We're just passing through this world one day at a time and we get one shot in making a difference before we die. I don't know about you but I want to leave a legacy of truth, kindness, and hope based on my love of the one who died on that cross.

By the time my grandchildren's children's children are born, I will have been forgotten. Just that thought keeps me humble. Maybe someone will save my blog books. Who knows! 

My time and your time is NOW. It is TODAY. If you're not a believer, it's time to pick yourself up out of your do be do do down ways and decide who you want to follow. Make a difference in someones life. Speak encouragement into the downtrodden, cook a meal and deliver it, make a phone call, take out your checkbook and feed someone who is hungry. Most of all, join me in singing O Happy Day and dance your way into these brand new wonderful minutes of time!!

"...As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
~Joshua 24:15

Miss Dottie

PS  I have a crown of thorns hanging in the hallway above a portrait of Jesus. I was looking at it a couple days ago and decided to take it off the wall and put it on my head. I didn't get very far before it REALLY HURT. Let's not take this Holy Week lightly ... wear some ashes on your forehead Wednesday remembering that the end was only the beginning!!  

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

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