Thursday, June 16, 2016

The Game...

June 16, 2016

Dear Readers,

What an absolutely beautiful day. I can see outside from my perch in the cottage and smile. I had an epidural injection in the L2-3 this morning and I got STRICT orders to rest for at least 12 hours. I'm too tired not to.

Believe me, this "whatever it is" has totally humbled me and my get up and go nature. This morning, I got mad, I got sad, I got scared, and I got some lessons learned. I really had to get an attitude adjustment because I was beginning to let fear get the best of me.
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged,
for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
~ Joshua 1:9

The past couple years I've grown so much spiritually and emotionally. I give credit to Pastor Dudley and The Open Range Cowboy Church for teaching from the Bible and helping me in applying my new found knowledge to everyday life. The friends I have made are salt of the earth folks who accept everyone just as they are. I almost feel like I live in a time warp of long ago when neighbors gathered on Sunday to meet, greet, pray for one another, and hear a message. We really care about one another ~ not just with words but with actions.

This is an important year in America as we select our next president. As an Independent, I kept a notebook on the all the candidates ~ their good qualities and the not so good. I wrote down my own moral values and beliefs and compared my list to the various candidates. Character and being honest were at the top of my list. When Donald Trump became the Republican nominee for president I focused on him (he was not my first choice) and Hillary Clinton because she is the Democratic nominee. I was a woman on a mission.

Once I was comfortable with my choice of Donald Trump for president, I blocked all sites that were offensive to me. I wanted to fact check on my own without the bias of the media.

Politics is a game much like chess. It's a dog eat dog game of strategy. He or she with that final blow to the other wins. Checkmate!!
~Miss Dottie

As we have learned it really doesn't matter what people say in getting votes ... it's what they do after they win the game.

Tonight there is to be a Trump Rally in Dallas. I would have loved to go. I've never experienced a rally but know there's something special about being a part of a movement that I believe in. NO, I DIDN'T SAY I'D GO TO PROTEST the candidate I did not choose!!!

In the past few weeks, I have faced a very uncomfortable situation. Whenever I get backed into a corner, I ask myself, "What did Jesus do?"

As a Christian I know that to berate and bully others into believing what I believe just doesn't work. Christ touched so many lives but when faced with those who rejected him, He didn't get pissed off and spew out hatred. He simply walked away.

I have a friend, Jackie, who is a Democrat. I respect her so much and I understand where she is coming from. I think it is because we've had different experiences in life and walked different roads that our political views go in opposite directions. We both want what we think is best for our country. Our hearts are in the right place. Isn't this the way America is supposed to be? We are so blessed to have freedom of speech and the rights guaranteed to us as citizens. How can we become unified if we are always on the defensive?

On the flip side, someone that I care deeply about, told me that I'd been brainwashed and a part of those far right Republicans. I didn't know what a far right Republican was so I looked it up. After reading the definition of Far Left, Middle of the Road, and Far Right, I was totally confused and thought to myself, "I don't fit in any of these categories." What I do believe in has to do with being a Christian with deep convictions and loyalty to my God and country. I've learned that all of us have a voice and free choice as to what we believe. I can only share my own beliefs and moral code and allow others to do the same. I always listen for truth and pray to be teachable.

Today, I am resting, reading, and praying. I look about me and see total chaos needing attention. My usual self would get up and take care of what needs to be done, pain or no pain. Maybe I am getting smarter. I have some things that I want to do down the road so my concentration needs to be injecting positive thoughts and listening to my doctors.

Heavenly Father, I know in my heart that You are in control. I pray specifically today for the unification of my country in understanding and compassion. I stand in the gap with holy hands raised in honor of You who directs my path and my heart. There are so many on my wall in my prayer closet who need You and your healing. As I name them You know what each person is going through. I ask that you place a hedge of protection around America. We are at war not only with Radical Islam but with each other. Thank you for listening Jesus name...

Miss Dottie

PS  "Above all, don't lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love." ~Fyodor Dostoyevsky

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