Sunday, June 26, 2016

One Week Down

June 26, 2016

Dear Readers,

It's an absolutely gorgeous Summer day in N Central Texas albeit a bit hot! I was outside at 6am this morning working in my gardens. I can tell what I've been doing outside for the past 3 months ... not much of anything. The storms we had a few weeks ago washed away some of my mulch so that's on my agenda to redo this next week. I'm so glad that most of my plants are well rooted and need less water. Hate hauling that blasted hose!

My self-improvement project is going along pretty well. I weighed at the doctor's office and it wasn't pretty. (Gulp) Today, I am down 8 pounds. (Patting myself on my back!) My clothes were feeling like I had been stuffed into them and now they are still tighter than I'd like but I am going in the right direction. I'm going to start weighing in on Mondays. To tell the truth, I hate scales but until I have something better to judge my progress, the scale will be a necessary evil.

My biggest hurdle has eliminating Coke Zero and ice cream. My neighbor and I were out yesterday and I needed to take a pain pill (I tripped over the cord to the fan and went skating across the cottage floor - kersplat ~ ouch!) and took a sip of her Coke Zero. Want to know something? It tasted funny. How about that!!

Ice cream may be another story. When Blue Bell came back I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. I LOVE ice cream with chocolate sauce and peanuts!!!
Eating out has been easy. Went to the Lone Star Cafe and had a Bubba Burger with all the trimmings and grilled veggies. Another time I had grilled pepper catfish, grilled veggies, and a bit of rice. Ordered the smaller portion and had plenty to eat. On The Border had a section where I could pick a couple items and a side (grilled veggies, guacamole tostada, and grilled chicken/salsa in a corn tortilla).  Eating at home has been a breeze. I make sure I have plenty of fruits (the ones low in sugar), veggies, cheese, Ezekiel Bread, yogurt, eggs, butter, beans, and meat on hand. I'm certainly not deprived in any way, shape, or fashion. I keep Truvia, apples, and protein bars in my purse. Just takes a little more planning. Since I eat every couple hours, I am always stuffed.

Breakfast on the patio!

I don't know if you've tried infusing water with using cucumber, lemon, lime, watermelon, and strawberries but I've found it to be really refreshing. I try something different every day. Tried Perrier with Lime and that was good too. I've NEVER been a water drinker so I thought this might be my biggest challenge but it really hasn't been. Thank you Jesus!

Patience is NOT my best virtue and, to be honest, I would like to be one of those people on TV who say they became a new person in just a few weeks. (Sigh) From my days as a Jenny Craig Director, I know that's not going to happen. I am having to go back to the 12 Step program and realize that some foods are my downfall. For now, I have to look at cakes, pies, and other high sugar desserts like they are poison which is the truth.

Dear God in Heaven: It's almost time to get in Graycie and head down the country roads to the Open Range Church. I get so excited just thinking about what's happening today ~ 20 kids accepted the Lord at camp so we're having lots of baptisms. Parents are also dedicating their children to the Lord which is always sweet. William has promised that the Open Range Band is going to be bringing us to church this morning and I know the messages will touch my heart and help me to be a better person. Lord, I ask you to move in the spirits of all pastors preaching today. I pray for hearts to be softened, and eyes turned towards You. Heal those that are sick in body, mind, and spirit ~ bring unity to our land ~ keep our children safe ~ protect our land from those who would bring it down. For those who have and are losing loved ones, grant them an extra measure of strength as they grieve. Thank you for Your Son whose blood was shed that those who love Him may have eternal life. In His name I pray...

Miss Dottie

PS I am publishing this Sunday afternoon so I added a photo of Pastor Gerald praying over Levi and his parents. Awwww!!!

PSS You gotta keep on keepin on ~ Life's a wonderful adventure!!

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